Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Porto Velho-Manaus-Georgetown, Paramaribo- report (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/porto-velho-manaus-georgetown-paramaribo-88098)

bakercdb 25 Jun 2016 12:25

Porto Velho-Manaus-Georgetown, Paramaribo- report
To a question asked in my post on shipping.

Porto Velho. Hotel Nativo. Owner has a 1200GS adventure. Nice guy and can hook you up with local info.
Also can help with boat to Manaus tickets for you.
Boat is 3 days. Bike needs to be there 1 day ahead for loading.
Tue & Sat departures. Cabin small but AC and can lock your stuff up.
But, can lock up on your hard cases important stuff and hammock.
R$1,200 with bike and cabin. You may be behind the bananas in offloading, so be calm. Bring lots of entertainment.
Cool to experience once.
Three locals did the BR319 days before, but I was advised not to go then solo. But likely would have been doable?

Manaus-Boa Vista great asphalt and shockingly truck light.

Guyana border you need insurance, ask but office at bank.
You only get a 3 day driving permit coming from Brazil (silly).
I think I also bought my Suriname insurance same time,

Road to Georgetown is Really rough in June rainy season when I rode.
I'm no expert off-road rider, but it's fine.
LOWER your tire pressure. Don't rush as road is roughest I've seen in c 40k miles. Worse than Myanmar or tied. 2 solid day rides.

SECURE your stuff. I lost a BMW pannier as it wasn't 100% perfect fit and its that rough.

Go to Georgetown to get longer driving permit. Ask in front and you can hop the que at the GRA.
Suriname embassy get your visa (I'm American).. Mon Wed Fri I think. Arrive in morning and collect afternoon same day.

Ferry to Suriname is c 3 hr ride. Open from 7-10 for 11am departure. Get their before 9.

Brace for 2hr que at immigration. Drivers/riders offload last so back of que.

Beautiful ride to Paramaribo.
Guesthouse Amice nice place in Paramaribo

As always, above subject to change

Ps, that Road to Georgetown chewed up my almost new Gafler semi metallic rear pads. 300km of rainy wet sand mud and Totally shot. And, a was trying to be easy on the rear brakes.

Chris Scott 3 Jul 2016 12:56

Great report, bakercdb

More like this please.

markharf 3 Jul 2016 18:40

Sounds like you've found the rainy season! I was a few months earlier on the Georgetown/Lethem road, just as the wet weather began: some scary looking mudholes, but everything turned out to have a solid bottom. What happened to the governmental determination to upgrade that entire route to "international" standards?

Agree with Chris that your reporting is very valuable in an area with little up-to-date information. I'll be curious to hear how you make out with French Guiana insurance and the route down to Macapa from Oiapoque. Plus, of course, any update on the long-awaited opening of the bridge...

bakercdb 3 Jul 2016 21:50

I ended at Paramaribo and am likely using Laparkan to arrange ship transport to Holland. Waiting for final quote. Will post details when I have them.

Story is the Brazilians offered to pave the whole Georgetown/Lethem road, but turned down and ended up paving the last c 100+km w/o government approval (told to me by a veteran road builder, now living in Guyana).

Agree the unpaved part has a solid bottom, and few scary muddy or sand trap spots.

Heard the long awaited Brazil/F Guiana bridge is still coming soon....

A short clip below. I'm stopping at Hyperpro on the way out of Amsterdam. They are going to do some lower cost suspension mods (low friction seals, progressive springs on front, likely new rear spring, etc). Better late than never.


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