Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Quickest way to get BMW spares to Lima? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/quickest-way-get-bmw-spares-65302)

goo 16 Jul 2012 21:53

Quickest way to get BMW spares to Lima?
I need to get some shims for my bike to here in Lima. What is the fastest way to get them here? Is FedEx a good idea and would it be better to source them from Europe, the US or maybe Colombia?


Delbert 16 Jul 2012 22:47

I had to get a front damper for my bike whilst in Santiago. took 5 weeks from Germany.
If it is a regular part you may be able to get it from the BMW dealer in Santiago - google them or if that fails I will see if I have their contact details (they don't speak a lot of English).

Are you in Lima now? fancy a beer? I am down in Miraflores.


goo 20 Jul 2012 00:29

Hi Kevin

Thanks for the ideas - turns out the BMW Dealer was having a private joke and his original diagnosis was made without even opening the engine! Now he sheepishly tells me it's within spec doh

Unfortunately I've missed that beer - moved on up to Trujillo - catch you another time!


Delbert 20 Jul 2012 00:38

Glad you are sorted. I am in Chimbote and heading to Cajamarca tomorrow for a few days.
Keep in touch, sounds like we are heading the same way, may get that beer after all.


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