Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Recent experience with Motos on boats, Ecuador to Peru? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/recent-experience-motos-boats-ecuador-100734)

MrWonderful 14 Mar 2020 03:19

Recent experience with Motos on boats, Ecuador to Peru?
I am in Quito, southbound through Ecuador and Peru on a KLR650. I'm looking into taking boats from Coca, Ecuador to Ipiales, Peru and beyond to Yurimaguas or Pucallpa. Either is fine but I cannot quit in Iquitos because there is no road out of it.

Search turns up several experiences but I couldn't fine anything more recent than 2016. Most experiences were going north from Peru and only a few with motos

I'm looking for information like boat frequency and continuity through each place. Of course price info is useful. As I understand hammocks and silverware are also useful.

mcwhirtj 14 Mar 2020 13:50


Originally Posted by MrWonderful (Post 609970)
I am in Quito, southbound through Ecuador and Peru on a KLR650. I'm looking into taking boats from Coca, Ecuador to Ipiales, Peru ..

I can’t offer any specific advice on your request, but in trying to understand your intended trip I was confused at first. I think you meant to say .. from Coca, Ecuador to Iquitos, Peru ..” (not Ipiales). Correct?

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MrWonderful 14 Mar 2020 16:25

Correct, Iquitos is on a river in northwest Peru only accessible by boat and plane

Ipiales is a Colombian town about 15 minutes from the Ecuador border, the more popular place to cross I believe.

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