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Two Moto Kiwis 23 Dec 2013 22:12

Registration Difficulties Through USA
Heya Hubbers

First off Merry Christmas to all you homeless buggas bierbier

Where ever you are we hope yo are enjoying the best of it, we are in Cajamarca Peru.

So, my question, Mayas rego runs out on the 31st Dec 2013 .. yeah next week.

We have been trying to deal with the bullshit bureaucratic monster called the USA with no luck, they want us to pay a $70 fine and all sorts of crap.

My question is, are all the countries in South America tied to the USA digitally so will the know if we don't have rego.

We had to get a registration power of attorney page notarized in Chachapoyas which we did but now they won't accept it.:nono:

So we now have a beautiful piece of paper signed and notarized with the US system written on it ... and a nice stamp etc .... one is thinking if it was signed ...bla bla bla.

So my burning question is will any off South American guy know if we don't have the real mcoy ... i.e. just win it from here to NZ

markharf 23 Dec 2013 23:51

Not sure I understand what you're asking. For registration purposes "the bullshit bureaucratic monster called the USA" is utterly irrelevant. What state? Almost any state which allowed you to legally register in the first place has some provision for legally renewing by mail. So what's your problem?

FWIW, no South American country is going to have the means to easily check the validity of your registration. However, they can read an expiration date as easily as you can. And as discussed to the point of absurdity on many other threads, photocopies with shopped-in dates usually pass muster…until they don't.

Hope that's helpful.


Two Moto Kiwis 24 Dec 2013 01:52


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 447904)
Not sure I understand what you're asking. For registration purposes "the bullshit bureaucratic monster called the USA" is utterly irrelevant. What state? Almost any state which allowed you to legally register in the first place has some provision for legally renewing by mail. So what's your problem?

AZ is the state ..."the bullshit bureaucratic monster called the USA" can't believe I was that polite ...must be Christmas, I am going soft.

Just wonna pay them money to "legally" continue our rego, because my friend in AZ went to do it for us they said we needed a Power Of Attorney assigned to him, we duly did this then they refused that and have locked our registration down and nothing can be done online or in person ...WTF you're kidding we only wonna pay some ****ing money!!!!

Hope the explains "t b b m c t USA"


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 447904)
FWIW, no South American country is going to have the means to easily check the validity of your registration. However, they can read an expiration date as easily as you can. And as discussed to the point of absurdity on many other threads, photocopies with shopped-in dates usually pass muster…until they don't.

Hope that's helpful.


Ok, think we are gonna use our notarized paperwork and fudge the dates on our other papers, forced to do it illegally after trying our hardest to do it legally ... the system ... WOH HOH go USA.

Thanks for your help Mark, rant over, rum on bierbierbierbierbier ... Merry Christmas mate :clap:

markharf 24 Dec 2013 05:00

You might as well get your rants right. That's the state of Arizona. The USA government has nothing to do with it. Not the same by any stretch. For example, the two are always suing each other. On the other hand, no need for you to learn the difference if you're content to be railing at the wrong entity.

Best bet would have been to have him submit the form by mail. I did that for years on my Arizona registration when I'd long since moved elsewhere. It's easy…unless you've attracted attention and/or peeved someone, as you apparently have now done.

Good luck with your documentation. Sometimes cutting a few corners is the only practical alternative. Fortunately, most Latin American officials understand that perfectly.

Bottoms up!


mika 24 Dec 2013 06:00

us rego in South America
Hello Two Moto Kiwis,

it is difficult to understand your post, and your problem.


FWIW, no South American country is going to have the means to easily check the validity of your registration.
Mark is right about this, as he is most of the time here on the forum. I would even say, no country outside where you registered your bike has the means to check the validity of your rego.

You are in Peru, relax, this is just a date on a paper. I even took a black marker to erase dates on papers, not only once.

I also understand that you are complaining about the US rego system, because this does not give you the way to do things the legal/correct way. Anyway, the US has become a Third World Country in many ways, not only in the bureaucratic system. Mark, if you want to argue about this, pls send me a pm.

You are traveling the world, learn about it as you go along ... not everything is like you have been told in school.

Saludos de Samaipata Bolivia

Two Moto Kiwis 24 Dec 2013 13:54


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 447920)
It's easy…unless you've attracted attention and/or peeved someone, as you apparently have now done.


We did what they asked us to do then that was it so yeah not sure how we managed to upset them.

Mika has it right, USA for banking (noting Well Fugwitzs) and AZ now for rego is seriously backward for simple transactions that can't be done on behalf of some to GIVE them money.

Jamie Z 25 Dec 2013 04:12

I'm not sure I quite understand the problem. Let me see if I can paraphrase.

One of your bikes is registered in the state of Arizona and the registration expires on December 31. When your friend in Arizona went to reregister the bike, he was told that he couldn't do it without power of attorney from you. So you did that from your current location, but they wouldn't accept the document back in Arizona.

Is that about it? What's the $70 for? Is that in addition to the annual registration fee?

I'm not at all familiar with Arizona, but it seems like you should be able to find someone to talk to who can help you. Some states do registration by county (like the state where I live) and others do it by the whole state. If Arizona is of the latter (and I seem to think it is), it might be possible to simply go to a different motor vehicle office, preferably in a small town. They tend to be a little more helpful there, and not so bogged down with so much work.

I'd say it's worth going into another motor vehicle office (or two). For many years I had my vehicle registered in one state and I resided in another. Nobody ever said anything about it, until one police officer ticketed me for having an invalid address on my registration. Perhaps your Arizona contact just happened to be talking to the one jerk in the office who wants to make things difficult. Find someone helpful who will understand the situation.

On the other hand, nobody in any other country is going to bother to do any sort of check to make sure your registration is current other than maybe look at the date on your document.


markharf 25 Dec 2013 04:46

I'm thinking that whoever tried to register the bike on the Arizona end blew it so badly that the state flagged the bike in their (statewide) computers. It's now flagged as stolen or counterfeit or who-knows-what? I don't know what they did wrong, but they did a thorough job of it.

Two Moto Kiwis 25 Dec 2013 06:01


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 447981)
I'm thinking that whoever tried to register the bike on the Arizona end blew it so badly that the state flagged the bike in their (statewide) computers. It's now flagged as stolen or counterfeit or who-knows-what? I don't know what they did wrong, but they did a thorough job of it.

You thought wrong wrong Mark, it was done at their request exactly as they requested and they now they don't like our Notarized official document THEY sent so Fnck them.

Our friend who did exactly what they asked and he is no dummy, the stupid fncking system and the wankers they employ are the problem, no wonder they are in the shit.

Sorry for the rant but we have done everything correct, not once have we had an issue ANYWHERE through Central America or South America just fncking USA ... AZ, call it what you want.

They lose.

markharf 25 Dec 2013 09:54

I'll leave it after this post. Andi, there was no need to ask anyone what to do. There was no need to show up. There was no need to interact with anyone--over the phone, in person, by post or email, or in any other form. There was no need for a notary. Once your guy got to the point where someone was "requesting" a notarized whatever, your registration was dead in the water. He should never have gotten to that point.

I can see an exception only if the local address you used is in one of the areas where emissions testing is required. I don't know how that works.

Standard caveat: if I'm wrong, it sure won't be the first time.

Sorry about your headaches and fully sympathetic with your rage, widely shared, at DMV functionaries wherever they're found (usually under rocks, lurking beneath bridges, or under raincoats in the back rows of cheap movie theaters).

xfiltrate 25 Dec 2013 21:53

Arizona Registration Conflict
Hi guys, will try to help. But need some info. Who is "Mayas" ?

1. In Arizona - it is the "tag" on the license plate that "expires"
and a new registration is issued with the issuance of
a small valid "tag" that you stick in the corner of the license plate.

Assuming the motorcycle has an Arizona license plate - there should
be a small "tag" in one corner. I need to know the date on that "tag", or if , indeed there is such a tag -
If it is obvious that the tag is expired you might want to pull it off.

2. Arizona insurance is needed if the motorcycle is used on the highways
and byways of Arizona, or a "waiver" may be requested if the motor
cycle is in "storage" and not being ridden in Arizona.

Have you Arizona motorcycle liability insurance? Or, have you a "waiver" signed by the legal owner that the motorcycle is not being used in Arizona? Careful - the Arizona registration may be cancelled if the DOT
Department of Transportation believes the motorcycle is permanently out of the State and thereby should be registered in another State, or if your Arizona insurance expires... You might do well to just list the motorcycle as being "stored" and not ridden in Arizona. You will ride it at your own peril in South America, just ride safe.

Any South American insurance states (in small print) that only legally owned and registered vehicles/motorcycles are actually covered by insurance and although the owner bought an insurance policy, the insurance company, not the police will do a title/registration check. A simple phone call to DOT Arizona or Arizona Highway patrol is all that is needed. I have never heard of local police checking on the registration of foreign tourist owned , foreign titled/ registered motorcycles beyond looking at whatever docs you provide.

But in the event of an accident - the insurance company will do whatever they can to avoid paying damages and bailing you out of jail.

As Mark correctly pointed out - each State of the United States has it's own Department of Transportation complete with their own rules and regulations regarding license plates, registrations and the rules and regulations regarding titles. This independence within a country is not easily grasped by foreigners who are used to national vehicle registration rules and regulations.

3. You have a power of attorney - signed in Peru? Did you send an apostille? What the notary really does is validate it is you who is signing the power of attorney - I assume the power of attorney form that you used was provided by the DOT Arizona ?

Perhaps an apostille was needed along with the power of Attorney Do you also have an apostille? Who notarized the power of attorney? A Peruvian notary , someone at your Embassy? If it was done by an attorney, it is quite possible the State of Arizona will require an apostille - validating the attorney and/or validating the notary. Did arizona DOT understand the power of attorney was coming from a foreign country?

I say "perhaps an apostille was needed" - because I had a run around with the State of Arizona when I tried to have a power of attorney recognized that was notarized in Argentina. They wanted an "apostille" Argentina stating that the notary - was real????

My way around was to go to a notary at the U S Embassy Buenos Aires... the notary validated my signature on the power of attorney, and no apostille was needed by the State of Arizona

Fill me in - and I will offer any helpful suggestions I can.

Happy Holidays where are you now?


Two Moto Kiwis 27 Dec 2013 00:13


Originally Posted by Jamie Z (Post 447979)
I'm not sure I quite understand the problem. Let me see if I can paraphrase.

One of your bikes is registered in the state of Arizona and the registration expires on December 31. When your friend in Arizona went to reregister the bike, he was told that he couldn't do it without power of attorney from you. So you did that from your current location, but they wouldn't accept the document back in Arizona.

Is that about it? What's the $70 for? Is that in addition to the annual registration fee?


Yes that hits it directly on the head other than we only have one bike.

Two Moto Kiwis 27 Dec 2013 00:18


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 447990)

I can see an exception only if the local address you used is in one of the areas where emissions testing is required. I don't know how that works.

Standard caveat: if I'm wrong, it sure won't be the first time.

Ok, that is where the shit started because of emissions, we were told to de-insure the bike for being ridden out of state or US or both only .i.e AZ I can't remember.

Then they wanted these rest of it, will explain below.

The rests of it was done to the letter as requested by them.

Two Moto Kiwis 27 Dec 2013 00:45


Originally Posted by xfiltrate (Post 448035)
Hi guys, will try to help. But need some info. Who is "Mayas" ?

1. In Arizona - it is the "tag" on the license plate that "expires"
and a new registration is issued with the issuance of
a small valid "tag" that you stick in the corner of the license plate.

Assuming the motorcycle has an Arizona license plate - there should
be a small "tag" in one corner. I need to know the date on that "tag", or if , indeed there is such a tag -
If it is obvious that the tag is expired you might want to pull it off.

2. Arizona insurance is needed if the motorcycle is used on the highways
and byways of Arizona, or a "waiver" may be requested if the motor
cycle is in "storage" and not being ridden in Arizona.

Have you Arizona motorcycle liability insurance? Or, have you a "waiver" signed by the legal owner that the motorcycle is not being used in Arizona? Careful - the Arizona registration may be cancelled if the DOT
Department of Transportation believes the motorcycle is permanently out of the State and thereby should be registered in another State, or if your Arizona insurance expires... You might do well to just list the motorcycle as being "stored" and not ridden in Arizona. You will ride it at your own peril in South America, just ride safe.

Any South American insurance states (in small print) that only legally owned and registered vehicles/motorcycles are actually covered by insurance and although the owner bought an insurance policy, the insurance company, not the police will do a title/registration check. A simple phone call to DOT Arizona or Arizona Highway patrol is all that is needed. I have never heard of local police checking on the registration of foreign tourist owned , foreign titled/ registered motorcycles beyond looking at whatever docs you provide.

But in the event of an accident - the insurance company will do whatever they can to avoid paying damages and bailing you out of jail.

As Mark correctly pointed out - each State of the United States has it's own Department of Transportation complete with their own rules and regulations regarding license plates, registrations and the rules and regulations regarding titles. This independence within a country is not easily grasped by foreigners who are used to national vehicle registration rules and regulations.

3. You have a power of attorney - signed in Peru? Did you send an apostille? What the notary really does is validate it is you who is signing the power of attorney - I assume the power of attorney form that you used was provided by the DOT Arizona ?

Perhaps an apostle was needed along with the power of Attorney Do you also have an apostille? Who notarized the power of attorney? A Peruvian notary , someone at your Embassy? If it was done by an attorney, it is quite possible the State of Arizona will require an apostille - validating the attorney and/or validating the notary. Did arizona DOT understand the power of attorney was coming from a foreign country?

I say "perhaps an apostille was needed" - because I had a run around with the State of Arizona when I tried to have a power of attorney recognized that was notarized in Argentina. They wanted an "apostille" Argentina stating that the notary - was real????

My way around was to go to a notary at the U S Embassy Buenos Aires... the notary validated my signature on the power of attorney, and no apostille was needed by the State of Arizona

Fill me in - and I will offer any helpful suggestions I can.

Happy Holidays where are you now?


Heya xfiltrate

Thanks for your time, will explain the steps as it happened.

Firstly, Maya is our 2007 KTM950 Super Enduro R, we only have the one bike.

1, Yes the little tag was on the right hand side and displayed Dec 13, although valid for a few more days we have wiped it off.

2, The ADOT people told us to de-insure the bike from AZ so as we don't have to go through emissions being we are out of country (They know we are not is AZ at this point).

The bike is in my name, I own it outright and have the original certificate of title fully in my name with me which we use at borders.

We tried to re-register the bike online (normal) but need the emissions test, they said because we are out of state then de-insure the bike meaning we don't need emissions.

We did this.

Then our friend in Phoenix (RTW seasoned traveller and street wise) went to pay and get our registration sticker for 2 years.

They then required a notarized doc, so they sent an official ADOT Power Of Attorney PDF form which we duly filled out with VIN numbers, passport numbers and EVERYTHING, took it to a Notaria and had it notorized, stamped, sealed, licked bla bla bla ...i.e. all correct.

They are aware that we are in Peru there is no misunderstanding, that is the reason we had to do the notarzing at their request.

They then say no and lock down our registration so we cannot register the bike, they then say I have to pay a $70 USD fine for de-insuring, then we have to reinsure for AZ, then register our bike.

This can only be be done if we pay the $70 fine for the de-insuring which they told us to do ... this slices me to the bone, then we have to pay insurance for somewhere we aren't, on top of the we paid for our notarized docs etc so now I am not seeing the funny side anymore for just trying to do it right.

They have never even mentioned an apostille, I then wonder if we have to get the apostille notarized as genuine??? one wonders how far you have to go to pay for registration.

So that is it thus far, I am pretty anal about paperwork thus we have not had one single issue anywhere yet in 20 months on the road even through border heavy CA, I would prefer to have the registration so when we get pulled up there is one less chance for them to bribe/fine us so yes any help would be welcomed.

Many thanks Andi

xfiltrate 27 Dec 2013 12:18

Arizona registration head bangers
Andi, I have in front of me a copy of my latest Arizona Vehicle Registration Notice - We own two SUVs registered in Flagstaff, Arizona. We "de-insured" one and have put the other "on vacation" paying AllState Insurance company the bare minimum to keep our older SUV insured. This"vacation" insurance is very cheap and keeps the policy in force while the SUV is parked/not driven on the street.... at our ranch.

And, there is a box that states "No Emissions Test Required" on the Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice, and I simply renew on line. No emissions are required, but I do understand some cities do require emission tests - but I am not sure if emission tests are mandatory for motorcycles?

We do not receive renewal notices for the SUV that we de-insured. Perhaps, because registrations are not renewed on de-insured vehicles until prof of insurance is once again provided.

First: I have tried to determine, by searching the ADOT website (Motor Vehicle Division) if - perhaps - motorcycles might not require emissions tests and the Motor Vehicle Division person does not know this and mistakenly believes your motorcycle is a car. Some cities/counties in Arizona require emission tests and others don't.

Go here to find out if your motorcycle needs to have an emission test..


Here is the problem as I see it, this is my best guess. Once you have de-insured, your vehicle registration might not be renewed until you provide prof of insurance.

Perhaps your mate in Arizona can assist you purchasing the minimum Arizona insurance - for your motorcycle - take the prof of insurance with the "power of attorney" to the Motor Vehicle Division and pay whatever registration fee required.

I am not certain about Arizona not renewing registrations without prof of Arizona insurance. Some independent research regarding the emission test issue and whether or not Arizona will renew registrations for de-insured vehicles is at least a start. You need to act fast.

One final note. Go to: ServiceArizona - Arizona Department of Transportation & MVD Services

and using the information you have on your Arizona title and your plate #,
try to renew your registration . You will need an Arizona address so that your new "tag" and registration can be mailed to you. and you will have to pay registration fee by credit card. It might just work.

You don't have much time until the 31st so try this asap.

This may not work - due to the lack of prof of Arizona insurance, but it is certainly worth a try and you should do it before the 31st when your current registration runs out.

Keep me posted. I will make a few discreet phone calls today to a contact I have in Arizona who may be able to help.

We are on the road soon.... let's stay in touch, we will be riding through Peru.


JustMe 27 Dec 2013 12:30

Amazing. I don´t understand a single word of what the TO asks.

johnnail 27 Dec 2013 14:02

I will add one small fact to this discussion:
If you get caught in the US with expired plates, it will amount to a small fine and a short time period for you to get it taken care of. However if you falsify documents as you've said, and get caught, you will discover just how bullshit our legal system can be.
As a fellow traveler, I recommend against it.

Two Moto Kiwis 27 Dec 2013 16:43


Originally Posted by Keks (Post 448201)
Amazing. I don´t understand a single word of what the TO asks.

Sorry you don't understand, everyone else does so I am happy with that.

Two Moto Kiwis 27 Dec 2013 16:46


Originally Posted by johnnail (Post 448206)
However if you falsify documents as you've said, and get caught, you will discover just how bullshit our legal system can be.
As a fellow traveler, I recommend against it.

I couldn't agree more, I am wanting to do it right but the system has made it so difficult for what should be an easy transaction.

We haven't falsified anything to date and don't want to however if we get cornered to the point we are heavily disadvantaged for trying to do it right then a man can be pushed over the edge.

1st priority is rego, second is ......

markharf 27 Dec 2013 16:53

Ok, now I see. It all makes perfect sense if you tried to register the bike in Maricopa County, where emissions tests are required every year. Next time (<-- joke), do it in Flagstaff or any other small town or city. You'll find renewal quite effortless.

The apostille is generally necessary if you want a Latin American notarization to be valid in the USA. Same will likely be true if you want to register the bike in some other country which is a signatory to the apostille agreements, e.g., New Zealand unless you're personally present. Same if you want to cross borders using a notarized bill of sale from another country. Etc. On the other hand, I've never done this myself, so take it as an educated guess.

An alternative for your purposes is to have documents notarized at a US consulate or embassy--that's what people normally do if they're trying to draw up documents which will be accepted as valid in the States, e.g., sell a house or establish a will. No personal experience with this either, but it's done.

Good luck.


xfiltrate 27 Dec 2013 17:40

Arizona Registration
Two questions that need to be answered :

1.Will Arizona renew registration for a vehicle/motorcycle if there is no prof of insurance on file at DMV or if the insurance on file has expired....???

2. Once a motorcycle is officially de-insured will the state of Arizona permit registration renewal?

All Arizona insurance companies are required by law to report to
DMV Division of Motor Vehicle when the Arizona State minimum insurance has expired for each vehicle/moto they insure.

Aside from the emissions issue not having Arizona insurance, and being de-insured , could prevent renewal. I just don't know.

As I posted - my last post - it might be possible to purchase motorcycle insurance that meets the Arizona State minimum requirement, then you could have your mate present the prof of insurance to the DMV.

- I have no clue on how to handle the emission issue - if there is one.

I am aware that others who have attempted absentee title transfers (motorcycle not present) have stumbled upon the emission/inspection issue in all but one or two States of the United States. Without the required vehicle inspectionand/or VIN verification, in all but one or two of the States, the title transfer was blocked every time.

I have tried my best to describe this stumbling block on several Hubb threads.

Have you tried renewing on the web site I provided last post?
Have you determined you really need an emission test by checking the other web site I posted?

If the bike is de-insured, you could have your mate ask if the registration can be renewed during the de-insured period, or must renewal wait until the bike is once again legally insured in the State of Arizona?

With the answers to these questions you might be able to solve your renewal problem.

Ride hard, Ride Free and be true to yourself....


Two Moto Kiwis 27 Dec 2013 20:39


Originally Posted by xfiltrate (Post 448236)
Two questions that need to be answered :

1.Will Arizona renew registration for a vehicle/motorcycle if there is no prof of insurance on file at DMV or if the insurance on file has expired....???

2. Once a motorcycle is officially de-insured will the state of Arizona permit registration renewal?

Have you tried renewing on the web site I provided last post?


1 & 2 we don't know this and now we actually don't exist on the system despite having valid registration until the 31st??

Yes we did try, three times, always comes up with "Record Not Found" ..., this really is a worry as we have valid rego until the 31st

Should I email them now with our issue or is that throwing petrol on a fire, I just don't want to lose our rego and be in no mans land complete through no fault of our own?

Two Moto Kiwis 28 Dec 2013 14:20

Contacted them again with a very polite email asking if they can help cos we don't exist on the system after they told us to de insure and put our request for 2 years rego with our situation etc.

This is now recorded and I have the ADOT auto response and all showing todays date so at least we can now proof beyond doubt we have been trying to get it sorted.

Talk about a mission. :(

xfiltrate 29 Dec 2013 00:23

Well Done mate
Brilliant, if you cannot do what is right then try to do what is right!

Good work on your part to document attempts.

I am willing to testify that you have tried to do
what is right, we will be in Arizona in May - and have a ranch in Flagstaff, Arizona where no emissions test is required - if you have not sorted it
before than I am more than willing to assist you in registering at DMV Flagstaff. Will you be passing through Arizona?

Keep us posted . Happy New Year

xfiltrate and rosa del desierto

Two Moto Kiwis 9 Jan 2014 01:44


Originally Posted by xfiltrate (Post 448338)
Brilliant, if you cannot do what is right then try to do what is right!

Good work on your part to document attempts.

I am willing to testify that you have tried to do
what is right, we will be in Arizona in May - and have a ranch in Flagstaff, Arizona where no emissions test is required - if you have not sorted it
before than I am more than willing to assist you in registering at DMV Flagstaff. Will you be passing through Arizona?

Keep us posted . Happy New Year

xfiltrate and rosa del desierto

xfiltrate et all, we did it, a few courteous emails and happy new years etc they reinstated us on the system as a deinsured vehicle so we are not allowed to ride it in AZ ... no prob there.

We had to pay an $8.00 penalty for trying to do the right thing (WTF) but hey we are now 100% legal again thus if something should go wrong that is one less thing to worry about.

Patience pays (but it was trying) ((and I am surprised how difficult "the system" was to be honest))

Anyway, great news and happy.

Cheers Andi

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