Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Salar de Uyuini dry? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/salar-de-uyuini-dry-63998)

Gummikuh 30 Apr 2012 01:50

Salar de Uyuini dry?

Anyone been on the Salar de Uyuni last week? We heard today that you still can't go to the island's...

We plan to stay in Sucre for 2-3 weeks and then ride to Uyuni.
Hopefully it's dry by than.


dunch 30 Apr 2012 09:32

This was the salar about 10 days ago:


Hopefully it'll be dry by the time you get there. Please take plenty of pictures and post them here.


johan&ils 30 Apr 2012 14:31

wet but possible

A week ago we could enter the Salar in Colchaini. The enterace was verry wet, but we managed to enter at the far most right side. Only for a 1 or 2 km there is water.
Afther that we drove for about 15 km and stay there overnight in the tent. We came out the same way. Foto's on our blog in a few days!

chaiki 2 May 2012 19:53

I was there 2 weeks ago and the entrace was moist and the island was impossible to get too, give it anoter week or two and you should be able to go. or jsut ask the tour guides near uyuni they know

rsstler 5 May 2012 01:03

I was there a week ago and it was dry enough to ride. There was a bit of water at the entrance, 10-20cm. But the rest was good to ride on.

Did not go as far as the Islands as we did not have enough fuel. Uyuni had not fuel at the time...


Delbert 8 May 2012 15:27

Great picture of you on your bike but I notice no luggage!

Is that what the 2 4x4's are there for?

You look a bit like Ewan Mc too!


rsstler 12 May 2012 23:15

Hehe, thanks but I'm definitely not using 4x4s to carry my stuff. I left the panniers behind at the hostal :)

Delbert 19 May 2012 00:21

i was at the salar today. Virtually completely dry.

one thing I would say is that the dirve from Tupiza to Uyuni is a horrible road from the Rippio stand point. 208 kms of rippio. 2 rivers to cross, not deep and some sand where it has blown across the road. one deep bit had me off.

unless you love rippio i would avoid it. the views are great but you can´t enjoy them for trying to find a smooth track down the road.

i leave for Potosi tomorrow and the locals tell me it is much better! I hope so as I already have sress fractures in my windshield frame, not critical, i know but what has it done to other parts of the bike.

Oh you really should go to see the salar! I actually took a tourist tour for the day / saw far more than I would have if on the bike! 12 pounds including a very nice chicken salad for lunch.


Maddaddy 2 Apr 2015 20:59

February - March?
Is the Salar generally dry around February / March?

Peter Bodtke 2 Apr 2015 23:46

how dry I am...
Alex Chacón posted a photo on the Horizons Unlimited group on Facebook today April 2, 2014. There appears to still some water at this late date. I was there is early March, 2013 and there were some sections with water, which is really lovely. I don't think you want to visit the Salar when it is completely dry, because you won't get the amazing reflections. If you are concerned about salt on your motorcycle, then take a truck tour for the day or a multiple day package. The prices are very reasonable. I took a three day package, including one day on the Salar and two days visiting the mountains, lakes and rock formations south of Uyuni. I didn't have the proper tires for gravel, sand riding and wanted a break from riding... No regrets. The tour drivers have a reputation for drinking, which I encountered. Make some noise with the the tour company if you decide to sign-up.


They wash the underside of the tour trucks after every trip. Note the coating of salt on the muffler...

Petrus 3 Apr 2015 00:07

Salar de Uyuini dry?
We were on the salar less than two weeks ago. Big parts dry, but als big parts with a lot of water, 15 cm, especialy in the SW part. You can reach the Islands without to much water.
Tip: visit the Lavado (carwash) before you go on the Salar, they give it a good clean and then spray it with oil (diesel) on the engine, rims, electrics etc. Make sure you degrease you brakedisks before riding, the diesel gets everywhere......


Maddaddy 3 Apr 2015 17:34


Originally Posted by Peter Bodtke (Post 500643)
Alex Chacón posted a photo on the Horizons Unlimited group on Facebook today April 2, 2014. There appears to still some water at this late date. I was there is early March, 2013 and there were some sections with water, which is really lovely. I don't think you want to visit the Salar when it is completely dry, because you won't get the amazing reflections. If you are concerned about salt on your motorcycle, then take a truck tour for the day or a multiple day package. The prices are very reasonable. I took a three day package, including one day on the Salar and two days visiting the mountains, lakes and rock formations south of Uyuni. I didn't have the proper tires for gravel, sand riding and wanted a break from riding... No regrets. The tour drivers have a reputation for drinking, which I encountered. Make some noise with the the tour company if you decide to sign-up.


They wash the underside of the tour trucks after every trip. Note the coating of salt on the muffler...

Thanks Peter. I plan on crossing the Salar as part of my route heading south.

Maddaddy 3 Apr 2015 17:35


Originally Posted by Petrus (Post 500645)
We were on the salar less than two weeks ago. Big parts dry, but als big parts with a lot of water, 15 cm, especialy in the SW part. You can reach the Islands without to much water.
Tip: visit the Lavado (carwash) before you go on the Salar, they give it a good clean and then spray it with oil (diesel) on the engine, rims, electrics etc. Make sure you degrease you brakedisks before riding, the diesel gets everywhere......

Amsterdam to anywhere

Thank you for the great advice! I will add that to my notes.

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