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Twofinger 20 Jan 2006 21:30

Southern Chile Routes to Argentina
Looking for paved roads from southern Chile to Beriloche Argentina. Is the road from Osorno to Hwy 231 in Argentina paved. If not what kind of condition is it in.

How about from Puerto Montt, Hwy 225 I think to Petrohue and then ferry across the lake. Picking up the road on the other side and meeting up with Highway 258.

If those routes are not paved or in excellent shape for dirt and I mean excellent, how about this route. Again looking for paved. Really have no expierence on dirt and don´t want to start in the middle of nowhere, since I am riding alone.

North of Temuco, Chile, taking route 22 from the town of Victoria to Highway 40 at Las Lajas, Argentina. Follow Route 40 to the intersection of Route 237. Route 237 to Beriloche. Route 258 from Beriloche to Route 40. Route 40 to Route 20 and then 26 to Comodoro Rivadavia.

Any info about these routes or alternatives would be appreciated. Really don´t want to leave Chile at Santiago. Would like to go as far south as I can before crossing over.

John Langan

hillcityrider 21 Jan 2006 03:48

Riding alone? What happened to the rest of your group? I'm at home, wishing I had went on alone. Good luck on the rest of your trip!

Harold Brooks

winne 21 Jan 2006 04:12

John, the road from Osorno to Bariloche is paved. South of it there are no paved border crossings as far as I know. Via Petrohue it's also some gravel. I highly recommend you the Chile roadmap booklet you get at COPEC service stations and the all-Argentina roadmap from "Automovilclub Argentina", you get it at any ACA station. These maps are very helpful and reliable (particularly the COPEC one since it's newer) with regards to which roads are gravel and which are paved. I'm neither a great fan of gravel neither a good gravel driver, however I recommend you not to leave out an interesting or beautiful road (Lake District, Patagonia, Carretera Austral) just because its gravel - simply go a little slower and enjoy! :-) This is what I did and I don't regret a single foot ;-))
Have fun

[This message has been edited by winne (edited 29 January 2006).]

Twofinger 28 Jan 2006 04:16

Thanks Winnie, just what I was looking for. Will go from Osorno. Will be in Chile tomorrow and will pick up the book first chance.

John Langan

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