Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Venezuela - Colombia: Is Puerto Paez border open? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/venezuela-colombia-puerto-paez-border-90771)

lostcyclist_com 17 Feb 2017 23:36

Venezuela - Colombia: Is Puerto Paez border open?
Hi there

Is the border between Puerto Paez in Venezuela and Puerto Carreno in Colombia open? Any information or feedback about this border is appreciated.


Tony LEE 18 Feb 2017 01:27

Every now and then I do a Google search on the border situation and apart from being opened to pedestrians needing to buy food in Colombia, nothing seems to have changed since late 2015 when it first closed completely. Was to have opened again late 2016 but nothing seems to have happened. Maybe by foot might be possible as I heard of one traveller who did it a while ago. Flying in too probably but ....

lostcyclist_com 18 Feb 2017 20:22


Originally Posted by Tony LEE (Post 557683)
Every now and then I do a Google search on the border situation and apart from being opened to pedestrians needing to buy food in Colombia, nothing seems to have changed since late 2015 when it first closed completely. Was to have opened again late 2016 but nothing seems to have happened. Maybe by foot might be possible as I heard of one traveller who did it a while ago. Flying in too probably but ....

Thank you. Hm. Open for pedestrians and atleast one traveller have made it? That´s good enough for me. Actually, another source told me that the border never was "completely closed" for gringos (The whole Venezuela-Colombia border).

Do anyone have something to say about the general safety on the road Santa Elena-Ciudad Bolivar-Puerto Paez?

Tony LEE 18 Feb 2017 23:42

I'd suggest that more research is needed.

lostcyclist_com 19 Feb 2017 15:15


Originally Posted by Tony LEE (Post 557752)
I'd suggest that more research is needed.

Yes, that´s exactly what I am doing right now. :-) My backup plan is to cycle down to Manau and then probably take a bus/hitch-hike to Cusco.

About the part "never was completely closed" for gringos" - I got that information from a friend who lives in Colombia since several years, and she called a friend of hers, a venezuelan guy living in Venezuela. The words is his. He said it. If it´s true? I don´t know.
I been reading in other places too that the border is open for pedestrians. (For cyclists..? Hmm...)

About the general safety and the food crisis.. Yeah, it´s worrying me a lot. Any thoughts is welcomed. And travel blogs from 2016/2017 too! Just hit me! Cheers

Tony LEE 19 Feb 2017 16:24

Be good if you can find a legit way in, and have a good experience as well. Good news about Venuzuala is very hard to find.

There were a few expat forums for Venuzuala that were quite active a couple of years ago, but when I looked yesterday they were pretty much dormant which might not be a good sign.

Don't suppose there are any contacts there in the HUBB Communities list

IanJ 19 Feb 2017 20:24

Greetings Lars

I contacted a few of the HU communities last month about Venezuela and the only reply I got from a Venezuelan national was to stay away from the country. At the Oz HU meeting last year another Venezuelan national advised me to do the same thing. Other community replies I got from people in Colombia didn't have any good news about travel in that part of the world.

I'm looking for a way to ship a bike from Suriname/Guyana/French Guiana to Colombia. I haven't found a lot of good news. Sea shipping is out as they want a full container loads so I'm looking at air freight options now.

If anyone has done this please let me know.


Ian J

Mehmet Zeki Avar 19 Feb 2017 22:31

1 Attachment(s)
Gen. inf. on the subject about 8 months old,(1-2-3 still same),depending on my club friends memories (already back in İstanbul after 1 year sa. trip without any foreign language.), and exchanged inf. with 2 cyclist and 2 biker friends who are still in sa. and several turkish businessmen living there..

1-Venezuela has only 1 border gate open for coming vehicles and that's the st.elena one from Brasil.

2-None of the countries surrounding venezuela accept vehicles coming from venezuela.

3-Maicao and Leticia are open for everybody on foot or bicycle.Easy to load on boats or busses and easy/fast paperwork...prepare your needs well for the long boat trips..No inf. about others..

My club friend met an azerbaijan cyclist at the maicao gate and soon a Pakistani cyclist friend will be in colombia coming from ushuaia(In equator now) we all message eachother and exchange inf...Probably you will also meet several travellers coming from the opposite directions..

4-Eastern venezuela is definately nogo area.Also all roads dangerous after sunset..If you meet a blocked road by locals, dont try to pass through them instead become their amigo to get some current tips and if lucky free food and couch..Gas and food is in black market.Best is make a local friend to make life easy and then ask for his friend at your next stop..(Done same and worked, started with a local dentist friend)

See attached market photo dd.Aug 9. 2016

5-Ayahusca ceremony recommended!!!

How we solved...So we made it a problem between governments by messages and news on newspaper and tv.s hoping we could reach a fast solution but the special written permission to enter colombia from venezuela (while he was already in colombia)and then leave colombia by bike was given 50 days after he escaped to equator,just after the ceasefire....Ipıales gate is easy when the bridge is crowded!!!!(Dont miss to visit the great church.

I did great searchings personally for my club friend while he was stuck in venezuela/Colombia by bike.Couldnt find an opportunity to airfreight, seafreight or truckfreight from venezuela or from surrounding countries..all borders was officially closed for any vehicle coming from venezuela..( even after transferring the bike to a neighbour country in illegal ways and then do the freightening.)....I sincerely hope you will solve this problem insallah.


***About the part "never was completely closed" for gringos"***

was not legal but possible even by local taxis and was opened for gringos officially last summer a few days before the ceasefire...

Venezuela huge country with boring roads for cycling but possible to travel by local buses everywhere.

Pakistani friend has a great website, perfect for cycling between ushuaia and alaska and shares all his experiences,tips friendly..
I guess will be helpful for you..If you meet him,a big selam from me too pls..

Route – Kamran on Bike

Hope helps.All the best..

Grant Johnson 20 Feb 2017 00:40


Originally Posted by IanJ (Post 557817)
Greetings Lars

I contacted a few of the HU communities last month about Venezuela and the only reply I got from a Venezuelan national was to stay away from the country. At the Oz HU meeting last year another Venezuelan national advised me to do the same thing. Other community replies I got from people in Colombia didn't have any good news about travel in that part of the world.

I'm looking for a way to ship a bike from Suriname/Guyana/French Guiana to Colombia. I haven't found a lot of good news. Sea shipping is out as they want a full container loads so I'm looking at air freight options now.

If anyone has done this please let me know.


Ian J

So far as I know, that route hasn't been done - doesn't mean it hasn't, just hasn't been reported!

Air SHOULD be no great issue - if the plane is a big one and flies the route, they can load it on. Go to the air freight office where you are and see what they say. Always best to talk to the guys that actually load the plane than head office!

Whatever you end up doing, please report the shipment on the Shipping Database for future reference for all!

Shipments by Travellers | Horizons Unlimited

Good luck!

lostcyclist_com 23 Feb 2017 19:46

Thank you for all the information and feedback!

I have been thinking and I´ve done some research the last days and I will probably go south instead, to Boa Vista, Manaus and Peru. I thought it was all paved highways nowadays, but the stretch Manaus - Porto Velho seems quite fun. Not bad for Plan B.


Tony LEE 24 Feb 2017 04:03

You'll love the roads in Brazil. Potholes from one side to the other with semis treating it like a racetrack with chicanes everywhere.

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