Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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chris 12 Mar 2020 16:14


Originally Posted by motoreiter (Post 609924)
Don't worry, it will get worse! :thumbdown:

Wait till Europe retaliates by blocking US citizens from entering the EU, airlines cancel all transatlantic flight due to lack of passengers, etc.

Currently scheduled to fly from the US to Germany in mid-May then ride around the Black Sea, but the chances of some of the relevant borders getting closed seems kinda high, so I'm waiting to see what happens.

The contagion effects of reciprocity and airlines scaling back operations/ going bust are highly likely.

A friend works for BA. Since middle of last week they're offering unpaid leave, voluntary redundancy and early retirement to cabin and flight crews.

Border closures are already happening in Italy and the Stans, just to name a few.

I reckon you should be considering a ride in the US as your plan B.

backofbeyond 12 Mar 2020 16:21


Originally Posted by chris (Post 609929)

I reckon you should be considering a ride in the US as your plan B.

Maybe you could do mine and tell me what it was like :rofl:

chris 12 Mar 2020 17:49


Originally Posted by backofbeyond (Post 609930)
Maybe you could do mine and tell me what it was like :rofl:

What a great idea. Everyone should just create a Tellytubbies inspired GoPro YouTube movie to share with their opposite number...

Or just watch a Ewen and Thingy film or 2. Think of the cost savings and all our contributions to reversing climate change by not flying and the factories closing due to lack of workers and customers.

chasbmw 12 Mar 2020 17:58

One of the big UK insurance companies has stopped issuing any further travel policies.

This may mean that they think that the UK govt is going a issue advice telling people not to travel, which in the UK is a trigger for making claims on policies for not being able to travel

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

PanEuropean 12 Mar 2020 19:37


Originally Posted by backofbeyond (Post 609908)
Indeed. I have a bike trip in the USA coming up in just under a month and starting to wonder about whether Coronavirus is going to make it impossible.

I'm afraid that the deal-killer for you will be unavailability of travel health insurance that would cover you if you need health care for Coronavirus whilst you are abroad.

Back at home, in Canada, the various travel insurance companies have started to declare that CV is a "known risk", and for that reason, new policies issued will not cover CV related health expenses.


Originally Posted by backofbeyond (Post 609908)
...particularly as I'm in the 'serious' demographic...

I'm lucky, I don't turn 65 until next week, so I still have 7 days of worry-free travel left... :)


Jay_Benson 12 Mar 2020 21:45

The UK Chief Medical Officer Is working on the assumption that COVID-19 will join the likes of seasonal flu, coughs and colds and re-emerge every year. Logically he is going to be right as it is out of the box now - something which SARS and Swine Flu thankfully never quite managed.

motoreiter 13 Mar 2020 00:40


Originally Posted by chris (Post 609929)
I reckon you should be considering a ride in the US as your plan B.



If I have to scratch this trip I will do a car-camping trip somewhere in the US with my dog. Not nearly as interesting but he would be happy

motoreiter 13 Mar 2020 00:43


Originally Posted by PanEuropean (Post 609938)
I'm afraid that the deal-killer for you will be unavailability of travel health insurance that would cover you if you need health care for Coronavirus whilst you are abroad.

Usually I'm not much of a stickler for insurance but I have to say that given the exorbitant costs of medical care in the US, I'd be wary of travelling in the US without medical coverage, even without a pandemic on the loose!

motoreiter 14 Mar 2020 18:22

So today Ukraine, Georgia, and Turkey closed their borders, at least partially. That's not good, although who knows how things will be in six weeks. In any event, it is certainly time to start looking at Plan B.

mark manley 14 Mar 2020 18:31

Brits and Irish have been added to the no-fly list into the US.


BMurr 14 Mar 2020 20:35

Namibia announced they are cancelling all their Independence celebrations and public gatherings. Not sure what border situation is but with there being a high population with HIV in southern african countries I'd guess all will have restrictions in next few days. I think many travellers would not want to be the individual who brought COVID19 to some town or village and wiped out part of the population, it's probably going to get there anyway but would anyone want to be the carrier?

Old-n-slo 14 Mar 2020 22:23

Don’t count on predictability from our Commander-in-Tweets. Shit can change in D.C. by the hour and one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing.

I for one decided last week to bag my plans for riding to Mongolia and coming back to Europe by way of the Silk Road. Smaller countries with few resources are very likely to act pre-emptively to reduce their risk. Being stuck somewhere with borders closed, unable to go back or move forward...or having “flu-like symptoms” of any severity while holed up in a tent, sounds like a bad time. I figure I’ll do some more U.S. travel this year and revisit my plans next year when things (hopefully) have settled down.

PanEuropean 15 Mar 2020 01:52


Originally Posted by Old-n-slo (Post 610028)
I for one decided last week to bag my plans for riding to Mongolia and coming back to Europe by way of the Silk Road....
Being stuck somewhere with borders closed, unable to go back or move forward...

A wise decision. Take it from someone who is presently stuck in Africa, with borders closed and unable to go out of the country (or even out of the hotel for the next 7 days).

Mongolia & the Silk Road will still be there next year.


backofbeyond 15 Mar 2020 11:14


"Brits and Irish have been added to the no-fly list into the US."

"Don’t count on predictability from our Commander-in-Tweets."
I just hope he keeps to that line long enough for me to get (at least some of) my money back from the insurance co as my US trip in now in the bin.

Going forward my plans for HUBBUK in June and an ultramarathon in July still look ok but I see Grant has 'actioned' a couple of meets that were due to take place before the UK one so who knows and I'm trying to decide whether it's worth while continuing to train for the marathon. Then there's my next bike trip in August - but that's far enough ahead that it'll all be history by then - won't it? All I know is I'm putting any expenditure for 'public' events through a coronavirus filter from here on in.

Danny Diego 15 Mar 2020 23:07


Originally Posted by motoreiter (Post 609924)
Don't worry, it will get worse! :thumbdown:

Wait till Europe retaliates by blocking US citizens from entering the EU, airlines cancel all transatlantic flight due to lack of passengers, etc.

It’s not about retaliation but smart actions in a difficult time.

None of the countries making these difficult decisions are doing it to golf longer or hurt other nations.

That kind of silly talk just causes grief. :thumbdown:

But maybe that’s what those “people” are trying for...

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 21:37.
