Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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motoreiter 16 Mar 2020 02:41


Originally Posted by Danny Diego (Post 610080)
It’s not about retaliation but smart actions in a difficult time.

None of the countries making these difficult decisions are doing it to golf longer or hurt other nations.

That kind of silly talk just causes grief. :thumbdown:

But maybe that’s what those “people” are trying for...

Sorry, it's not silly. I haven't read of any medical expert agreeing that banning flights to the US from Europe will do any good, since the virus is already apparently circulating widely in the US. Were flights from the US banned to protect foreigners? The flight ban was essentially a political decision, and not necessarily a smart one, especially since it was completely uncoordinated with medical experts or indeed any of the people that would implement, or be affected by, the decision.

markharf 16 Mar 2020 05:45

And because it was implemented on an apparent whim, without advance planning or consulting any of the major participants, the result at many US airports was chaotic at best and almost certainly contributed greatly to the spread of the disease. This is not encouraging.

Meanwhile, countries are closing borders right and left, while local governments (the State of Washington in my case) are forcibly closing schools, restaurants, entertainment venues, libraries, and (gasp!) drinking establishments. Seriously: all of them, all at once. I've been wondering whether there is any precedent for this--certainly not in my lifetime. My understanding of epidemiology is rudimentary, but I'm not seeing any real surprises on that front. I've always thought my understanding of American political, commercial, and interpersonal trends was reasonably sophisticated, but it's in those realms where I've been taken totally by surprise.

(This post was immediately edited to strip out the disparaging political commentary which I should have known better than to include.)


Hkon89 16 Mar 2020 06:21

Here in Norway things are shutting down quickly, the borders are all but closed, and we're all encouraged to stay as much away from other people as possible. As far as I've understood most other European countries are doing the same. It might seem rash to stop all air traffic, but I actually think it's a good decision. It seems social distancing is the best way to halt the virus, and stopping air traffic hinders the virus from spreading even more.

mark manley 16 Mar 2020 08:55


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 610089)

(This post was immediately edited to strip out the disparaging political commentary which I should have known better than to include.)

Something to say? Just step this way sir.


backofbeyond 16 Mar 2020 10:23

I always enjoy a bit of 'political' comment - makes a change from which oil should I use (does that count as a political comment?) doh

On another bike forum I frequent there was a strict 'bike topics only, everything else will be 'snipped'' rule enforced by the equivalent of Grant here. Sadly that person passed away unexpectedly a couple of years ago and although the forum continued it's now under a kind of collective 'rule by clique'. Slowly but surely the topics discussed have become nothing but politics (in its wider sense). Bike topics are now in the minority and a lot of people have drifted off. Personally I don't really mind whether it's bikes or travel or whatever as long as it's interesting but when the tone turns abusive or aggressive that does it for me. It's why I no longer visit the ABR site (or, tarring it all with the same brush, buy the magazine).

grumpy geezer 16 Mar 2020 15:26


Originally Posted by backofbeyond (Post 610094)
I always enjoy a bit of 'political' comment - makes a change from which oil should I use (does that count as a political comment?) doh

On another bike forum I frequent there was a strict 'bike topics only, everything else will be 'snipped'' rule enforced by the equivalent of Grant here. Sadly that person passed away unexpectedly a couple of years ago and although the forum continued it's now under a kind of collective 'rule by clique'. Slowly but surely the topics discussed have become nothing but politics (in its wider sense). Bike topics are now in the minority and a lot of people have drifted off. Personally I don't really mind whether it's bikes or travel or whatever as long as it's interesting but when the tone turns abusive or aggressive that does it for me. It's why I no longer visit the ABR site (or, tarring it all with the same brush, buy the magazine).

Agree, I want political views/rants/stock market disaster info, I know where to go. If I want travel/bike/how to information/lifestyle info, I want that and not much else. Thanks to the moderators.

spicystew 16 Mar 2020 18:25

Just got my Russian business visa from the post haha, might hang it up on the wall seeing as it has no other uses now

chris 16 Mar 2020 18:50

IoM TT 2020 Cancelled :(


Rondelli 16 Mar 2020 20:22


Originally Posted by spicystew (Post 610111)
Just got my Russian business visa from the post haha, might hang it up on the wall seeing as it has no other uses now

We got our a week ago, leaving May, still hopeful' a lost of cash to waste and what else would we do with time off work..... Damn the disease

Scrabblebiker 17 Mar 2020 02:32

We may not have been able to kill this bug so far but we've sure managed to mortally wound the travel bug. On Wednesday Canada is closing its' borders (except with the USA) to all non citizens/residents.


The only exceptions will be:
Close relatives of citizens/residents.
Those involved in fighting Covid-19.
Those transporting goods.
Airline crews.

No one displaying symptoms will be allowed to board a flight to Canada, including citizens/residents.

Some international flights will have to land at one of only 4 designated airports in order to facilitate proper screening. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary.

So much for anyone's travel plans to Canada for now.

Rondelli 19 Mar 2020 12:13

Funny how years of planning and preparation for a trip can be perhaps thwarted by a global pandemic, who'd have thought in 2020 we would have the world effectively on lockdown. The next month will be critical for all planning trips this year, when you negotiate an extended period of leave it can't just be carried forward to "next year"
I am still hopeful but realise people are getting sick and dying out there so what will be will be, stay safe out there.

PanEuropean 20 Mar 2020 02:33

True, but it's better to be stuck at home, wishing you were on the road somewhere, than to be stuck on the road somewhere wishing you were at home.

That's how I see it from my perspective as a Canadian rider who is now stuck in Tunisia for who knows how long.

Have a look at the very first post at the top of this discussion, which I started on February 11 this year. With 20-20 hindsight, I wish I paid more attention to the concern I voiced in the fourth paragraph of that post.


Chris Scott 22 Mar 2020 12:30

I turned back from the Mauritanian border about a week ago, figuring crossing might become a point of no return and Morocco would be a better county to be stuck in.
As we know, it escalated very quickly after that; I left my bike (6 months allowed) and chanced on one of the last flights out of Marrakech a couple of days ago.

At the crowded airport I got a sense of privileged tourists fleeing, leaving Morocco to its fate – a scenario we’re familiar with following natural disasters and so on.
’Pray for us’ they said at the Customs office.

Only this time we were heading back to very similar restrictions and possibly greater health risks.
The difference was, most of us were going home.

Klass7 26 Aug 2020 01:56

Is there anyone on the road?
Certainly there are many restrictions that apply to flying into airports due to Covid-19, but is anyone having luck crossing borders by land on their motorcycle? I read that Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia are open to US citizens. Is it really impossible to ride into Bulgaria and then on to Turkey whose border is also open?

The_Feral_Traveller 29 Aug 2020 17:57

Currently it is possible to travel, Hungary will close its borders on 1st September, so Tuesday. Ukraine has already closed theirs again.

Bulgaria requires a clear covid test to be shown before allowing entry and Greece requires the same.

Things are tightening up again bit it is still possible to travel, albeit in a slightly more controlled way.

Please do your own research though as the above is liable to change with very little warning.

I am currently in Slovakia, I will be heading back into Hungary on Monday to avoid the border closures and then heading down towards Bulgaria through either Romania or Serbia and then through Greece into Turkey, then the fun begins with Iran and Pakistan! It's a case of checking news daily.

Good luck

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 21:37.
