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-   -   To TBE or not to TBE? That is the question. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/staying-healthy-on-the-road/to-tbe-not-tbe-question-75520)

Daze55556 3 Apr 2014 04:56

To TBE or not to TBE? That is the question.
I was almost not going to post this then I thought of a witty title and I couldn't resist!

Travelling by motorcycle from Kazakhstan, briefly into Russia, Mongolia (west to east) back into Russia near Ulan-Ude and getting the train from Irkutsk to Moscow and out through Latvia.

Travelling in late June and July. Some camping possible, mainly in Mongolia (most likely the southern route).

In short I think the route I take is predominantly south of the endemic zone for Tick Bourne Enchepalitis? I will most likely stay in hotels in Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk then it is the train all the way back to Moscow.

It will cost me $600 AUD for the 3 shots, that is if the government gives permission for me to be vaccinated.

I hear reports of 10,000 to 20,000 infections per year with a 1-2% mortality rate but that includes all of eastern Europe and Russia which have a combined population of hundreds of millions...maybe the odds aren't too bad?

So that is the question, what is the answer?

farqhuar 3 Apr 2014 09:27

I had never heard of this when I decided to visit Russia in 2008, and I work in the health care industry in Melbourne!

Needless to say, I camped out many evenings in northern Russia, was bitten by lots of mozzies, and am still here to tell the tale.:cool4:

casperghst42 11 Apr 2014 22:29

One of my friends was bitten in the south of France some years ago, and it was for a couple of days touch and go... it took him 9 months to get back to full time work (part time work after 4 months).

After than I made sure that I got the jabs, and keep them updated.

Bug I must say that 600 OZ$ is a bit steep, I think I paid ~170€ in all here in NL. But that was only for FSME, I do not know what I would have to pay to get RSSE.


Bermuda Rover 11 Apr 2014 22:54


Originally Posted by farqhuar (Post 460681)
I had never heard of this when I decided to visit Russia in 2008, and I work in the health care industry in Melbourne!

Needless to say, I camped out many evenings in northern Russia, was bitten by lots of mozzies, and am still here to tell the tale.:cool4:

It's to the mozzies that give you TBE. If you are camping in eastern Russia or Mongolia, I think it is a worthwhile precaution to get the shots. I got mine, but only had sufficient time to get two of the three, which gives reasonable protection.

liammons 11 Apr 2014 23:47


Originally Posted by Bermuda Rover (Post 461709)
It's to the mozzies that give you TBE. If you are camping in eastern Russia or Mongolia, I think it is a worthwhile precaution to get the shots. I got mine, but only had sufficient time to get two of the three, which gives reasonable protection.

TBE is spread by ticks. Ixodes spp to be precise.

Its nasty.

It and rabies are the to nastiest diseases you have some actual chance of picking up outside of Africa/Americas and tropical regions.

How likely are you to get it????

How long is a piece of string; unlikely!!

Should you get vaccinated?
Depends on your mind set about these things. I've spent a good bit of time in areas where it may exist, I haven't, though it and rabies are the only to vaccinations I have ever considered.

Then again I haven't had a tetanus shot in 25+ years, I've smoked and beer all my life and I hardly ever wear a seatbelt so you probably don't want my opinion if your 'health and safety' orientated. :rofl::rofl:

mollydog 12 Apr 2014 00:02

Why not wait to get them until in Russia or EU somewhere? I'd bet it's less expensive than in Oz ... may even be FREE?? If it's more commonly known in Russia or Mongolia, then probably the vaccine is available locally.

Bermuda Rover 12 Apr 2014 20:48


Originally Posted by mollydog (Post 461716)
Why not wait to get them until in Russia or EU somewhere? I'd bet it's less expensive than in Oz ... may even be FREE?? If it's more commonly known in Russia or Mongolia, then probably the vaccine is available locally.

Waiting until in Russia won't work. It's a series of three shots that require a minimum of three months between the first and third shots.

And in my previous post, I meant to say "it's NOT mozzies that cause TBE" - sorry for the typo.

liammons 13 Apr 2014 19:14


Originally Posted by Bermuda Rover (Post 461836)
Waiting until in Russia won't work. It's a series of three shots that require a minimum of three months between the first and third shots.

And in my previous post, I meant to say "it's NOT mozzies that cause TBE" - sorry for the typo.

But you will have immunity after the first vaccine, at least after a few days. Multiple vaccination shots are more to do with ensuring the duration of the active immune response, rather than getting a response at all from the body.

Just in case anyone is curious!!:confused1:

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