Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Approximate cost of Trans-Africa from East? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/approximate-cost-trans-africa-east-11489)

Margus 13 Jan 2006 21:54

Approximate cost of Trans-Africa from East?
From East via Saudi to Yemen to Djibouti and down to Capetown - one bike, around 3 to 6 months, around 2-3 nights of 4 in tent and cooking own food mostly.

Can anyone say approximate costs if running relatively economy mode (fuel+food+accomondation+visas/paperwork)?

Cheers, Margus

Matt Roach 13 Jan 2006 22:24

You didn't mention how much beer you drink, which is always the biggest expense.

Fuel averages just over US$1 a litre in southern africa, camping normally US$3-$5 per night (assuming you are often camping in the cities at a backpackers etc), food US$5-$10 a day. I would say absolute minimum is US$25-US$30 a day.

RalEva 14 Jan 2006 00:26

Hi Margus and other bikers,

we spend more or less 20 Euro one person one day.
But Dubai, Oman ist not cheap for accomodation!!!
I'm sure you can do it a little bit cheaper.
We came all the way through Westafrica to Cape Town. Then we went up on the east side. Then from Djibouti to Jemen, Oman and Dubai.

You can get a lot of informations, stories and pictures at our homepage under REISETAGEBUCH

Best wishes from Dubai


Best wishes

around the world on 2 motorcycles

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