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-   -   Ghana visa - in Togo? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/ghana-visa-in-togo-68227)

Anacondor 10 Jan 2013 13:13

Ghana visa - in Togo?
I was denied a Ghana visa in Abuja for the reason that I am not a Nigerian resident (hell no) and because my own embassy (Dutch) in an extremely shocking rude way informed me that they did not want to give me the required letter stating that I am a traveller and need that Ghana visa.

So, how about Lome (Togo); does anyone know if it's possible to get a Ghana visa there and if so, what the requirements are?

bubafrica 15 Jan 2013 09:08

no visa in lomé
I was denied a Ghana Visa in Lomé 2012 for the same reason. Should have applied in my home country. Had to go back to Cotounou. You still need some letter of invitation and contacts in Ghana. Takes about three days.
Don't even try it in Lomé! The Visa-woman is a dragon.
Good luck

Anacondor 30 Jan 2013 09:47

Indeed, the visa woman is a dragon, to say the least. Brrr...

We went to the embassy in Lomé on our first day in Togo, and the woman shouted at us - after ignoring us in the first place - that it was a disgrace that we tried to apply for a visa while we where only 1 day in Togo... Huh? We should be at least 1 week in Togo before we could apply.

Anyway, we did wait for 1 week, and applied. We didn't need any documents, only 4 photo's (mine weren't excepted, for the first time in 26 African countries; needed to take new pictures around the corner). It took 3 (further) days to get the visa. And we are happy to be in Ghana now (except for many people - like elsewhere in W-Africa - being so unfriendly and money driven...why...?).

dajg 8 Apr 2013 23:08

The staff @ ghana embassy in abuja told me this morning to go away after I replied that I did not hold nigerian residency. However after I explained that I only wanted a tourist visa they gave me a form and told me to go fill it in and lodge between 9am & 2pm with 15,500N and four photos then come back after 3 days. Since I didn't have 4 photos on me I applied for a different visa today instead..

What's the story with Benin? Is it better to apply in Cotonou? Or should I try here and wait the 3 days? Whats the likelihood of "wasting" the 3 days...?

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