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-   -   Jungle Junction Nairobi - Vehicle Storage (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/jungle-junction-nairobi-vehicle-storage-45167)

ghenk 7 Sep 2009 17:55

Jungle Junction Nairobi - Vehicle Storage
Hi All,

We're planning to drive from SA to Nairobi early next year with a view to leaving the vehicle (Land Rover Defender 110) there and returning to do a trip through Uganda, Rwanda etc.

I have 2 questions:

1. Does anyone know what the cost is to store a vehicle at JJ?
2. Is there anywhere in Kampala to store a vehicle?

Untitled Document

fredsuleman 7 Sep 2009 20:04

Contact in Nairobi & possibly Kampala
I was born & raised in Nairobi, though I have lived in Canada for the last 20 years. I still have some contacts in Nairobi and possibly Kampala. Would you like me to look into this further, keeping in mind that I will not have first hand knowledge of bike storage in either city.


ghenk 8 Sep 2009 07:56

Thanks Taz, that would be great!

All the best,


Bundubasher 9 Sep 2009 18:24

Contact Chris, the owner of Jungle Junction, directly:


fredsuleman 10 Sep 2009 15:35

I did find a contact for you in Nairobi. Her name is Fiona Put and her email address is
fiona 'AT' africaonline 'DOT' ke

You may contact her directly.

Good luck,

steve.lorimer 25 Sep 2009 13:31

Storage costs for all vehicles at Jungle Junction
I'm at Jungle Junction at the moment, and so asked the guy at reception for the info you're looking for.

Lorry's / Trucks
1 - 30 days: Kshs 500 per day
1 - 12 months: Kshs 8000 per month

Motor Vehicles
1 - 30 days: Kshs 400 per day
1 - 12 months: Kshs 4500 per month

1 - 30 days: Kshs 300 per day
1 - 12 months: Kshs 3500 per month

1 - 30 days: Kshs 60 per day
1 - 12 months: Kshs 1200 per month

By the way, there's another campsite in Nairobi, in the expat suburb of Karen called Karen Camp. They have a huge yard, and you may be able to leave your vehicle there at cheaper rates. Speak with the owner Dougie.

Karen Camp
S1 20.111 E36 42.144
booking (a) karencamp . com

Hope this helps

soliles 29 Sep 2009 14:34

Hello all,
I do have my own truck down at J.J. now. I can say it really is a nice place. Moreover, Chris seems to be a very reliable and profesionnal person. I don't know Karen. Just my opinion. Cheers.

steve.lorimer 29 Sep 2009 17:28

soliles, is yours the unimog or the kickass unicat? or are you here, and if so, come say hi, I'm in the big blue truck! :)

Jungle Junction, in my opinion, is the better of the two, for staying in. However, if you're just looking for storage, then personally I'd go for cost over comfort, and I think Dougie at Karen Camp will be able to help you out for a better price. No idea what he'd charge, but give him a call and ask!
S1 20.111 E36 42.144
booking (a) karencamp . com


baboon_hai 19 Oct 2009 10:42

Hey guys,

i was looking for a space to leave the car for a few weeks as well and just called "karen camp". They charge the same rate as "jungle junction"


cheekychicken 28 Oct 2009 21:55


Originally Posted by soliles (Post 258567)
Hello all,
I do have my own truck down at J.J. now. I can say it really is a nice place. Moreover, Chris seems to be a very reliable and profesionnal person. I don't know Karen. Just my opinion. Cheers.

Hi Chaps. I to am looking for somewhere safe to store a vehicle for a few months at a time in Kenya (Nairobi). I have also been given details of JJ. There are clearly a few of you here with actual experience of JJ so your advice much appreciated. Is it safe and importantly well secure to store our 'baby' here?. We are now very paranoid as to where we store as we have just had it broken into at a friends house outsid of Nairobi (while they were away) so now we want to be ultra cautious and will be moving it. Any advice would be much appreciated.

steve.lorimer 29 Oct 2009 06:24

Yes it's safe, they have a full time askari (guard) here day and night that will keep your baby safe

Birdy 29 Oct 2009 21:33

Hey, I would recommend JJs. It is very secure, it is in a good suburb, has locked gates and high walls, full time guards, and there are always other travellers camping on the front lawn to add extra security.


Luciano 20 Jan 2010 07:58

Hello I also left my Toy with Chris at JJ, found him reliable and professional.


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