Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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siggsy 11 May 2005 18:22

riding around SA in october, which drakensberg will be a big highlight and i was wondering if anyones got any advice at all regarding lesotho. because i`d like to ride the sani pass into the country, but i have no knowledge of it and cant find much writing or people who have been there, with regards to motorcycling in the place................thanks in advance peeps http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Geoff van de Merwe 11 May 2005 20:18

It's a good ride. Not called the mountain kingdom for nothing.

Quite a number of rallies are held in Lesotho each year, most notably the 'Roof of Africa'.

It's also small enough for you to do a whistlestop tour in about a week.

Toby2 12 May 2005 04:54

We did it in a LR but excellent. Think it would be a really good ride. Nothing to hard about it but lots of winding mountain tracks. Definitely worth doing. Sani pass is good.

LuckyStriker 12 May 2005 14:22

visit the following pages for nice pictures



[This message has been edited by LuckyStriker (edited 12 May 2005).]

siggsy 12 May 2005 17:55

WOW !! http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

those pics, lucky, are fantastic !!........i`m just sitting here in a gloomy office in london, looking out of the window at a thousand grey people in suits, shadowed by a thousand grey buildings in the rain !! and those pics mate have made me the only person here with a big big grin all over his face !!....im wishing our (so called) summer away, i just want to get over there !!

cheers for all the input boys !!

Dan 23 13 May 2005 00:42

The Sanni Pass is an incredible ride. Dunno if it's still the same, but when I was there in 2001, you could get a one-day pass into Lesotho at the frontier that didn't invalidate your SA visa, and allowed bag-free daytripping joyriding up from the SA hostels. All good.

Cheers, Dan Walsh

jkrijt 13 May 2005 01:55

Nature in Lesotho is beautifull, great views, beautifull mountain roads, nice friendly people. It is worth a visit for sure!
The capital, Maseru is not very interesting, poor and not much to see or do.
Enjoy the great mountain roads but beware of children throwing rocks at you. 99 out of 100 just smile and wave but some $%#%$$#%punks think it's cool to throw rocks at you.

Make sure you have enough fuel. When I visited Lesotho, I had an extra 5 liter jerrycan in my saddlebag and I needed it.
I didn't see much gas stations in Lesotho.

You can read about my trip to Lesotho at http://www.xs4all.nl/~jkrijt/trips/lesotho/index.shtml

Have a nice trip

[This message has been edited by jkrijt (edited 12 May 2005).]

siggsy 24 May 2005 22:58

dan / jkr, thanks loads boys..........its all positive news thats got me going !

Matt Roach 25 May 2005 16:20

Might want to make sure you have some decent knobblies on, because when it rains up there some of the dirt roads can be a little treacherous.

Also try and leave a day spare for some pony trekking, which will take you places you could only dream about on the bike.


Vaufi 25 Apr 2006 09:01

Just did the Sani pass a fortnight ago, fortunately upwards. After all the rain they had in the last weeks the road is in a fairly bad condition. Deep ruts, big rocks and loose gravel. When dry, not too bad. Further on to Mokhotlong it's OK.

Great country! Beautiful scenery and very friendly people. No stone-throwing, as reported in some older posts. Suppose you just have to greet the people who are waving ;-)

Atwoke 25 Apr 2006 12:52

I recommend to visit 'The Place of Smoke' in Semonkong. Highest commercial abseil over a single drop waterfall. 204m (670 feet)! Guinness World Record!

Also: friendly people, clean accomodation, great food, excellent bar, beautiful countryside...

I loved the place when I was there over X-mas....

Forgot to mention: You might want to speak to MotoZulu. Thomas is based on South Africas Wild Coast and does tours all over.

Vaufi 3 Jun 2006 13:45

Stays in Lesotho
Sorry, I forgot to mention: The St. James Mission has guest hoeses, which they rent out to travellers when not occupied. Clean and unexpensive. Very friendly people. There are mission stations all over the country.


michnus 6 Jun 2006 19:06

Also see these ride reports.


Tag 21 Aug 2006 19:45

Ride the Sani pass soon as there is talk they are going to tar the pass in the near future, am off to ride there this week

Regards tag

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