Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   sub-Saharan Africa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/)
-   -   Long Term Parking/ Storage Windhoek (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/long-term-parking-storage-windhoek-97002)

Desert Driver 7 Jan 2019 17:59

Long Term Parking/ Storage Windhoek
can anyone recommend a long term storage or parking in or near Windhoek? I have heard there are farms that offer this service but don't seem to get a reply from any of there websites

frenchian 7 Jan 2019 20:07

I've sent a PM, the gist being:

there's almost no end to the storage options available in and around Windhoek. It will almost come down to what you want and how much you're willing to pay.
I'd suggest looking before deciding, we did a tour a few years ago - amongst others there's:
  • Andreas at Elisenheim Gastefarm in the north offers storage along with campsite and rooms - very handy for packing up etc. - dependant upon the size of your vehicle you can store indoors or outside. There are workshop facilities here that you can use.
  • on the airport road there is Bobo Campers at the Trans Kalahari Inn (a little way East of the roadblock),
  • also on the airport road there is Ondekaremba
  • again on the airport road (before the roadblock coming out of WDH) there is Manfred Gorn - look out for the multicoloured buffalo and go to the souvenir shop - he lives next door. He has purpose built hangars, fully alarmed plus some shaded parking. His son has a truck workshop nearby and is happy to do work on cars or trucks if you need it.
Things change all the time, best to look and get a feel for the places.

For other options have a look at http://www.dt800.de/parken-in-afrika...a_Namibia.html - it's not always up to date, but gives a good start.Get talking to other travellers - there's loads of people storing in WDH - they will be able to let you know where they are and what they think.

Jim Lad 18 Jan 2019 20:39

Anyone aware how long it is possible to keep a foreign bike in Namibia. I heard the limit is 3 months in SA.

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Bell driver 14 Feb 2019 09:36

Did you try this ?

The Airport Hunting and Guest Farm in Namibia : Vehicle Shelter

Jim Lad 14 Feb 2019 10:28


Originally Posted by Bell driver (Post 596066)

Thanks, I did try them but they said they were full. I emailed them again in case something will free up in March, when we return to Windhoek.

This may be a good place to mention that we managed to temperarrally import our bikes into Namibia, using an agent near the station and paying the 16.5% duty to customs(refundable when we leave). This allows us to keep the bikes in Namibia for a year and is extendable.

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