Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Desert Driver 14 Jun 2013 15:57

Long term stroage in Tanzania
does anyone know of any good long term storage in Tanzania best option would be Dar Es Salaam..

nadraia 4 Jul 2013 13:19

Hi there,
You can store your car in Dar Es Salaam at FPCT Center : Free Pentecoast Church of Tanzania
We have stored our 2 4x4 from last June 2012 till October 2012
It is not as good as Jungle Junction because it is not really for overlanders and for camping, it is a guesthouse where people linked to Pentecostal Church come (no alcool, no cigarets,...), but you can have rooms and meals It is clean and staff is helpful. In particular Charles Nkwabi, the assistant manager
You can email them at this address : fpctcentre@yahoo.com
We paid 50 USD per month. It's a covered parking with fences but not a lot of places. They start the car, once per week.
The whole place is protected by a big wall because they store aswell trucks and containers
Dernier carnet de voyage : Kenya - Tanzanie 2012 : Fin de notre exploration du Kenya et découverte de la Tanzanie avec ses plus célèbres parcs naturels mais aussi ses trésors bien cachés, hors des sentiers battus
Site web: http://www.aventures-nomades.fr
Carnets de voyage et photos de nos aventures nomades en Afrique de l'Est : Kenya - Ouganda - Tanzanie, Trip express Afrique du Sud - Kenya, Afrique Australe, Oman, TDM KapSud (Afrique, Australie et Océanie) ...

stephenrv7 13 Oct 2013 07:20

Did you find storage?
Gday, not sure if you have found a solution yet but I live permanently in Arusha & would be happy to store your vehicle for you. We are building a house so will be around for a while. Not too convenient for Dar but there are now cheap flights to Dar via fastjet (<$100) & its only 5 hrs to Nairobi & there is a bus shuttle for $25 straight to the airport. Also flights out of Nairobi are much cheaper than Dar.

Anyway feel free to give me a shout.
Stephen Reynolds

Desert Driver 17 Oct 2013 13:26

thanks for the offer and I might take you up on this next year but for now it is just too far north for me and my plans. i have 1 month to get from Lusaka to Dar es Salaam and plan to spend sometime in Mozambique on the way..

I have pm you so we can stay in touch

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