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Ride Far 17 Nov 2009 00:37


Originally Posted by steve.lorimer (Post 264328)
All the reasearch I did suggested otherwise. I'm sure that you could wing it on the DRC border, perhaps with a fake letter of invitation, but if you can go through Abuja and get your visa there, it's both easy and you have all your ducks in a row for when you do eventually get to the DRC border.

Agreed, it's a good idea to get the Angola visa in Abuja if you can, but people shouldn't be thinking it's an absolute necessity to enter DRC. And agreed too, the Angola visa is one of the bigger headaches of the west side...

eljulian 17 Nov 2009 07:46

Most interesting Steve. Will keep the tip about the Zambian letter in mind.

Does anyone think, a plane ticket from South Africa onwards, dated around 6 six weeks in the future, would suffice to get a visa in Matadi?
There's always talk about letters of invitation but a ready plane ticket should be ample proof I don't intend to become an illegal immigrant and live off the Anglan welfare system ;-)


steve.lorimer 17 Nov 2009 08:18

I seem to remember someone mentioning that it worked for them... although I can't be sure. To be honest I wouldn't rely only on the flight. To you and me, yes - proof of onward travel... to some lame-ass border official, who knows? Probably a good idea to visit the Zambian embassy too.

eljulian 17 Nov 2009 14:11

Looks like the Pool region, between Point Noire and Brazzaville is not getting any safer:

Reuters AlertNet - Congo Republic's Pool region plagued by attacks (15 Oct 2009)

Going Franceville, Gabon -> Akou/Ndongo, Congo Brazza -> Brazzaville -> Kinshasa -> Matadi seems the most sensible option.

See Steve's post: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...953#post229446

strimstrum 17 Nov 2009 23:39


Originally Posted by mandi (Post 264394)

Im going to be in Gabon for Xmas and New Year too, im leaving in a couple of weeks for there, so any ideas whereabouts you will be?


I know that Rick is in between Barcelona and Valencia today on his way to Morocco.

steve.lorimer 19 Nov 2009 07:33


Originally Posted by eljulian (Post 264481)

This post was a bit premature... carry on reading further down! :)

specfically here:


TravisRTW 22 Nov 2009 12:35

on the way to Gabon via Morocco

Stuck in Malaga with Carnet issues and blown fork seals. The Fork seals are the easy part. the Carnet from Canada is the nightmare part. The cost just went through the roof. Working on an alternate means to acquire a carnet.

When I get to gabon, I will be staying near the Louis Quarter with friends. If you are looking for a nice clean place that is inexpensive, try the Lotus Bleu. It near the top of the hill (Mont Sante) immediately behind the Presidential building. I am not sure if they have secure parking yet. I can get you their contact information if you want. There are some other hotels with beach front but as of last christmas they were just starting renovations and nothing happens fast in Gabon.

TravisRTW 25 Nov 2009 12:37

South Africa via Gabon Update
Mandi and others on west coast trail of Africa. I think the gods are starting to smile on me. I should have my carnet from Canada in hand & ready to leave Malaga on Saturday 28 November. Need to stop in Rabat, Monday, for visas (Mauritania & possibly Gabon).
Four weeks to get to Gabon. Hopefully it will not be too rushed.

as81 30 Nov 2009 10:51


Originally Posted by Ride Far (Post 264200)
Mmmmm, that may be overstating. Is anyone aware of travelers who could not get into DRC because of lack of visas (or other evidence) of onward travel ... stonewalled so badly they flew over DRC instead? I'm not ...

That said, it's a good idea to have evidence of onward travel, visas or otherwise, when attempting to enter DRC. Expect to be asked for it. In our case in February 09, entering DRC at Kinshasa, a letter of invitation from an outfit in Angola sufficed. A fake letter would have done as well.

So yeah, securing an Angola visa in Abuja is a good idea. The crazy Angolans could stop issuing visas at Matadi tomorrow. Get it when and where you can. But if you don't, just have some evidence of onward travel when entering DRC and you should be fine.

We should have go our Angolan visa in Abuja but instead we didnt want to wait the extra day and sweated it when we got to DRC. They asked us for our Angolan visa in Kinshasa and the only evidence we had for onward travel was a letter from our government internal affairs that had Angola and our names written on it and that seemed to be sufice, so I would if I were to do it again make a letter up with you name and a bogus company on it. We ended up getting our visa from Angolan Embassy in Kinshasa for US$30 and it took 4 hours to issue.

TravisRTW 30 Nov 2009 23:46

angolan visa
I will make a pit stop for a visa in Abuja. Just in case the Angolan embassy/consulate is closed for the holidays by the time I get to Gabon. Not even sure if it still open but my Gabonese friends seem to think it is still there in Libreville.

Southbound KTM 640
Morocco - Gabon - South Africa

TravisRTW 23 Dec 2009 11:04

Yaounde for gabonese visa
The maps and the improvements to to other roads in Nigeria lead to to elect to take the land crossing by Calabar after getting a visa there to continue to Cameroon. Beautiful countryside but damn terrible roads. 3 days to cover 400 KM. Heads up on Gabonese visas in Yaounde. it takes 3 working days. Drop off your passport with 50,000CFA in the morning and you should be able to pick it up late afternoon 2 days later. no letter of invitation or confirmed hotel reservations required. Had friends prepare some just in case. And there seems to be no wayh to speed up the process.

strimstrum 23 Dec 2009 13:40

Hi Rick

That's good going, looks like you should meet your Christmas target meet up with your friends.

Apart from the damaged crash bars, has the bike performed OK ?


Hilton Ashton 8 Jan 2010 10:16

Hi Travis,
I am thinking of riding from Johannesburg to London and am looking for people to do the trip with. It would be great if we could link up for your return trip, especially with all the experience you would have about crossing the various countries. Hilton

TravisRTW 19 Jan 2010 17:18

TravisRTW is returning to England
Due to a Spanish KTM mechanic not following the published proceedures in the Repair Manual, my 640 has to be shipped back to England as the engine needs to be pulled apart to repair blown seals. :censored: Just waiting for the motorbike to ship from Libreville to London.

I was looking forward to meeting up with everyone over the course of travelling around Africa. :(


Rick Travis

Koho 20 Jan 2010 11:53


Originally Posted by TravisRTW (Post 272464)
Due to a Spanish KTM mechanic not following the published proceedures in the Repair Manual, my 640 has to be shipped back to England as the engine needs to be pulled apart to repair blown seals. :censored: Just waiting for the motorbike to ship from Libreville to London.

I was looking forward to meeting up with everyone over the course of travelling around Africa. :(


Rick Travis

i am sorry to hear it Travis

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