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Landygirl 22 Nov 2012 18:59

Nigerian crossing East to West
Hey travellers

We'll be crossing Nigeria from Cameroon (at Ekok-Mfum) next week, heading for Benin. Any recent advice on routes would be hugely appreciated. Currently, I'm looking at heading up to Abuja and then down towards the coast, skirting Lagos and entering Benin on the main coast road. Any info on the state of the road (for 4 weeks) and availability of fuel (diesel) would be great as we intend crossing as fast as possible. 2 women and a dog don't want to hang about in a place with such a bad rep!

ta-rider 22 Nov 2012 19:09

Hi well you allready heared about the bad reputation of Nigeria on the same route you are planing to take i got jumped on my bike but with the car you have a better chance just be carefull the nigeria people drive like crazy and you have gost drivers coming towards you on your line all the time. In one situation i saved my live driving into the bushes and the car coming towards me crashed into the car behind me:

Riding the rough west coast through Africa - Transafrika part 3

roamingyak 23 Nov 2012 22:29


From Ikok head up to Abuja via Makurdi.

From Abuja head directly west on the A124 through Bida. At Mokwa, turn north west towards New Bussa and from there follow the piste through to the border crossing into Benin near Nikki (and Parakou). Its in Tracks4africa.

AVOID going south in Nigeria, their are hundreds more police checkpoints and hassle. Stay in the middle/north and it is much better. All names above from google maps.

MountainMan 24 Nov 2012 02:35

As yak says, the route through Abuja seems to be the most recommended route, but avoid going too far north.

Anyways, Nigeria is a pretty full on place but not as bad as some of the rumours would have you believe. Like all places, there are some rough characters but also some kind locals.

The biggest pain of the southern route was all the check stops but I seem to recall hearing that the stops along the road to Lagos have mostly been taken down sometime this year. They were there last year in December, not as much of a pain on a bike but in a vehicle, it would make for a lot of stop and go.

Coming from the south, one reason to go to Lagos was for the Burkina visa, which was some crazy amount if you got it at the border. Again there were discussions that they were going to reduce it to a more reasonable level that may have happened this year as well which would negate one of the main reasons to visit. Still, an interesting place to visit for the adventure seeker or if you know someone. Some of the local riders were exceptionally kind to me so I can't say enough good things about them.

Landygirl 28 Nov 2012 20:02

Thanks everyone. I'll update with anything new we find once we're through to Benin.

Henn 29 Nov 2012 15:05

It was a couple of years ago, but we took the route roamingyak recommends. It was great. Crazy drivers and a few sections of very potholed roads, but no real issues, and once past Mokwa you are well out in the countryside with friendly people and no hassles.

lbendel 30 Nov 2012 09:46

+1 for the road to New Bussa. Border crossing was a breeze. Avoid the southern road like plague.


Ronnie79 3 Dec 2012 14:51

Just crossed East to west a week ago. Not very much mud on the Cameroon side, quite easy. Some asshole demanding money for leting us pass though, which he didn't get.

Good roads to Abuja but ended up in the crossfire of some armed religious militants. With some meters to spare we luckily made it without anyone of us injured. (Just south of Lafia)

We crossed to Benin at Ketou, because we wasnät sure the borders were open. A lot of crazy truck drivers, potholes, many corrupt police but didn't pay a single Niara or cigarette along the way.

There is not diesel at all stations but there's no complete lack of it. But the quality was really bad, completely black! But our Nissan Patrols don't seem to mind at all.
Feel free to google translate and read or blogg from Nigeria: http://www.4x4expedition.se/blogg.html

Zombie025 13 Dec 2012 09:20


Originally Posted by Landygirl (Post 401411)
Hey travellers

We'll be crossing Nigeria from Cameroon (at Ekok-Mfum) n... down towards the coast, skirting Lagos and entering Benin on the main coast road.

Don't know if it's already too late, but i would try to avoid Lagos and the southern main road during this time of the year. Think about using the way though Abeokuta...
I'm travelling next week from Abuja to Ghana, maybe we see on the road

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