Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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strikingviking 12 Jan 2006 15:05

Parts in Tanzania
For your information--Tuk-Tuk Motorbikes in Dar es Salaam has tons of spare parts, mostly for Hondas and other small Japanese bikes. The warehouse across the street was stacked floor to ceiling in tires. They were mostly cheap brands but they came in big and hard to find sizes like seventeen inch. He also had some Bridgestones.

Ali Hussein is located in the city center and can be reached for ordering parts in advance at tuktuk@raha.com or tuktuk@ctvsatcom.net He also has a small shop with limited tools but an arc-welder and they know where to find bearings or other items it takes us days to locate. The whole staff is extremely helpful to longriders.

Matt Roach 12 Jan 2006 21:18

The only downside with Tuk Tuk is that they only carry crap Vee Rubber tyres etc. Apparently there are some expats in Dar who occasionally ship better quality tyres for their bikes from South Africa.

The guys at Tuk Tuk put me in touch with them, so if you are really keen and well prepared they might be able to source semi-decent tyres. The best point of initial contact is the Tuk Tuk guys.

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