Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Which way? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/which-way-11158)

Fuzzy Duck 8 Sep 2003 17:18

Which way?
Hello there

I'm in Russia at the moment - and hope to head South to travel through Africa starting in October. I originally planned to go via the Atlantic route - but I understand the Sudan/Chad border is closed, and could remain so for some time. I'd rather not get there and fly the bike to Ethiopia, better to choose a land route. I guess the 2 options are getting into Egypt and then downwards into Sudan and Ethiopia or perhaps via Syria, Jordan and then across into Egypt and onto Sudan...

Any suggestions, information or advcie would be most welcome... useful website suggestions would also be nice.

Hope to hear from you soon - thanks in anticipation of your help.

Fuzzy Duck
(I'm quackers about bikes)

Luke 9 Sep 2003 22:17

Hey ho
Michael and Sandy (www.expeditionoverland.com) made it with others via Congo with hassles in Nigeria.
Heard of a truck that got into Sudan 4 weeks ago.
I'm off down the Atlantic side soon full of hope to get in, but there are alternatives. I'll be doing the visa tour of Casa/Rabat towards end Oct. Maybe see you out there.

Fuzzy Duck 11 Sep 2003 17:24

Cheers Luke

It sounds do-able from what you say - maybe see you out there...

Fuzzy Duck
(I'm quackers about bikes)

Toby2 11 Sep 2003 22:56

Another option could be Syria,Jordan, Saudi, Yemen, Dijibouti, Ethiopia, met a couple who had come through that way. Otherwise Egypt or Saudi to Sudan or the west coast - Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, etc.

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