Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   sub-Saharan Africa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/)
-   -   Zimbabwe - Malawi -Burundi -Rwanda without carnet !!! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/zimbabwe-malawi-burundi-rwanda-without-44618)

omar mansour 11 Aug 2009 14:36

Zimbabwe - Malawi -Burundi -Rwanda without carnet !!!
Hi All
so I'm travelling by a bike registered in Egypt ,my Carnet doesn't have Zimbabwe- Malawi - Burundi and Rwanda ,and i want to pass by those countries ,i;m in South Africa now
Cant go to Namibia as i don't have visa ,and Botswana the visa will take 24 working day and will be issued for 3 days only !!!!!!!!!!! that's what they told me in Pretoria so i have to go to Mozambeque - from there hope i can go to Zimbabwe without Carent ,then to Zambia and further up
i;m on TIP in South Africa for 6 month ,will it help in those countreis or at least Zimbabwe?
any help ??
thanks a lot

mago 19 Aug 2009 13:07

Hey Omar!

Your carnet will get you through.. just show at the borders and present it.

Been tried before..

jim 20 Aug 2009 11:17

Hi Omar,
Im not sure about Rwanda/ Burundi, but for sure you can get a TIP for malawi and and Zim doesnt require a Carnet (at least not for South Africans0, but if they do for you you can certainly just present the one you have. Remember the fuel situation in Zim is pretty dire at times so fill up whenever you can! Also the Zim border police tend to like asking for ridiculous paperwork so that they can extort money out of you... just be patient and firm and eventually they will leave you alone.. As Im sure you know you can go around Rwanda and Burundi, its still a great trip ( I went from Tanzania into Uganda and then Kenya via Suam river Border (beautiful!!).
Hope you have a brilliant trip!
Nice to hear about other Africans doing it.

PS Are you sure you need a visa for namibia? Most countries can get theirs at the border. cant believe Botswana is being so difficult too, what a bunch of muppets!

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