Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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mikebrown 20 Jan 2008 20:55

71 ts 185
well i done some work on a guys house and found that he had a 71 ts185. bought it for $50. not bad it looked all there but the blinkers light. he said it needed a coil. I bought a good used coil and a cdi box and still no spark. last thing was the stator. it was a little had to track one down ebay once again came though. replaced the stator and still no fire! is there something i missing?? And were can i find the stator winding spec and cdi?? pulling my hair out.

Martynbiker 20 Jan 2008 21:06

its been stood, yeah?
Hi & :welcome: to the HUBB

Try the following.

Battery if it needs one.
connections to CDI from Magneto, rewire if you feel the wiring is crap or may be broken internally
Kill switch? it may be corroded inside.... strip n check!
check Spark plug lead
plug cap

NEW plug

let us know how you get on


mikebrown 20 Jan 2008 21:21

well the wiring was all chopped up so i went from the stator to the cdi (black and white/black and red/red and white) to the cdi and then from there to the coil. Trying to wire it with no kill switch right now. now if you dissconnect the ground from the coil it has so juice but not enough to spark a plug. and when the ground is connected there is no juice.

Walkabout 20 Jan 2008 23:26

Nigel is your man
I know absolutely nothing about these bikes but the moderator for this forum has about 30 of them in NZ.

I guess he will be along soon to let you know the ways of the TS185.


Nigel Marx 24 Jan 2008 00:01

Early TS!
That's an early model TS185 and I don't have much experience with them. I have two TS185ER models, which are a bit different, but I have about 25 old Suzuki's in my shed (as Walkabout said). If the wiring has been all chopped up, as you said, it's very hard to "talk" someone through a fix. It sounds to me that you already have a good handle on the basic electrics. I would, however, check the woodruff key, as I suggested in a previous post. It locks the flywheel to the crank and can shear off. The bike should not need a battery to run, but will blow bulbs and fuses without one to act as a buffer to high voltages.

Stator Spec: (One end of the coil windings must be grounded to stator.)

Exciter coil (black/red wire): 200ohms

Pulser coil (red/white wire): 67 ohms

Daytime charge coil: 0.1ohm

Nighttime Charge coil: 0.6ohm

Lighting coil: 0.3ohm

These electrical components are the same for the TS250 and TS185 of this era. That makes finding parts a bit easier.

Good luck and let us know how it pans out.

Kind regards

Nigel in NZ

mikebrown 29 Jan 2008 23:52

Still no fire
well I still down have fire. i checked the stator with the spec and everthing in the stator looks good. The woodruff key looked really good when I put the new stator on. Now when i put fuel in the motor and kick it over and remove the spark plug there is a little smoke. but the plug will not spark when i pull it out of the motor and grounded it to the motor. do I have my timing out??? I tryed moving the stator in three positions and still no fire.

Nigel Marx 30 Jan 2008 02:56

If the timing is out, you will still get a spark, just at the wrong time. It's probably still a wiring issue (Note: I had put "timing" here not "wiring". Now edited. Sorry if there was any confusion). Sent me some digital pix to my email address (click my name to get that or from my profile). I will see if they match anything like the newer TS185ER models that I have.

Kind regards

Nigel in NZ

ScootsMcNuggets 11 Jun 2008 15:51

did you ever figure this out? I just bought a TS250 and i am having the same problem. I have .5 to 1.1 volts coming out of the exciter coil, but once i plug the ignition coil in i get nothing. I bought another coil off flea bay for a TS185 but that didn't make any difference. The lights were removed from the bike and the original owner said he ran it like that for years. He hadn't rode it since the early 90's though. The ignition switch is my next target. Did you bypass this, and what wires did you have to jump? Should bypass the kill switch too.

Mr-X 21 Oct 2008 05:10

I have found the answer to the ts185 issues.
I'm in the process of re-wiring mine to an old honda ignition switch(cb750 switch) that i had lying in my shed.

I found a website with the ts185A manual for free, here you go and i hope that helps.

Also, do any of you have the 4 prong ts185 switch with a key lying about???
It would be much easier on me than trying to cross wire a honda to a suzuki :\, and i found one ignition switch but they want a large amount of money for shipping it.

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