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holodragon 28 Jan 2010 08:01

Do I really need a new can on my DL650??
Hi all,
have been reading some threads regarding Catalytic converters & exhausts for the DL650 & opinion seems divided, do I really need to get rid of the Cat? Will Leaded fuel really mess up the exhaust system?
I have the K7 DL650.
As a rule I do not normally change the can on my bike but as I want to travel further afield then I will change it if it will give me genuine benefits.
Exhaust systems are expensive & I do not want to waste cash on a new "shiny thing" unless there are sound reasons for doing so :confused1:

buebo 28 Jan 2010 08:35


Originally Posted by holodragon (Post 273911)
Hi all,
have been reading some threads regarding Catalytic converters & exhausts for the DL650 & opinion seems divided, do I really need to get rid of the Cat? Will Leaded fuel really mess up the exhaust system?

The short answer is yes and no. As far as I know running on leaded fuel will indeed kill your catalytic converter. However your bike will still run with the downside that performance might be affected, the converter will be freakingly hot for some time (part of the chemical reaction) and that you just killed a perfectly fine exhaust system.

Not sure where the catalytic converter sits on a DL650, if it's in the can you'll probably be better of just getting an aftermarket can without the cat and use that. Changing it is usually straight forward...

Your engine won't be affected anyway.

However this is just hearsay and infos I compiled from reading this and other forums, so somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

vangraan 23 Feb 2010 20:01

Check that you actually have a cat in the first place. I was worried about this before starting my cross Africa trip but it ended up I didn't even have one on the bike. I know the American version has a cat but don't know if the UK one does.

I have used leaded fuel with no problems. Even used some 80 octane in and it ran no problems.

Mickey D 24 Feb 2010 20:33

No US version Vstrom have a Cat converter. Never has. In the EU I'm not sure. I know EU versions of the DL1000 has a Cat but not sure on the DL650.

Simple check of your owners manual should confirm this. If you DO have a Cat, then find out where is it located. Typically, leaded fuel does destroy a CAT converter. As the Cat breaks up in can clog up your exahaust. This is what happens on some cars. The fact is, nearly every country in the world has at least some unleaded fuel. In fact, most fuel in the world today is unleaded.

I would never change the Wee Strom exhaust unless absolutely necessary.
Although a bit heavy, its a great design and will last 20 years minimum.

Short answer? Use Unleaded!

AndyWx 14 Apr 2010 11:39

That is a fair question!

Didn't think about it much as I've heard a lot of people travelled the globe on these and never had a problem. I have a service scheduled in two weeks time - will ask the lads what they think.


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