Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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nx650 27 Nov 2007 21:42

dr 650 wheels
Hey anyone had any probs with the wheels rims etc on long trips loaded up. I drove my nx from the uk to nz on the originals and never had a problem but also I knew nothing back then. Tempted to spend some cash on flash rims and heavy duty spokes before I go to SA but if no one has ever had an issue I just won't bother and I'll spend it on beer instead cheers Rich
PS what a bloody amazing bike the dr really is I cannot believe how much better it is in terms of comfort suspension and engine than my NX. I love my nx dearly but feels like a tractor these days in comparison. I never thought I would fall for a suzuki.

outthere 2 Dec 2007 08:21

Dr650 Wheels
Hi, ive done over 60,000ks on my 02 DR, the greatest persentage of those Ks have been on very rough roads, 35,000+ on the African continent. I have had no issues with wheels/ Rims/ Spokes. I have a spoke spanner and in my maintenace shedual i check spokes. The thing i would say to carry is the bearing for the sprocket carrier, i just bought a generic one with seals not worrying about the seperate seal, that is standard. I will say that i personally find tyre pressures and speed have a lot to do with damaged Rims/ Wheels and the bike in general. All the best in your travels Brian B:D

beddhist 2 Dec 2007 12:36

Dto. here: 123000 km on the clock now, haven't even needed to tighten any spokes yet. Just crossed Tibet and Yunnan on pretty rough stuff.

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