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beddhist 30 Nov 2003 02:20

DR 650SE main stand
Hmm, seeing nobody knows anything about chain cases I'll try my luck with an easier question:

We want to fit main stands to our bikes. There seem to be several brands around. Irins & Trui have told me that they bought an Italian brand that worked so poorly they took it off again.

Does anybody have any experience with a particular brand?


Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


Gipper 28 Oct 2004 02:20

Hey there, Check out Dual Star in the USA - not cheap to buy or ship but probably the best ive seen.
on a different note I see that youve got an Acerbis 25 litre tank, what problems were there to fit it ? worth doing ? the choice for large tanks is very limited.


beddhist 2 Nov 2004 04:23

So, are you actually using one of these stands? I'm aware of them, but a bit hesitant ordering from the US. Also, it doesn't have a lever to step on, so I'a afraid the bike will be hard to lift onto the stand.

The tank is a bit fiddly to fit to the SE. You have to make adapter brackets front and rear, tilt the oil cooler forward almost 45° and lower the rear of the mudguard to make space for the cooler.

Definitely worth it: 500km before going onto reserve!

Disadvantage: the breather hose makes fitting a tank bag a pain. The expensive lockable filler cap that I got with the second tank (used, though) fell to pieces on the first rough piste I did.

I intend to compile instructions on how to fit the tank when I find the time. They will be posted on the DR650 Yahoo group as files.

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


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