Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Dr using gs 1150 seat (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/suzuki-tech/dr-using-gs-1150-seat-32388)

Ragge_ 16 Jan 2008 17:41

Dr using gs 1150 seat
I was just browsing the net the other day, i found a post of a guy who had fitted a gs 1150 seat to his dr.
I really liked the idea, but now i can't find the post again, any of you out there know who this is?
can't really remember if it was even here i read about it :confused1:
please help

Martynbiker 16 Jan 2008 19:13

Try looking at your Browser History
Browser History should have it still there......unless you been surfin 'Pron' and wiped it.... :eek3:


Frank Warner 16 Jan 2008 22:51

Could have been Brian - outofhere .. somethin like that ..

Osama Radzi 17 Jan 2008 03:53

sounds like me!

Originally Posted by Martynbiker (Post 168831)
Browser History should have it still there......unless you been surfin 'Pron' and wiped it.... :eek3:


I always clear my history, whats wrong with surfing 'Pron?' hehe....
(bcoz I using my office pc):rofl: honest:cool4:

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