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Acrossamerica 20 Sep 2017 04:06

Dr650 stock carb issue
Helloo !!
Im on a long trip across america and i got some issue with my stock carb. Its running too lean (no suprise) and i really dont know whats my best option right now! So i would like to know what can i do to make it better without spendind all my money:( thanks ! louacrossamerica@gmail.com

Gipper 20 Sep 2017 05:11

Hey, Welcome to the HUBB :)

The simplest solution is to remove the EPA blanking plug which covers the fuel screw and turn out the fuel screw with a screwdriver to add more fuel. You will have to remove the carb from the bike to do this.

There is more info on this old thread:


Lots of good info on the BST40 bible too.

If you only remove the EPA blanking cap, the stock fuel screw is still quite awkward to get to when you are making adjustments. If possible try to get an 'extended fuel screw' to replace the stock screw, this sticks down out of the bottom of the carb and is easy to turn by hand

The Procycle jet kit for the stock DR is the best one to get, it has the correct drill bit and the extended fuel screw and a selection of jets. You could then make the bike run better and do further modifications in the future.

If you are on the road and not able to get a kit shipped to you, maybe someone on your intended route could help you out from a HUBB community, or you could ask someone on www.DRRiders.com (a great website for all things DR650) or the DR650 facebook page which has lots of people on it - especially in the USA.

mollydog 21 Sep 2017 03:54

Good advice above!

Question to OP:
What makes you think your bike is running too lean? What symptoms or problems are you having? Please describe.

Remember: The DR650, with stock BST 40 Carb, comes very lean from the factory ... and it runs just fine like that. If you're having a specific problem, please try to describe it so the DR650 crew here can try to help out.

As Gipper mention, the guys over on DRRiders forum also very good and helpful. It's all there, or .. just ask!

Also, Gipper's suggestion of the extended fuel screw is a "MUST DO" item, IMO. You will need it crossing the Rockies.

I wonder what the current jetting set up is on your bike?
Has the Carb, Air Box, air filter, Pipe been modified in any way from stock?
If you can detail out your set up (if you know), I may be able to "solve" your problem. You may be running RICH, not lean! (this has happened before!)

So, What Is:
Jetting? Main jet size? Pilot Jet?
Air Box modified or Stock set up with snorkel or aftermarket air filter or Cut Air box? If you don't know, just say so.

If your Carb has a kit from Pro Cycle already installed (or a Dyno Jet kit or other) then what needle do you have and what clip position are you using?
All this matters and is mostly easily remedied by owner in Motel parking lot in a few hours of work. Or ... visit a good shop but expect to pay pretty high hourly rates these days. bier

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