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Nath 3 Nov 2009 09:47

If the tank I'd got didn't fit I was gonna sling it back on eBay and try something different. Sure it'd get tedious real quick if you ended finding 3 or more tanks that didn't work, but for me there was no other option because the 16l tank Acerbis made for my bike was not enough.

You can always take a look at the bike the tank is intended for and see how similar things are which could possibly foul on the tank. Also, remember you can mount the tank a little high up if you have to, to help clear some things. I mounted mine at a slight angle to clear the throttle mechanism on the side of my carb - If you look at it properly from the front you can spot that it's on the slant, but otherwise you'd never know.

*Touring Ted* 3 Nov 2009 10:09


Originally Posted by Nath (Post 262662)
If the tank I'd got didn't fit I was gonna sling it back on eBay and try something different. Sure it'd get tedious real quick if you ended finding 3 or more tanks that didn't work, but for me there was no other option because the 16l tank Acerbis made for my bike was not enough.

You can always take a look at the bike the tank is intended for and see how similar things are which could possibly foul on the tank. Also, remember you can mount the tank a little high up if you have to, to help clear some things. I mounted mine at a slight angle to clear the throttle mechanism on the side of my carb - If you look at it properly from the front you can spot that it's on the slant, but otherwise you'd never know.

Any pictures ??

Wide Phil 3 Nov 2009 19:09


Originally Posted by tedmagnum (Post 262594)
The Clark ones are only 14 litres which is only 3.5 litres more than the original.. You have to ask if its worth the money for that..

The Aqualine is 17 litres but yes, very pricey..

I would love the big 28 litre one but at £450, its very painful to hand over that that much money. You really need to be crossing the Sahara for warrant that kind of tank size anyway.

My S is doing 60mpg and goes onto reserve at 95 miles ish the clarke one from people who also have them say they can get 180 miles froma tank:confused1:

*Touring Ted* 3 Nov 2009 19:20


Originally Posted by Wide Phil (Post 262724)
My S is doing 60mpg and goes onto reserve at 95 miles ish the clarke one from people who also have them say they can get 180 miles froma tank:confused1:

I got about 130 miles from my stock tank... 95 miles sounds right if you're riding it very hard ??

Is yours stock ? Bigger jets maybe ?

Big Yellow Tractor 3 Nov 2009 21:38


Originally Posted by tedmagnum (Post 262727)
I got about 130 miles from my stock tank... 95 miles sounds right if you're riding it very hard ??

Is yours stock ? Bigger jets maybe ?

My "E" gets 95 miles to the tank; 50/50 mix trail/road. Doesn't really seem to make much difference if I ride gently or thrash it to within an inch of it's life; although it does use a bit of oil if I ride it nearly flat out for sustained periods.

Any thoughts on putting auxiliary tank somewhere else on the bike and using a little electric fuel pump for transfer ?

At the moment, I have a couple of 2 litre plastic containers but that only takes my range to 130 miles.

levitan 11 Dec 2009 08:49

For what it's worth, the Clarke tanks hold around 16 litres and depending on how you ride can give close to 400km range.

We travelled on DRZ400S machines, the Clarke fits just fine and the cooling fan can stay in place.

Also, the see-thru plastic is good for keeping an eye of the fuel level.

Photo here..
Waiting for red tape on Flickr - Photo Sharing!


*Touring Ted* 11 Dec 2009 19:36


Originally Posted by levitan (Post 267454)
For what it's worth, the Clarke tanks hold around 16 litres and depending on how you ride can give close to 400km range.

We travelled on DRZ400S machines, the Clarke fits just fine and the cooling fan can stay in place.

Also, the see-thru plastic is good for keeping an eye of the fuel level.

Photo here..
Waiting for red tape on Flickr - Photo Sharing!



Love your touring screens ??? Were they bought or home made ??

I need one :)

Neil 11 Dec 2009 20:03

Some degenerate at Ripley....
and the HUMM used an oversized tank on his DRZ...

Depending on the jetting you've got set up (and airbox mod/exhaust system) your range will be significantly different.
http://neils.in/wp-content/gallery/d...na/traffic.jpg <= that's after riding 200 miles on that tank (50 miles from Barcelona)... I still managed to spend a week riding in Barcelona, and then ride to Andorra on that tank load. :)

Aqualine Safari 29L tank... hideously ugly... highly recommended.... also acts as a fantastic security device.... park it in the middle of any high street and there'll be at least a pair of eyes guarding it for you. :D

Terramax 3 Jan 2010 21:50

I recommend the Aqualine Safari tank also. The guy above says it looks hidious, but it depends on the colour your choose and the colour of your bike. I bought mine here:

Core Racing - Aqualine Fuel Tanks, Larger fuel tanks for Off Road Motorcycles

I own a blue one and a white/ clear one like the pics Neil posted above me. The clear one does look pretty bad on my blue DRZ, but I've seen it on yellow DRZs and it looks much better.

The blue one on my DRZ, however, looks freaking awesome.

P.S. why does everyone's DRZ look so much better than mine grrr.

EDIT: I agree with the pair of eyes watching it for you remark. I recently went to a campsite and lord knows how many people crowded around the thing all day. Dare I say I was rather proud.

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