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Lefty52 28 Jan 2008 20:01

First post, hello! & tire recommendations
Hello to all, just joined and am happy to be here:thumbup1:
I've just purchased an 08 DR650 and would like as much advice as possible.
The mods I'll be making are: DJ carb kit, airbox mod, Renazco seat, taller bars, windscreen(not sure which one), Pat Walsh luggage rack, Revpack luggage, skidplate, and some other small mods.
I'll be taking it across the USA in September along US Rt. 20. My goal is 300 miles a day with a 12 day trip window. I'm looking to replace the Trailwinngs with a 80% on 20% off tire. I've been doing lots of homework and would like some feedback on the following:
Kenda K761
Duro Median
Pirelli MT90 A/T
Thanks in advance, happy to be part of the gang:D

pranda 28 Jan 2008 21:06

Metzeler tourance! great!

Bill Ryder 28 Jan 2008 21:14

Hello from Helena Montana
Hello from the land of the -50F windchill today. I have actualy had some good use out of the Duro's for the price, otherwise the Metzlers.

Frank Warner 28 Jan 2008 21:52

Over 500 pages .. some of it on tyres
the DR650 thread - ADVrider

Lefty52 28 Jan 2008 22:39


Originally Posted by Frank Warner (Post 171384)
Over 500 pages .. some of it on tyres
the DR650 thread - ADVrider

Frank, thanks for the heads up, I've been an inmate @ advrider and thumpertalk for some time now. I've looked through most all the threads and that's where i came up with my three choices. The Metzler's are great tires but are 4th on the list.:mchappy:

Lone Rider 28 Jan 2008 22:46

IRC GP110 (not GP1)
Mefo Explorer 99

Both tires get reasonable mileage and are good on-road.

Lefty52 28 Jan 2008 23:45


Originally Posted by Lone Rider (Post 171398)
IRC GP110 (not GP1)
Mefo Explorer 99

Both tires get reasonable mileage and are good on-road.

Yup, I looked at the GP110, it was a toss up to the Kenda's, I'll take another look at them, thought about the Mefo's but apparently the only person to import them is constantly out of stock. Know any pace I can get them?

Dr650 dreadnought 29 Jan 2008 03:01

Lefty, the Trail Wings it came with are a great 80/20 tire imho. I rode these all over the Yukon, NWT to the arctic. They are passable on dirt just not mud. Reasonable wear (7,000 rear) and no flats in 25,000k. Stick with them unless your on single track. I ride with a Mitas e9 now, but I am using it as almost a pure ditch pig.
I had good luck with trailwings on dirt roads. Good choice of bike. :thumbup1:

Lefty52 29 Jan 2008 21:17

I want to thank all those who offered their help on the tires thing, I've found the tires I thought I couldn't get, MEFO 99's. My Suzuki dealer found some and ordered them for me today. They weren't on the list as I thought it would take months to get them.:clap:

I'll let you all know how they hold up x-country.

Lefty52 30 Jan 2008 03:52


Originally Posted by mollydog (Post 171587)
I would consider the Mefo more a 50/50 tire, not 80/20.
I totally agree, it might just get me off the road more.

The Trailwings are great tires, especially the front, but the rear wears out very quickly.....about 3000 miles or so.
I can't say that the general consensus about the "deathwings" share your feelings. Also I plan to put 2000+ miles on the bike this summer before going x-country in Sept. Don't want to have to get tires in Iowa if I don't have to.:(

For a mostly paved cross country ride in the US I would go with Avon Distanzias. Try to to get the 120's not 130's, bike will handle better and will last last last!
Distanzias were one of my choices until I started reading about the MEFO's, I'm also going to try and do as much back/gravel roads as I can.

See some of my posts on my DR prep thread. Your list of mods is very impressive....you have done your homework and it shows!! An IMS tank would be nice, wider pegs.
Thanks, I will. I have to thank those who've posted on all the forums for their invaluable guidance. Wider pegs are on the "new" list, jury's still out on the IMS(weight vs fuel consumption & quality of product)
Traveling in the US, tires aren't really a problem. any dealer will fix you up on road if you get stuck.
One reason I was concerned about the MEFO's is that they are so hard to get, but if they don't work out or I need to replace them on the road, Distanzias or Pirelli MT90 A/T's will be the replacement.


Thanks from another,

XT GIRL 30 Jan 2008 05:17

Just hello...

Don't have much more to say at present...

pecha72 30 Jan 2008 12:48

Though Patrick surely knows his stuff, and I appreciate his words of wisdom, I gotta disagree a tiny bit about the Trailwings.

My 07 Vstrom650 came with them, and I never liked them. Had the same rubbers on an Africa Twin before, and didnt like them on that bike, either. And they seem to wear very quickly, too.

Felt actually much the same on both machines; unpredictable, especially in the wet, a bit like having "knobblies" on. Didnt impress in the dry, either, and the front started to shake more and more when a bit leaned over, as they wore down. I checked the air pressures many times (I normally do it 2-3 times a week) and even tried a bit different readings, but that did little to change the fundamental feeling.

Changed for Metzeler Z6's next, and Michelin Anakees after that, and boy does the Suzuki feel much better with both of these! The Z6's were just perfect for twisty roads, and very, very good to ride in the rain. Michelin may not be on quite that level (The Metz is a full-on street tyre) but it still suits my bike (and my way of riding, and where I ride) better than the original 'Stones.

The Anakees last (especially on the back) at least 2 times longer than the Trailwings have, AND they offer either more grip, or more confidence. I am able to use the back tyre's tread pattern completely on both sides (ok, maybe 1-2mm could be missing) even quite easily... something which I wouldnt have dared to try with those 'Stones (would feel Im going to crash!) The bike feels so much more stable & confidence-inspiring with the Metz or with the Michelins, than it did with the original tyres.

This is just how I felt. And Im talking street-riding now, never even tested them on the dirt properly. Surely someone with more offroad-experience might have a totally different opinion. I might sometime try the newer (Battlewing?) but the Trailwings Im done with, for my use there are so much better options available.

Lefty52 30 Jan 2008 23:06


Originally Posted by Lone Rider (Post 171398)
IRC GP110 (not GP1)
Mefo Explorer 99

Both tires get reasonable mileage and are good on-road.

Bad news:
MEFO's out of stock, thought they had them, and didn't. They won't be in until late March.

Good news:
Ordered GP-110's almost half the price and I can get them anywhere I travel x-country.
Thanks LoneRider:thumbup:


Lone Rider 31 Jan 2008 01:14


Originally Posted by mollydog (Post 171640)
.... My feeling is the
IRC GP-1 is as good if not better....and about half the price. I just one to Baja
and back and it performed beyond my expectations and its lasted very well too. A bonus for a $50 tire. (??)


Did you mean 'GP110', and not 'GP1'?

Lefty52 31 Jan 2008 03:00

I love it, you guys just hi-jacked my thread, way cool:thumbup1:

I bought the GP-110's that's what I meant...............

Thanks for the help:funmeteryes:

Dr650 dreadnought 31 Jan 2008 04:36

Everybody loves a Tire or Oil Thread. It is something everyone will have an opinion on!:innocent:

Walkabout 31 Jan 2008 09:47

Oil and tyres

Originally Posted by Dr650 dreadnought (Post 171871)
Everybody loves a Tire or Oil Thread. It is something everyone will have an opinion on!:innocent:

Yes, very true! Strange how oil and tyres are so bike specific.
I guess Rossi would express it very well.

Now a thread about fuel octane or whatever won't get wrapped up in the bike itself, but these two consumables.......

Lefty52 31 Jan 2008 15:47

Ok, I'll jump in, how about Amsoil for my DR650?

Jeffr726 29 May 2008 04:05

Don't know if you're still looking for tires, but here's my experience. I just started the US portion of my trip. I've done 3,700 miles so far on my DR650, with Scorpion MT90 AT front and rear. I weigh about 200lbs, and luggage including the weight of the boxes is about 80lbs. I'd say my average speed has been around 60 mph. Lots of twisties down the eastern half of the country, and about 800 miles of long and boring straight line high speed drones. I definitely have not taken it easy in terms of acceleration and braking. The front has held up well and I see no reason to replace it. The center tread on the rear has about 2mm of rise left. (not sure if that is the proper term for it). It still looks good for road use, but I would not want to take it anywhere else. I have essentially no off-road experience with these tires, unless you consider hard-pack gravel off-road. On-road, these tires have been a blast and I couldn't have asked for more grip.

On another note, I had my bike jetted for sea-level, with the usual open-top airbox, DJ 155 main, fuel-air screw 2.5 turns out, Dyno jet needle 4th notch from the top, stock exhaust. I averaged 42 mpg across the country. The bike ran flawlessly, until just outside of Denver, Colorado at about 5,400ft. Air-fuel screw adjustments weren't enough to make it run well again, so I put the stock needle and jet back in, and it runs a hair lean at 5,400ft still.

Hope this info is helpful, or at least info to throw into the mix.


Jeffr726 5 Jun 2008 06:23


Originally Posted by mollydog (Post 191868)
Where are you headed on your DR?
Do you have a BLOG set up or....?
I'd like to follow your trip if possible.

I'm heading from Connecticut to Argentina. I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah at the moment and will be leaving here in a day or so. I had a blast in Colorado, and I'll be going back to the Southwest portion of the state as I head South. I made a simple website: Journey to the Bottom of the World Essentially none of my friends and family ride bikes, so the journal isn't too bike oriented, but I hope to contribute my experiences here or answer any inquiries. If you have a chance, take a look and let me know what you think. I haven't added the link as a signature line yet, figuring my newbie adventure would be a bore for some of the more hardened bikers. Btw, how did the IRC in the pic work out for you? I'm putting a TKC up front in Arizona, still undecided on the rear.

In regard to the original thread, the stock jetting with the air box opened at the top did pretty well up to 12,200ft. Any higher than that and I think I'll have to take the airbox cover off. Gas mileage went to %#!? at that altitude though, especially at highway speeds. (36mpg) With Stock jetting I usually get around 50 mph at moderate speeds. This may be common knowledge, but since I'm from Connecticut, I wasn't sure how altitude would affect the bike.

Desert Rat 2 Jul 2008 13:29

I have been searching many websites for the "ultimate and definitive" tire list...ha! ha!!..fat chance of that ...but I have seen some really interesting comment. I am presently looking for replacement rubber for the Dunlop Trailmax on my Africa Twin. I am going to ride 5000km's through Namibia in a few weeks time and I will have my 11yr old son pillion with me. Of the 5000km I will be doing around 1500 on tar the rest will be gravel roads with the odd patch of sand.
I have been looking at TKC's, Pirelli Scorpions, T63's etc etc...the list is unending. I then had a conversation with a gentleman from "Tours For Africa" a company here in South Africa that takes individuals adventure biking all over Africa and they do the occasional Cape to Cairo run. He is in the Adventure biking business has tons and years of experience...he swears by Anakee tires ...150's on the back 90's up front and he says you can go anywhere barring the worst "fesh-fesh". Looking at these tires they are quite "road" (as in tar) oriented so I am a little confused as I do not have much experience with Dual sporting. I have an XR650R that I ride off-road and that is a simple choice Dunlop D908RR agressive tire on the back and a resonable front MX tire and off you go.
I would appreciate any comments on the Anakees and or recomendations specifically for the Africa Twin. Thanks in advance

vmabuck 4 Jul 2008 01:23

I just ordered this combo. Don't know how it will work out but you can't beat the prices!

Rear: Cheng Shin C858 5.10X17
Front: Kings Tire KT963 3.00X21

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