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vagabond 13 Nov 2002 21:35

Fuel consumption and suspension
I'm thinking of buying a used dr650se, but frist would like to know how much fuel it uses at diferent speeds on and off road.
I'd also need to raise the height of the bike by about 15 cm. (6 in.) and impove the suspension. Is it possible to modify the original or is it best to repace shock and forks?
Thanks for any help.

vagabond 10 Dec 2002 07:01

Well I guess it was too hard to answer how much fuel a DR650 drinks, (since none of you rides one).
Don't even wanna think how tough the other question must be...

Grant Johnson 10 Dec 2002 07:36

I'm surprised no one noticed your post and responded - most posts get plenty of replies!

Can't help on the fuel, but check out Iris and Trui's story - their info is on the links page and in the last couple of issues of the ezine. They did Europe to India and back on two dr's and were very happy with them. Also the bikebrothers did across Russia on two and were happy. Good solid reliable bikes.

As for raising the bike 6 inches - whatever for????

As for improving the suspension, there are lots of better rear shocks out there, just replace it, and the front is not bad as is. If you really need to improvve it - and I'd be somewhat surprised - you'd have to be a really super rider to need much improvement past quality aftermarket springs and good oil - then there are lots of fabuous forks available at meg prices.

If you really need topflight suspension, it's much easier to just buy the right bike to start with.

SO - why not just buy for example a KTM? Great bikes with super suspension as delivered.

hope that helps,

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

vagabond 10 Dec 2002 23:12

I don't know wether I need top notch suspension but, when I had the chance to ride a DR, it was rather soft, especially at the back, and that was arround town only. It probably was a combination of my weight and height but it felt very low, and thought it could do with more ground clearence.
The bike I rode was from a dealer, and he didn't know its fuel consumption.
As for a KTM, I need a 50/50 bike, and from what I've read the DR should be about right with some modifications.
Thanks for your suggestions and sorry for the recriminatory nature of my earlier post, but it got me noticed. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/tongue.gif


P. S.: Great site!

OldRoadToad 11 Dec 2002 08:08

Hello the house!

I apologise for not noticing your request for fuel economy information as regards the DR650.

Of late, my 2001 DR650 consistently averages 50 mpg as a combination of both city and high way riding (I am far removed from being an adventure rider, but much like my literary name sake - J. Thaddeus Toad of "The Wind in the Willows", I do have my moments on the bike).

The lowest I have ever gotten has been 44 mpg, and the highest was 58 mpg.

I hope this proves of some help to you.

For your information and comparison, I am approximately 200 pounds in weight, and I find the ride to be more than adequate. I may up the rear shock's pre-load a bit, as I plan on gaining some weight over the next few months, LOL!

An excellent bike to be sure.

The Toad http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

vagabond 12 Dec 2002 04:14

Hello The Toad;
Thanks for the usefull info.
I am a bit heavier than that http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/biggrin.gif, and like you I'll probably gain some more weight for christmas.
I really fancy your bike.


[This message has been edited by vagabond (edited 11 December 2002).]

Ben G 25 Dec 2002 23:01

hello there Ben here again fuel economy on my 96 dr set is considerably better than the 1 reply you've received.The best i've managed is 75 mpg that was a motorway run in rush hour so average speed was about 60 mph.Around town traffic light grand prix included the worst was about 63 mpg.At the moment i average 150 miles fom full to going onto reserve which is about 9 and a half litres so in theory my standard tank has at least 3 litres left.Off road i seem to get the same as urban fuel use.I do tend to ride in an economical way,anticipating whats likely to happen,rarely using the brakes and using the bikes low end pulling power,which of course is what a big single is all about.Acceleration is where most fuel is used but for us acceleration junkies it's so hard to resist.

vagabond 27 Dec 2002 21:19

Hi Ben;
Thanks for your reply. I guess the reason for the figures being different is that you're thinking in imperial gallons (4.55 litres) and Toad in US (3.78 litres).

geordie 5 Jul 2003 01:08

The DR650 is pretty good on fuel, however, I would still reccomend a larger Acibis plastic tank. This comes complete with two fuel taps (one either side) so you can actualy make use of the full tank.
Secondley, Kona do some modifications to alter the ride height. You must be really tall, as the DR 650 is queit a tall bike to start with.
Good Luck

[This message has been edited by geordie (edited 04 July 2003).]

iris_trui 12 Jul 2003 03:12

Hello "vagabond",
here you'll find an answer to your (old) question: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb...ML/000232.html
We weren't very much on the net last year, so we never saw your question. If you need more info on the DR 650 SE, you can contact us of course.

Enjoy this great bike, as we do http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Iris and Trui
2 belgian women, often travelling on motorbikes (now on DR650SE's)
2nd overland from home to Northern India and back, April-October 2002

vagabond 12 Jul 2003 08:37

Iris & Trui, thanks both for the info.
Geordie, you mention Kona do modifications to alter the bike's height, do you have their web address?

iris_trui 14 Jul 2003 04:14

Hello again "vagabond" and "geordie",
we wrote about the suspension bit, but I noticed the "You must be really tall, as the DR 650 is quite a tall bike to start with" just now.
If we're talking about the DR 650 SE (last generation, from 1995 onward), then this is certainly not the case. The bike sort of comes with a lowering kit to start with (described extensively in its original manual).
We're both average (read: short = 1m64) girls, and had both of our bikes lowered to our great satisfaction. Upgraded the suspension as you could read in the Hyperpro story mentioned two postings above.
So even for shortish riders, this bike is perfect.
If you need more specific info, please contact us directly.


Iris and Trui
2 belgian women, often travelling on motorbikes (now on DR650SE's)
2nd overland from home to Northern India and back, April-October 2002

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