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vangraan 4 Nov 2009 10:07

Leaded Petrol DL 650
Currently in Namibia and on my way north through Africa. My tank says "Unleaded Fuel Only" but in Africa some places have only leaded petrol.

What are my options? Do I need to make modifications to the bike or will it actually run on leaded petrol without breaking it?


*Touring Ted* 11 Nov 2009 09:42

Leaded fuel will kill your lambda sensor !!

vangraan 12 Nov 2009 06:05

I now spoke to many different Suzuki dealers and the one of the main tech people at Suzuki South Africa and they say it will be no problem. My DL 650 doesn't have a catalyst like some other models does.

What is a lambda sensor?

*Touring Ted* 12 Nov 2009 09:13

you might know it as the oxygen sensor ??

in simple terms, It sniffs the air/fuel mixture, telling the ECU how to run the injectors.

leaded fuel reduces the lifespan of these.

If you're just "passing through", it will more than likely be fine but it's something to be aware of with prolonged use.

I've no personal experience of this though. Just what I was taught !!

ozhanu 12 Nov 2009 09:48

hi vangraan,

what year is your dl650?

gixxer.rob 12 Nov 2009 11:59

Short term ?
I ran my 97 Yam XTZ 660 on leaded for a month with no probs.

But its a carb bike.

DAVSATO 12 Nov 2009 19:52

i guess if suzuki say its ok for your lambda sensor then thats ok, but leaded will certainly wreck a catalizer if you have one. thats one reason why so many travellers use aftermarket exhaust systems

vangraan 12 Nov 2009 20:01

My DL is a 2005 model.
The manual I have shows it have a catalyst. But I downloaded it from the internet. I think certain countries have the catalyst in but I am from South Africa and it seems here that year model doesn;t have them.

hmadams 12 Nov 2009 20:18

+1 on screwing the catalyst and can clog injectors, but injector cleaner in fuel will clean it right up. I know this from bringing an American car to Spain in the 1990's when unleaded was rare. Car had to have the cat converters removed and needed injector cleaner about every 3-5 tank of fuel. Car did well for 4 years there. You're bike will more than likely suffer no damage if just passing through.

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