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Danquart 20 May 2007 08:18

wee strom abs
Hallo all.:thumbup1:
Just got a wee strom with abs.
Does anyone know if it is possible to simply disconnect the abs and go normal brakes, if something goes wrong with abs somewhere in the middle of nowhere?:confused1:

Thanks .... Dan:tongue_smilie:

Nigel Marx 21 May 2007 00:03

Get-home mode
As far as I'm aware all the manufactures allow for ABS failure in their designs somehow. There is usually some sort of "Get Home Mode" that the electronics revert to if there is some sort of malfunction.


Nigel in NZ

Danquart 21 May 2007 05:54

to break or not to brake
Thanks Nigel,:thumbup1:
good to know even though I only use the things when it·s absolutely neccesary :w00t:

Cheers .... Dan:tongue_smilie:

pecha72 28 May 2007 09:05

Suzuki doesnt have the option to disconnect ABS manually like BMW has... actually I´d appreciate that function just for the reason that if youre getting some trouble with it you could put it off.

Then again, the system is of course not allowed to go totally in "no-brakes" mode, so if theres some malfunction, it should automatically disconnect the ABS, and leave normal brakes on. In theory that is, ive never tested that on my DL.

Taking the ABS fuse off should do the same. Not sure if its a good idea to ride like that for a long time, though.

Then again, ABS is not a new system anymore, manufacturers should by now be aware of its potential faults.. and Suzuki usually know how to build bikes, so I´d be relatively confident that they have tested their ABS, and know theres no need to disconnect it. Never heard of any problems with Suzuki´s ABS.

Danquart 28 May 2007 09:39

fellow countryman with same likes for bikes
Hi pecha72 and thanks for your reply.:thumbup1:
(born in Helsinki in 52) !!!!:wheelchair:
Cross our little sticky fingers for suzuki·s know how.:yes:
Cheers .... Dan:tongue_smilie:

RickMcD 28 May 2007 22:48

Just a thought!

Originally Posted by Danquart (Post 136931)
Hallo all.:thumbup1:
Just got a wee strom with abs.
Does anyone know if it is possible to simply disconnect the abs and go normal brakes, if something goes wrong with abs somewhere in the middle of nowhere?:confused1:

Thanks .... Dan:tongue_smilie:

Since Suzuki didn't supply one, it seems like it wouldn't be too much trouble to wire a switch in line with the fuses for the ABS. Might need a wiring diagram but .....

Walkabout 11 Jul 2007 12:03

ABS questions
For what it is worth, I find that the sales staff in the Suzuki dealers are very off-hand about such questions- that has been my experience with them. I can't tell if it is because they don't know the answer or they can't be bothered to discuss such things.

A Honda salesman was "horrified" when I asked about buying a certain model without ABS; "you don't want that sir, everyone is buying them with ABS" - shades of BMW thinking? The Beemer must have all the bells and whistles including a full authorised dealer service history or the bike is worth next to nothing after a few years!!! :rolleyes2:


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