Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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JHMM 9 May 2009 22:13

Can someone please offer advice?
My bike suddenly spluttered and died while driving. I pulled over, checked for petrol in tank and the reserve switch on tank. There was still lots of petrol left.
The bike started on the first attempt, but spluttered and died as soon as I revved it. Started again, it idle fine until revved.
I decided to let the bike cool a little, but got bored waiting after 5 minutes. Put the choke on, started and the bike drove fine. Switched choke off after about 1 kilometer, the bike continued to drive fine all the way home another 130km further.
I am puzzled by this, could there be a reason?
Appreciate all help and advice.

electric_monk 9 May 2009 22:26


Make, model and year would be useful.
If you post these. I will move the post over to the relevant manufacturers Tech page. This will give you a better chance of getting a good response.


JHMM 10 May 2009 06:35

The bike is a 125cc chinese make with a suzuki based engine, Jinan Qinqui.
2008 model with 4650 km on the clock.
Hope this helps.

*Touring Ted* 10 May 2009 08:19

Sounds like a carb problem.

Are you running bad fuel ??? Could have a blocked jet etc

JHMM 10 May 2009 19:30

Hi Ted
Thanks for the reply, the fuel is good. But I will take off the carb and check the jets. The bike travelled the 130km home without further trouble.
I have ridden it again today for short distance without problem.

I have read on other website that you get different types of spark plugs, one that is better for touring and one that is better for stop/start town driving.
Just wondering whether I may have the wrong plug for longer distances.
I will check this tomorrow.

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