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NewAdventurerLee 27 Jun 2008 19:01


Originally Posted by bikerz (Post 196198)
I''ll nod or wave to anyone on any sort of bike, if the miserable ****ers don't want to wave/nod back thats thier problem. Doesn't hurt to be polite or friendly!

I absolutely agree...

onlyMark 27 Jun 2008 19:21

Many years ago a mate of mine had a Reliant Robin.
They used to wave at each other as well.:tongue_smilie:

mustaphapint 27 Jun 2008 19:35


Originally Posted by BORN2BMILD (Post 196162)
i find the most nod free lot are the hardly worthitson riders :innocent:

I'll let that pass since I guess you don't know any better.

Alexlebrit 27 Jun 2008 19:39

I used to have a 2Cv and all 2CV drivers wave. Then I sold it and still waved and used to get very odd looks.

henryuk 27 Jun 2008 23:06


Originally Posted by harleyrider (Post 196219)
I'll let that pass since I guess you don't know any better.

I'm sure it doesn't apply to you (having seen some evidence of your misdeeds!), but I am afraid that a lot of bikers that don't seem to fully 'get it' like to buy harleys(new ultraglide type things). There is undoubtedly an element of form over function to them and generally they don't handle or perform as well as they should for the price tag they carry new (I've had a fair few parts chromed and it doesn't cost much more than paint or powder coat). That said if I had the money I'd buy one purely for the noise they make! Maybe if harley had branded Buell as harleys then people wouldn't make the same instant judgement on the name....

The same generalised judgment concept applies to me in that I should remember that a lot of Pizza hut riders have very little or no experience and if you saw one diving into a corner hard then you could be forgiven for thinking that it was a near crash. As the police forgive me then I forgive those that have complained against me.

oldbmw 27 Jun 2008 23:51


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 196110)
Interesting, here in Brittany no-one waves. At low speeds in town it's the nod, and on the open road it's the waggly foot. I like though how the waggly foot also appears if you're in a car and you pull over to let a biker past on the RNs (the biker waggles his foot, not me out of the car window).

Here ( deux sevres) the wave is left arm out, elbow bent like a half concealed left turn signal.. done when two rider approach each other head one. The right foot 'wave' is a 'thank you for letting me pass' signal and is given to bike or cars or anything else.
a waving down when meeting head on means police ahead ( sometimes accompanied with flashing lights. Cars of course will give teh flashing lights only.

What you will notice ( or at least I have) is there is no confrontation between bikes and other traffic unlike in teh UK.

Generally small bikes seem exempt from all of this.

teflon 28 Jun 2008 00:24

I drive a Lada Samara. Nobody nods. They just point.:(

henryuk 28 Jun 2008 00:29

Living in the west country as you do a lot of them might be pointing because its a car!http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...ons/icon10.gif

g&s2up 28 Jun 2008 01:55

You find a lot o folk up ere int' Dales nod at sheep an' all

XT GIRL 28 Jun 2008 03:20

You are my hero!

Originally Posted by henryuk (Post 196128)
I always wave, nod or wave with both hands (look mum, no hands!). I do this to anything with 2 wheels. Most people round here nod, you must just be too darn quick for them to respond in time!

I have noticed that if I nod or wave at bikers on my pizza bike a lot of them don't respond (presumably out of arrogance), same as on my bike a lot of kids on scooters dont respond (presumably because they don't know how to be polite). I think that anyone that has been properly bitten by the bug will wave because they are stoked to see other people on bikes - has always been that way for me.

Getting blanked 'cos I'm on a 50cc is very annoying - they might not have any power but on the tight twisting circuits of Sheffield they are faster than any larger bike - example - during a four hour shift three days ago (great conditions) I managed to scrape the centrestand about 10 times. If you rode a motorbike like that in town you would get arrested in a flash, (but as the mopeds are restricted to 30mph the cops can't get a conviction for much so they just give me 'warnings'.....). If you have to ride in a city you can't beat them for thrills and spills, so next time you see a pizza bike remember that the 'L-Plate' is on the bike not the rider and give them a nod!


The same generalised judgment concept applies to me in that I should remember that a lot of Pizza hut riders have very little or no experience and if you saw one diving into a corner hard then you could be forgiven for thinking that it was a near crash. As the police forgive me then I forgive those that have complained against me.

Hey Henry!

I LOVED reading this --- you are, by unanimous decision, the XT Girl's "Hero of the Month"!!

PLEASE, PLEASE get yourself a copy of Valentino Rossi's (auto?)BIOGRAPHY - because its HILARIOUS --- and you will see, that you are OBVIOUSLY well on your way to becoming a GP WORLD CHAMPION MOTORCYCLE GOD LEGEND with the training you're getting right now.

Vali famously said that his ALL TIME BIKING heroes, were the pizza delivery guys, who ride like demons on cobbled streets, in the middle of winter, at night, and handle those bikes, better than he could. (he said!)

Rossi spent ALL OF HIS YOUTH hooliganing (a technical term) around on scooters.

SO -- we DEFINITELY do not diss anyone on a scooter/small bike around here...

HOWEVER - I DO BELIEVE that the young guys just don't KNOW the custom... trust me, I try every now and again to nod - and all I get is WIDE EYED CONFUSION... :clap:

NOD AT A 50!!!


XT GIRL 28 Jun 2008 03:24


Originally Posted by wuming (Post 196191)
I've started doing the nod automatically to bikers now, even when I am back in the car; get some odd looks. I came very close to following a bike filtering through traffic the other day, caught myself just in time as I remembered I was in the car, not on the bike. Could have been ugly:(.

I feel your pain, man! I am constantly being yelled at, when I'm a passenger in a car, cos I forget you can't just filter down the middle. "But it is such a HUGE GAP!!!"

XT GIRL 28 Jun 2008 03:38

Harley Nods...

Now thats interesting - because I WAS going to say, that Harley riders are almost always the exception: THEY ALWAYS NOD BACK!

EVEN, when I'm on my "poncy, carbon fibre, matt black, city girl, crotch rocket" Duke.

And - most often - they INSTIGATE the nod, or foot or wave whatever.


Don't hate me (harley) guys -- but I've always thought its cos they're kind of usually going SLOWER than the other bikers.. you know - just cruizzzing along, waving and nodding... with their big beards and bellies, just like lovely SANTA CLAUSES of the road, looking out for good deeds to do.

(ok.. maybe you can hate me a little... : )

henryuk 28 Jun 2008 03:48

Ha ha, hero of the month eh? Will run off to pop my cape on....

harley and ducati riders are indeed normally good for tools (wonder why?). Classic bike riders are the same but the tools are the wrong bloody size.....

mustaphapint 28 Jun 2008 07:30


Originally Posted by henryuk (Post 196250)
I'm sure it doesn't apply to you (having seen some evidence of your misdeeds!), but I am afraid that a lot of bikers that don't seem to fully 'get it' like to buy harleys(new ultraglide type things). There is undoubtedly an element of form over function to them and generally they don't handle or perform as well as they should for the price tag they carry new (I've had a fair few parts chromed and it doesn't cost much more than paint or powder coat). That said if I had the money I'd buy one purely for the noise they make! Maybe if harley had branded Buell as harleys then people wouldn't make the same instant judgement on the name....

It is true that a lot of Harley riders can be "cliquey" one even told me off the other week for spotting that I had Triumph on the buttons of my jacket. Good job he didn't see that I was riding a Virago that day! But most are just ordinary bikers often with a second or third bike of a different make as well. For each polished and chrome beauty which only gets its annual ride to the local toy run and MOT once a year there are dozens which cover vast mileages in all weathers all over Europe and beyond. It would be easy to generalize about BMW riders as well. How many GS's are bought as the latest fashion accessory to sit in the garage as an ornament?
i probably am one of the slower riders on the road. I learned a while ago it's the best way to keep my licence in this day and age and myself in one piece.
I always nod at other bikers, but there's an art to it. If you think he's a snob that's not going to nod back then you have to do it imperceptibly so you can kid yourself you didn't really mean it.

Caminando 28 Jun 2008 12:45


Originally Posted by BORN2BMILD (Post 196162)
i find the most nod free lot are the hardly worthitson riders :innocent:

Yes ,they have some kind of belief that they're more serious bikers than the rest. It's a hand-me - down view from the "Filthy Few" and the "1% ers". A bit adolescent really. Theyre not worth bothering about. I know riders who will never stop to help them when their fashion accessories have a problem by the road. Even then, some people have done big (RTW) trips on these machines.

I find that the French are the most wavy/friendly, and the Germans seem surprised sometimes if you wave..they dont seem to expect it. Moroccan kids wave like mad from the roadside - they seem to imagine we're all Paris/Dakar.

After the 1000 aside battles on Brighton beach between Mods and Rockers, there is still the habit not to wave at scooters. A folk memory!

I'd say too that a nod of the head isnt always easy to see, or a wiggle of a few fingers.

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