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g6snl 9 May 2013 18:17

Can you over plan and research a trip?
Think I may have over cooked the planning and research for my main trip this year. Before I have even left I'm starting to feel like I've done it. I'm sure once on the way (Sept ) it will be fine.

Its just a competitively small one looking at some reports on here, a 3+ week UK-Geneva Switz.-Italy-(Ferry)Croatia-Slovenia-Austria-Germany-France-UK

Found loads of things to see on the way round etc .......I'm sure it will be great.

Have I overdosed on this trip before its happened, anyone else suffered this I wonder. What happened?

GSARiderOne 9 May 2013 19:47

I was doing the same thing with my little 30 day trip to the Arctic. So I threw most of the planning out the window and will take it one day at a time.

Mervifwdc 9 May 2013 19:56

I think that all you can do is make a list of the highlights that you really do not want to miss. Make it a short list so that you have time for detours, breakdowns, hangovers and chilling out with folks you meet along the way.

With no plan at all, you could find a lot of backtracking and huge numbers of kilometers without seeing anything, and be driving right past some really cool stuff.

We start off to a country with a short list of highlights, and make the rest up as we go along. Works for us!


g6snl 9 May 2013 20:40

Not very clear my fault !
I did not explain or write that first post very well. Let me try and clarify what I was trying to say.

I have "planned" the countries and areas I may pass through and "researched" POI along the routes. I haven't done any "detailed planning" such as times/dates/places/hotels/campsites or anything really ( I hardly ever do)

I totally agree with Mervifwdc and his comments its pretty much what I've always done. - Go armed with info so you don't miss that Roman ruin 5km off route!

My question was more regarding the feeling that I have "already been there" due largely to the research I suppose: thanks to the internet you can "see" it all with out being there. ( not literally all .........obviously that would be ridiculous on my slow broadband )

It may pose the question whether you need go at all? :eek3:
Silly of course you should go !

There will certainly be times that I "find" something en-route quite breathtaking. Similarly there may be occasions when I visit something and it isn't quite as breathtaking as I expected, due to, too much " research" .......perhaps?

Must be having a bad day and can't get away until September...............all getting too much. I'll be fine in the morning

greasemonkey 9 May 2013 21:32

I tend to think it does not matter how much planning you do, or how much you know about the places you want to visit. If anything, it improves the trip. The one thing I tend to do is half research something, visit the place, and find out there is so much more about it when I look it up, that I wish I had known when I visited.

No matter how much research you do, it will never give you the sights, sounds and atmosphere of actually being there. That, to me, is what gives travellers their different outlook on life, to someone who knows every detail about everything, but has learned most of it off a computer screen.

otr002 9 May 2013 23:58

Yep, you can over plan a trip, I call it procrastination, well that's my excuse anyway.
I now plan where I'd like to go, how much it should cost and when I'd like to be home, that's it :cool4: as for the rest, well, let the wind of chance take care of that.

Danny Diego 10 May 2013 01:04

We as riders can absolutely overplan. It's what we do! I suppose some adventurers are fortunate to just strike out without solid plans but I couldn't do that. That's why I like HU so much--the experience and input from riders who have been there/done that. I am always learning something new by reading ride reports on places I'm planning to go.

Can we overdo it? Sure. But it's probably better than the alternative.

Plan for the best, be ready for the rest.

McCrankpin 10 May 2013 01:30


Originally Posted by g6snl (Post 421597)
My question was more regarding the feeling that I have "already been there" due largely to the research I suppose: thanks to the internet you can "see" it all with out being there. ( not literally all .........obviously that would be ridiculous on my slow broadband )


there may be occasions when I visit something and it isn't quite as breathtaking as I expected, due to, too much " research" .......perhaps?

This aspect of travel is explored quite philosophically in the book 'Skating to Antarctica'. (Jenny Diski, available secondhand for a couple of pounds).
It's autobiographical about the author's early life, and a package trip she did to Antarctica much later.

She has deep discussions with her daughter about whether or not to take a camera to Antarctica, arguing somewhat persuasively that to bring back photos of places you visit only distorts your own inner memories of those places.
Also, about how the actions of over-enthusiastic photo-snappers can affect the enjoyment of other visitors.

She then expands that argument into suggesting you should never look at pictures of any distant places that you may visit one day, because when you get there you won't be truly seeing the place for the first time. Do your research from text only, no photos. A bit difficult to do, as she discusses, and asks the OP's question:

Originally Posted by g6snl (Post 421597)

It may pose the question whether you need go at all? :eek3:

Interesting stuff if you're thinking about what research to do before going places.

(If you consider buying this book, the discussions I mention above only comprise about 3 or 4 pages in all, but are still pretty interesting despite that).

moggy 1968 10 May 2013 13:16


Originally Posted by McCrankpin (Post 421634)
This aspect of travel is explored quite philosophically in the book 'Skating to Antarctica'. (Jenny Diski, available secondhand for a couple of pounds).
It's autobiographical about the author's early life, and a package trip she did to Antarctica much later.

She has deep discussions with her daughter about whether or not to take a camera to Antarctica, arguing somewhat persuasively that to bring back photos of places you visit only distorts your own inner memories of those places.
Also, about how the actions of over-enthusiastic photo-snappers can affect the enjoyment of other visitors.

She then expands that argument into suggesting you should never look at pictures of any distant places that you may visit one day, because when you get there you won't be truly seeing the place for the first time. Do your research from text only, no photos. A bit difficult to do, as she discusses, and asks the OP's question:

Interesting stuff if you're thinking about what research to do before going places.

(If you consider buying this book, the discussions I mention above only comprise about 3 or 4 pages in all, but are still pretty interesting despite that).

sounds like a load of pretentious anally retentive bull to me!

A good plan rarely survives first contact with the enemy!

backofbeyond 10 May 2013 14:51


Originally Posted by McCrankpin (Post 421634)
This aspect of travel is explored quite philosophically in the book 'Skating to Antarctica'. (Jenny Diski).

She has deep discussions with her daughter about whether or not to take a camera to Antarctica, arguing somewhat persuasively that to bring back photos of places you visit only distorts your own inner memories of those places.
Also, about how the actions of over-enthusiastic photo-snappers can affect the enjoyment of other visitors.

She then expands that argument into suggesting you should never look at pictures of any distant places that you may visit one day, because when you get there you won't be truly seeing the place for the first time.

I'm well aware of those arguements and it's something I've pondered about over the years but I've come to the opposite conclusion. There are downsides to having a permanent record of a transient experience but without photographs my own inner memories end up so distorted with the passage of time that often they're hardly worth having. The photographs act as anchor points, a means of distinguishing between memories and dreams. And as the decades have rolled on some of the earlier ones have taken on a life of their own as the associated memories have faded to the point where, although I know I took them, that person is now someone else, almost a stranger. Sometimes I look at them and feel I'm intruding. I don't think it's Dementia :rofl:

My conclusion - photograph everything to the point where it starts interfering with the trip. Five years later you'll be pleased you did. Similarly with planning - plan to the level you're comfortable with. If you've overdone it you probably won't next time. Some of my early trips were planned to the point where I can still recite the routing instructions through France like a mantra. I do the same trip now with absolutely nothing planned other than booking the ferry in advance because it's cheaper.

brclarke 10 May 2013 16:05

Yes, you can definitely overplan - and then you are disappointed when things don't go according to plan.

I'm going on a road trip for about 16-18 days starting Saturday. My plan is to travel from Victoria, BC to Mount Rushmore, SD, via Yellowstone Park and Devils Tower in Wyoming. I'm packing a tent, sleeping bag, air pad, etc. My planning consists of using Google Maps to have some idea where I'm going, making sure I have medical insurance for the USA, and checking the weather (looks like close to freezing in the morning, but reasonably nice in the day and dry with the occasional thundershower).

That's about it for planning. If I plan too many more details I'll face a disappointment somewhere along the way if something doesn't met my expectations.

rockwallaby 11 May 2013 07:02

All good points.
I'm doing a similar trip to g6snl, but a few weeks before him, and I'll be leaving from north west France.

I have had similar thoughts about planning and it's a difficult choice, but it is a personal choice. What one does, may not be right for another. And I agree with g6snl, with sometimes thinking, 'oh, have I over thought this trip', but I soon realise that without the planing I end up doing a trip that possibly hadn't been so fulfilling and wondering at the end why I hadn't planed it better.

Also, for me, if I get most of my planing right, in terms of the rough route I want to go, I'll have more time to poke about and take in the culture of the area as I won't be needing to be constantly thinking and making up the plan as I go, especially when it comes to 'it's 19h, best find a camp'.

What I am wanting to do better this year is set up my zumo with good maps and with POI and have it all mounted up properly. I often find myself heading to the tourist bureau for small local maps and information on interesting things in the region, and that makes for a good break to stretch legs.

The other part of the discussion is about how you wish to remember your trip. I know it can be all too easy to snap away at everything, but I am learning to be more particular about what I take a photograph of, often thinking to myself that just standing and looking at the subject has meaning and is worthwhile to do.

I found from a trip I did a few years back where I did some walking in the mountains of southern China where I kept a small travel diary with me, that this was a great way to record in the moment stuff. I wrote in it when I could. Reading this travel diary years later brings back a whole lot of other memories that photos don't always or easily convey. Photographs and a travel journal compliment each other very well.

And this is what I 'plan' to do this year, to take more care with my photography and to write to my travel journal more of my thoughts and experiences of my trip.

What could fail :stormy:

itchyfeet38 11 May 2013 15:43

I think there's a subtle difference between planning and research. I always do loads of research (which I confess I enjoy). That doesn't mean setting out with a "plan" as such but at least we know what some of the options are and it often impacts on the route we take.

I have been amazed sometimes talking to people on a similar journey who have had no clue what they have driven or ridden past. But if the road/riding is the thing for them then I guess that's fine.

I am a great believer however in seeing what crops up and some of the most memorable experiences have been as a result of just following our noses. But that doesn't make the research at the outset any less worthwhile.

McCrankpin 12 May 2013 13:46


Originally Posted by moggy 1968 (Post 421677)

A good plan rarely survives first contact with the enemy!

"If You go out looking for Friends, You’ll find no Enemies.
If You go out looking for Enemies, You’ll find no Friends." (Attributed to Native American beliefs).

That should keep your plan in reasonable shape..... It's worked for me.

And I received this advice a long time ago from a traveller I respect very much:
"If you really want to bring home with you exactly what you see, and how the sights and scenery affected you, learn to paint and draw."
Don't think I'll ever achieve that, but I think it's pretty true.

John933 12 May 2013 19:56


Originally Posted by otr002 (Post 421626)
Yep, you can over plan a trip, I call it procrastination, well that's my excuse anyway.
I now plan where I'd like to go, how much it should cost and when I'd like to be home, that's it :cool4: as for the rest, well, let the wind of chance take care of that.


Surfy 15 May 2013 07:13

I had a 2 years planning timeframe for the transafrica. And it was not overplanned at the end. But we were well prepared...

In this timeframe i had to evaluate and buy the car, to equip the car, to build a sleeping plattform - to had my eyes on the situation in and around Mali, on the visa situation.

Two years was pretty short.

But for an Europe roundtrip - just look the sightseeing spots - the big other part - has not to be well planned - just drive.


noel di pietro 15 May 2013 14:23


Originally Posted by Surfy (Post 422252)
I had a 2 years planning timeframe for the transafrica. And it was not overplanned at the end. But we were well prepared...

In this timeframe i had to evaluate and buy the car, to equip the car, to build a sleeping plattform - to had my eyes on the situation in and around Mali, on the visa situation.

Two years was pretty short.

But for an Europe roundtrip - just look the sightseeing spots - the big other part - has not to be well planned - just drive.


Same for me, but preparing a Landcruiser takes a lot more time than a bike, more stuff to modify. Our double trans Africa trip was also well prepared from a technical point of view. From itinerary point of view, I hate reading the travel guides so I left that to my partner and she did well and roughly planned the route, leaving room for changes. At the end of the day, the preparation for me was a very big part of the (pre) fun and it can already put you in a different world, atleast in your head! The con of being well or over prepared is that it indeed eliminates some of the spontaneity of the trip, that is if you’r not flexible. Bottom line I would say, don’t overprepare the itinerary but you cannot overprepare the bike! You can overload it though J


Toyota LC HZJ75, '93
Toyota LC HJ75, '86
Africa Twin RD07a, '97

ADV Ash 15 May 2013 22:59

For my trip I'm carefully planning the correct documentation for me and my bike (boarder, insurance etc.) in order to be able to move freely while on the road. I have a rough route in my head but it's always subject to change. :)

Warin 16 May 2013 00:28

Most people over plan to a schedule;

10 minutes at the Eiffel Tower, then 15 minutes to get to the Louvre, then 30 minutes there, 25 minutes for lunch etc... This is about what you get on a tour group ...
Most Hubbies at least avoid this.

Next trap is .. day 1 over night Paris for 2 nights, next night stop Nice, then Naples, then Roma for 1 night etc ... ok for getting A to B .. but if you are trying to explore? better to have 'goals' that you can skip/miss if you want/need. Yes you have a time limit.. but set things up so you can achieve them in 60% of the allowed time - leaving say 40% for the things that crop up on the trip itself... like seeing something on a hill top .. and going and looking at it .. found a monolith to Hood that way.

Procrastination? That, for me, is leaving a day or two after I planned to leave! Unless I'm flying or have a ferry to catch.

As for looking at others photos .. well those were taken when you were not there. So the lighting will be different, the weather will be different. What happens if you get to the top of a mountain and it is clouded in? You could wait for the view .. that you know is there from photo, or it could be cold and wet so you come back another day?:freezing: Yep, I look at others photos to see if I want to go there, some are motivation... or comparison between attractions.

Planning can be fun. If you go past the fun bit then you may be over planning = time to stop and think about that then.

anonymous1 16 May 2013 09:35

Can you over plan and research a trip?

The essentials, bike, flights or transport, registration, medical insurance and genral points of intrest require a little planning. Some people need planning for all things and like it and stick to a plan, some go overboard with all manner of things, like spread sheets for a 2 day hike, (yes Ive seen it) seriously ???

IMHO.......Keep the destination and points of intrest in mind but......Meeting people, taking another route with a another biker, locals or a group for that matter, finding a sign, a town, village, market, winding road, bridge, river, mountain, castle, homestay, helping someone or simply getting lost is an essential part of and makes the adventure, for me anyway :) I'd be on a plane within hours given the funds :-)

Happy travels, Dave ;-)

Eli90 30 May 2013 12:02

Something I'd add in re planning is that I've found it essential to agree on the degree of planning you want to do before committing to travelling companions. I know it sounds a bit silly, but from experience I can tell you that it's the most fustrating thing to have a travelling companion who insists on just heading off without any fixed destinations or budget when you yourself are really keen to plan every single stage of the trip, and vice-versa.

corporealit 9 Jun 2013 12:09

Plan and research bike trip route
I suppose the first few trips you endeavour should have more planning and research, especially when your a first-timer and novice.

If undertaking a big trip overseas to places where assistance is limited, it's only sensible to have an idea what you should do and can do, when things go wrong.

Welsh Adv 4 Aug 2013 19:52

I have just returned from a 15 day trip to Slovenia and Croatia. Minimal planning use my usual gear that I know works for me. Anyway I didn't get to Slovenia because I found other places routes that kept me occupied. Because of the lack of planning my whole trip became quite different to the one I envisaged when I headed out!! I think with meticulous planning I would have been bound to the plan and not the trip! And that's the way I usually travel works for me. At one stage the fuel controller packed in and lost a day working around it and then finding a supplier but there was no pressure I was never behind in any schedule. I managed to visit or at least pass thro 8 countries clock up 3200 miles and enjoyed every impromptu minute of it!! I travel mostly Western Europe and IMHO you can create unneeded pressure and stress when sticking to the plan!


John933 5 Aug 2013 15:26

Over planning No chance. That's half of the enjoyment of going. I do it all the time. Always over pack. But next time, is next time. Me as long as you have an idea of where you are going. That's one thing done. Next is how long is it going to take you to get there? Second, by day three most plans are out the window. In the way of what you wanted to see and do. I find that just getting there is just as much fun and being where you want to be. Don't expect to see every thing and get the mileage in you need to arrive on time. And add an extra day on your journey, You will need it. So if it's four day's to get to a place, allow five.
Best of luck any way.

MilesofSmiles 2 Sep 2013 19:58

When I toured Europe for 9 months back in my youth, the only plan was the landing at Heathrow Airport. From there it was by the seat of our pants until we ended up on an island named IOS off the Greece mainland. To this day it was the very best decision I ever made in my 53 years.

You can never over plan, just don't over pack.

Samy 3 Sep 2013 09:47

Before doing my first big trip to Europe, made a detailed plan. Day by day, how many kms will be ridden, where to sleep etc.

Was in Mostar (Bosnia) in the evening, wanted to stay there. To stick my plan continued to Sarajevo. Heavy rain started, also the dark. Weather was cold. Couldn't see the road well. Tried to follow the cars, but they were fast. Nearly was going to make a serious accident.

Seen a light of bar. Stopped there. All my undies were wet and I was felling crazy cold. Hopefuly they had a room. Lesson learnt : don't over plan and don't try to stick your well prepared crazy daily route schedule...

markharf 3 Sep 2013 10:17

That's funny: I did the same thing heading in the opposite direction--downhill from Sarajevo through Mostar to the coast. No bar, though. Wet undies. Cold. Dark. Should've stopped in Mostar, by all accounts a very nice town.

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