Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Columbia S.A. South end of January/Feb (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/the-hubb-pub/columbia-s-south-end-january-93858)

asavitt1 8 Jan 2018 17:49

Colombia S.A. South end of January/Feb
I am planning to ship my motorcycle from Miami to Columbia toward the end of January and looking for and information or persons interested in taking a trip around that time.

My current thought is start in Colombia, travel south to Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and possible end in Chile.

Any advice/ interest?

asavitt1 9 Jan 2018 03:20

Thank you!

dimfta 9 Jan 2018 13:45


Originally Posted by asavitt1 (Post 576598)
I am planning to ship my motorcycle from Miami to Columbia toward the end of January and looking for and information or persons interested in taking a trip around that time.

My current thought is start in Colombia, travel south to Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and possible end in Chile.

Any advice/ interest?

I can help you about info of south of Peru and north of Chile. I live in Arica, close to the border of Peru and Bolivia.
What do you want to know?

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asavitt1 9 Jan 2018 17:46

Hello, Thank you very much. We intend to go through Peru into Chile where my will be studying.

How are the road as I will be riding a large touring bike (Goldwing)?
I am also curious about safety as my daughter is 20?
Have you rode is other countries in S. America?

Thank you again,


Grant Johnson 9 Jan 2018 19:12

Andy, welcome to HU!

South America is generally "safe" with the proviso that nowhere is perfect, including parts of Tampa at the wrong time :)

The countries you mention would certainly be considered plenty safe enough.

Roads are generally good to excellent, BUT there are routes that are dirt, so you will have to pick your route with care. You may also find that a road is under construction, or there's been a landslide etc, so be prepared to turn around at any time and try another route if the going gets bad.

As long as you're flexible and well-prepared you'll have no issues, but you will have a great trip!

I'd love to see you and your daughter blog about it on the HU Travel Stories/Blogs!
I'm sure the different points of view and the bike choice will be very entertaining - and enlightening! Check the blogs for stories from people who have already done South America too.

asavitt1 11 Jan 2018 01:08


Thank you so much. I have been going back and forth in my mind about this. I have traveled on many gravel roads (not necessarily by choice) I am curious if you know if the dirt is packed or loose? As you can imagine on a 1,000 lbs bike it makes a difference.

The plan is travel down the eastern countries dropping my daughter off in Chile and then I will decide to go further south, north of sip the bike to the states and and then ride home from wherever.

Have you ridden in S. America?

dimfta 11 Jan 2018 01:19

Columbia S.A. South end of January/Feb

Originally Posted by asavitt1 (Post 576654)
Hello, Thank you very much. We intend to go through Peru into Chile where my will be studying.

How are the road as I will be riding a large touring bike (Goldwing)?

I am also curious about safety as my daughter is 20?

Have you rode is other countries in S. America?

Thank you again,


Andy, all the road are suitable for big bikes. Unfortunately there are many places to know , but are far from highways and usually the roads to reach this sites are dirt/gravel
However, you can visit without problem the main attractions. I mean Machupichu, titicaca lake, chungara lake and many coast roads, in the south of Peru and north of Chile.

About security, don’t worry. People are friendly, but you have to have common sense when you looking for parking or hostels.

When you will around Arica try to contact me for a beer or coffee...

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