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-   -   Derbyshire :) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/the-hubb-pub/derbyshire-37449)

tommysmithfromleeds 29 Aug 2008 18:37

Derbyshire :)
Outstanding natural beauty, fantastic roads and no weather problems as you can bet its always gonna be wet! Holme Moss is a must, with the towns of Glossop and Hadfield on the tother side. If Cumbria is the Lake District then Derbyshire is the Reservoir district as well as peak. The dense forest adorning the sides of many country routes made me wish I had my tent........in fact might go back next week!


much love and peace out

mustaphapint 29 Aug 2008 19:01

Totally agree with you. The only drawback is the amount of traffic which use the same roads!
and the generally crap weather of course!

mustaphapint 29 Aug 2008 23:48

You're being a bit harsh there cammy! I'm one of the last people to defend my homeland (apart from Yorkshire of course) but Derbyshire does have lots of scenic countryside and a lots of it is free from industry. Even the remote areas of the wonderful Pyrenees are criss-crossed with power cables and other intrusions of man. In fact without the influence of man there wouldn't be any roads at all for us to ride on and then we'd have to ride on goat tracks which I know you really abhor.
And not everyone has the opportunity to take off for the week or two needed to explore the continent or even the North of Scotland.

henryuk 30 Aug 2008 00:21

erm, Peak District National park?? Surely that is one above an AONB!!!

I guess you don't like Snowdonia either then Cam, depressed mining area that it is....

henryuk 30 Aug 2008 00:25

PS I have been all over the alps, pyrenees, and a bunch of other places and I rate the British National parks as right up there, it may surpise you to learn that some residents in this depressed part of the world have passports and are semi-literate....

Dodger 30 Aug 2008 00:41

I believe Bonnie Prince Charlie came a cropper in Derbyshire .
Insecure Scots have never felt comfortable there since .
France has always been a haven for renegade Scots and I have heard that French sheep are more comely to the Caledonian eye - and don't run so fast .

tommysmithfromleeds 30 Aug 2008 11:00

actually dont live there cammy, i live a couple of hours away. and I have been to the pyrenees, the alps and northern italy, although not via bike, and derbyshire and the lakes are still right up there. if you want to know what a real depressing ex mining town looks like come over to my place and ill depress the hell out of you lol

Threewheelbonnie 30 Aug 2008 16:53

You can't get a decent pint in the Pyrenees, Alps, etc. :(

You are however correct, (if a little pedantic) about outstanding NATURAL beauty. The natural state of the whole of England and Scotland is one huge forrest. The current condition is due to about 10,000 years of men setting it on fire then turning the sheep loose to keep it down. Not sure that really detracts though. :offtopic:.


tommysmithfromleeds 30 Aug 2008 17:02

ok ok maybe its not natural beauty, its had a bit of lipo here and there, and I forgot that trees once grew where-ever they choose, but its still good looking. and to be fair all we did was dig a few holes and burn a few trees and flood a few villages and blast the sides of a few mountains away....but mother nature did the rest. sorry not in a serious mood this aft :rofl:

Caminando 30 Aug 2008 19:05


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 204476)
I believe Bonnie Prince Charlie came a cropper in Derbyshire .
Insecure Scots have never felt comfortable there since .
France has always been a haven for renegade Scots and I have heard that French sheep are more comely to the Caledonian eye - and don't run so fast .

You are right about French sheep - irresistible and easily caught. Strangely attractive too. You can get two in your tent at night.......

Charlie blew it in Derbyshire, thank god - what a wally he was. Who wants another monarch? The future United Kingdom had to wait a little longer, when the Scots gave England literature, engineering, finance, civilisation, philosophy, education, medicine , and all that was lacking south of the border. A thankless gift of course.

France a haven? indeed - Le Vieux Alliance and all that! Your excellent Englishman Tom Paine found asylum there too.

And it makes a change from England's "Dark Satanic Mills", which Thatcher shut of course, with many of the distressed, bewildered and needy of Derbyshire fleeing to Canada, following the Scots and French who had built that fine and welcoming country. Some became farmers, policemen, and aspired to have a Lincoln welder, hoping to learn how to use it.

tommysmithfromleeds 30 Aug 2008 23:14

thought id got away with that one...
i really do give up, sorry for altering the original thread, for any new comers to this thread (god help you) i was stating that derbyshire was a place of outstanding NATURAL beauty. I have since been corrected, its is MAN MADE, just like lego and the cylons, but is still beautiful.

anyway, the engine casing on my bike took longer than usual to cool down the other day. i have opened the idle pin a bit and it was after a longer ride than normal, but was wondering if this is a sign? is my oil life up? have i opened the pin too much? is this just all part of running in? is jesus coming back?

any help?

Dodger 31 Aug 2008 02:49


Originally Posted by Caminando (Post 204567)
Tommy - it distorts the following responses when you go back and edit/change the original topic.

Maybe he took a leaf out of your book and went on a spree of editing his previous posts .

Caminando 31 Aug 2008 08:58


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 204593)
Maybe he took a leaf out of your book and went on a spree of editing his previous posts .

Ooo-er! a tad grumpy there Dodger! I often edit for clarity and typos. I dont alter the opening topic however. I leave that kind of thing to you.

henryuk 31 Aug 2008 10:38

its obvious that Jesus Christ, Superstar will come down from heaven on a Yamaha..... or did I just hear that in a song?

Sorry to be pedantic Cam but i had an 'ia' on my Snowdon - that has a lot more than just a railway and a shit cafe! If you choose to define a landscape by its lowest point then all is lost...

onlyMark 31 Aug 2008 11:47

The funny thing is though that I actually like a lot of the man made bits in Derbyshire. Industrial history, for me, is interesting - it's some of the town centres I don't like.
It's always good to discover the hidden places like the Nine Ladies stone circle near Stanton in Peak - man made without a doubt, but fascinating nevertheless.

Scaring the new girlfriend on the pillion going up to Riber castle and getting her wet going through Tissington Ford were always fun.

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