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Walkabout 26 Apr 2008 10:10


Originally Posted by DLbiten (Post 186798)
Burn the Whitehouse? bahh wasnt even done.

Brits do do a good job, good thing to you did it a lot. Cornwallis ran a way, buggered right out. What is it with you and the French any way? Still mad that a little French girl ran you out? I know there nasty when they get mad but you got to let it go man.

I don't know about the big white house in any detail: wasn't it timber at the time? - I read somewhere that it burnt pretty well. May be that is why it is built of stone now?

Cornwallis: battle was an occupation of gentlemen with some elements of chivalry on the field, so it was a "draw" enforced via a French naval blockade. Having surrendered to the French (but not to those colonial rebels) the gentlemen would withdraw in good order.

The French: that goes back to at least 1066 and the battle that brought those bastard Normans to England, just as King Harold had his back turned dealing with the Viking invaders coming out of Scandinavia and attacking York (that's the original York of course). Harold did a pretty good job overall, but he fought on two fronts, consequetively (very nearly concurrently, even by todays' standards of logistics and transport infrastructure) - that sounds familiar to today!
Never mind Joan, don't neglect Crecy and Agincourt in the equation.
Nowadays, the Brits have been buying up property in France and integrating into their social life - the bloodline will always be well mixed!

PJ 26 Apr 2008 11:35


Originally Posted by DLbiten (Post 186226)
If its a breach of international law why has not any one brought the US up on charges? Id like to see it then we can get some one good to vote for.
I cant vote for any one for the US president there all crap. Nuking a US city killing 100,000s of people that have done nothing wrong seems like a bad idea to me. And anyway its not the making it that the problem its the stuff to make it.

UN said alot of things but it almost never backs any of it up. Till the US backs it up. Thats on the UN not the USA. when is the last time any one else in all the Americas sent in 50,000 troops to do anything let alone Sweeden or Norway

Kyoto grate idea but the US I huge with massive population all with most cars getting under 15 MPG we cant make the quotas the writers knew that when they wrote it, a little dig at the USA auto makers. If we where as small and had a population to match we do it. Any ever see nuclear waste dumps in Europe? The Navy hears them dumping in the north Atlantic.

Have you read a few newspapers the last years? have you read the crap that the USA papers print? A hairless dog makes the front page US foreign policy is almost never even talked about. No If i want to wast my time I look at TV.
Visited some countries in the Middle East? Most wont let in some one from the US. The whole death to America, beheadings and burning people alive has me a little down about spending my money there that and my trip planing has gone to hell this last few years doller going down the pooper, losing contracts, and me being depressed.

You know how you say how the BBC is crap I watch it because its sooooo much better than the USA press I watched the US news for 2 hours and only one mention about any foreign news story about how people hate the US . Fat, stupid, and scared thats me! Ok its not im not scared. :rofl:
Why is the UK paying the US back? make Germany and Japan do it.

As far as who we elect well you cant gust pick any one we only get to pic from 2 a Demcrat and a Republican. now to get to that point they had to back stab and rob there way there. The people they own favers to you will never want to meat at night. There all crooks all of them. So when this rotten sod get to point where he or she is the worst of the sods of there group they spends millions and millions to hid what they have done and buy off people if you can If they cant well you have them killed and buy off the people to say it was a suicide. Now if your worst you side can find but not smart enof whipe your own ass you win your side. now you make like your clean as winter snow and holyer than God all the while tossing poop at the other sides Sod trying to act like you hate each other when you have know each other for years and years and your spawn go to the same privet school each other (your kids go to a good school while the future canon fodder are shitted down with drugs) Then the Big Vote! Now if you have the right people owing you can gust win! Well the US people vote but do you realy think people count all the votes? do you want sit up for days counting them all no what you do feel how big the bribe in your hands that has the say on who wins. Now because it a government you dont want to trust real people you make up a Electoral College and there vote is what you realy count. Dam foolish but true. Then your crowned the Biggest Bastard Sod in all the world! But being half brain dead you get a bunch people around you that do all real decision making all this for a Job that pays a hell lot less than the one you gave up to get in to public stealing.
I have no delusions about my government.
Oh yes how I love to see the people I get to vote for!
Not all brits have bad teeth gust fun to piss you brtis off ask the French they will tell you.
I think the EU will be the new overlords. lets start now!
EU you need to fix the mid east and china and SA dam poor lot down there.

I think you just answered your own question there.

Also the way I see it most Europeans have the same amount of distain for the UK as they do the USA anyway. I know this is certainly true in my country and a lot of the other EU countries I have been to.

henryuk 26 Apr 2008 18:41

can't say as I've ever noticed any distain coming my way when in Europe - and I found that when in Islamic countries as long as you spit on the floor if you hear the name Bush or Blair mentioned people are very friendly. The names always get mentioned within 5 minutes of talking to people.

How far back to people follow their allegiances? Do we/should we hate the french because of 1066, or just because they are a near neighbour? Have just found out that I am a viking anyway (if you go back to 1028) so not sure where that leaves me........

PJ 26 Apr 2008 19:44


Originally Posted by henryuk (Post 186872)
can't say as I've ever noticed any distain coming my way when in Europe - and I found that when in Islamic countries as long as you spit on the floor if you hear the name Bush or Blair mentioned people are very friendly. The names always get mentioned within 5 minutes of talking to people.

How far back to people follow their allegiances? Do we/should we hate the french because of 1066, or just because they are a near neighbour? Have just found out that I am a viking anyway (if you go back to 1028) so not sure where that leaves me........

Should maybe have said more about what I meant here. like other people have said nobody really seems to have anything against the American people or the British. It's the governments that they have no time and plenty of distain for. I would certainly hope that nobody would hold any one of us personally responsible for our own governments behaviour. In my experience though anywhere in Europe I have traveled the American and British governments are seen as being very much alike, that's what I see in my country too.

I only mentioned that because the person who started this thread has been using British press as a guide to European opinion. British press and the press of the rest of Europe are very, very different.

Walkabout 26 Apr 2008 21:44

We love them really

Originally Posted by DLbiten (Post 186798)
. What is it with you and the French any way?:lol2:

We like jokes:-

An American Tourist In London

An American tourist in London decides to skip his tour group and explore the city on his own. He wanders around, seeing the sights, occasionally stopping at a quaint pub to soak up the local culture, chat with the locals, and have a pint of bitter.

After a while, he finds himself in a very nice neighbourhood with big, stately residences. No pubs, no stores, no restaurants and, worst of all, no public restrooms.

However, after all those Guinnesses, he really has to go. He finds a narrow side street, with high walls surrounding the adjacent buildings and decides to use the wall to solve his problem.

As he is unzipping, he is tapped on the shoulder by a London bobby, who says, "Sir, you simply cannot do that here, you know."

"I'm very sorry, officer," replies the American, "but I really have to go, and I just can't find a public restroom."

"Ah, yes," said the bobby, "just follow me".

He leads the American through a back delivery alley to a gate, which he opens.

"In there," points the bobby, "whiz away sir, anywhere you like."

The fellow enters and finds himself in the most beautiful garden he has ever seen. Manicured grass lawns, statuary, fountains, sculptured hedges, and huge beds of gorgeous flowers, all in perfect bloom. Since he has the policeman's blessing, he relieves himself and feels much more comfortable.

As he goes back through the gate, he says to the bobby, "That was really decent of you. Is that what you call English hospitality?"

"No, sir." replied the bobby. "That is what we call the French Embassy."

Alexlebrit 27 Apr 2008 17:29


Originally Posted by henryuk (Post 186872)
Have just found out that I am a viking anyway (if you go back to 1028) so not sure where that leaves me........

Bloody Vikings coming over here, pillaging our monasteies and raping our women, why don't you just get back to where you came from?


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