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InGearX 8 Dec 2017 14:17

no more open internet :'( sad day in history
dear brothers and sisters

I am posting this on my FB and other social places - what could I add / change?



Ajit Pai, the current FCC chairman, used to be a top lawyer for Verizon is rushing forward with its planned vote to kill net neutrality on December 14th

He’s made it clear that he doesn’t care what the public, small businesses, or tech experts say, he’s planning to vote to kill net neutrality in less than three weeks.

Congress can still stop him, but they’ll only do it if we can keep their phones ringing off the hook. Will you contact your lawmakers right now?

Comcast, Verizon and AT&T want to end net neutrality so they can control what we see & do online. First, they want to gut FCC rules in a December 14 vote. Then, they plan to pass bad legislation that allows extra fees, throttling & censorship. But Congress can put a stop to all of this. Write them first, then call!

just take 2 minutes to do so https://www.battleforthenet.com/ OR https://www.callmycongress.com/

and tell your congress man/woman:

I urge you to stop the FCC's plan to end net neutrality *before* the FCC's December 14th vote.

I don't want ISPs to have the power to block websites, slow them down, give some sites an advantage over others, split the Internet into "fast lanes" for companies that pay and "slow lanes" for the rest, or force me to buy special "tiers" to access the sites and services I choose. But that's exactly what the FCC plan would do. Please read it: https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/at...C-347927A1.pdf

Blocking & throttling by ISPs is a serious problem. Comcast has throttled Netflix, AT&T blocked FaceTime, Time Warner Cable throttled the popular game League of Legends, and Verizon admitted it will introduce fast lanes for sites that pay-and slow lanes for everyone else-if the FCC lifts the rules. This hurts consumers and businesses large and small.

If some companies can pay ISPs to have their content load faster, startups and small businesses that can't pay those fees won't be able to compete. This will kill the open marketplace that has enabled millions of small businesses and created America’s 5 most valuable companies. Without strong net neutrality protections, Internet providers will effectively be able to impose a tax on every sector of the American economy.

Moreover, under Chairman Pai's plan, ISPs will be able to make it more difficult to access political speech that they don't like. They'll be able to charge fees for website delivery that would make it harder for blogs, nonprofits, artists, and others who can't pay up to have their voices heard.

If the FCC passes their current order, every Internet user and business in this country will be unprotected from abuse by Internet providers, and the consequences will be dire. Please publicly support net neutrality protections by denouncing the FCC's current plan. Do whatever you can to stop Chairman Pai, to ensure that businesses and Internet users remain protected.

Thank you!




Ajit Pai, the current FCC chairman, used to be a top lawyer for Verizon is rushing forward with its planned vote to kill net neutrality on December 14th

He’s made it clear that he doesn’t care what the public, small businesses, or tech experts say, he’s planning to vote to kill net neutrality in less than three weeks.

Congress can still stop him, but they’ll only do it if we can keep their phones ringing off the hook. Will you contact your lawmakers right now?

The backlash over the last few days has been incredible. Hundreds of thousands of you have taken action already and it seems like we filled every voicemail box on Capitol Hill!

https://www.battleforthenet.com OR https://www.callmycongress.com/

P.S. Want to do more? There are more than 200 net neutrality protests planned across the country - go to The FCC is about to kill net neutrality. It's time to protest. to find one near you!
what do you think?


this is how it is in much of the world and this is what is coming to US in a year if this passes:


good videos about net neutrality:

The Internet Is UNDER ATTACK, Net Neutrality is Dying, and What You Can Do...

see this Net Neutrality II Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

MORE https://www.youtube.com/results?sear...net+neutrality


please improve it and please share it

Really just take 45 seconds to do it all at https://www.battleforthenet.com/

if not for your sake - for the sake of your children ...

thank you ...

backofbeyond 8 Dec 2017 17:49


Originally Posted by InGearX (Post 575098)

Ajit Pai, the current FCC chairman ... is rushing forward with its planned vote to kill net neutrality on December 14th

He’s made it clear that he doesn’t care what the public, small businesses, or tech experts say, he’s planning to vote to kill net neutrality in less than three weeks.

I've read what you posted but as I'm not a customer of any of the companies mentioned, not American and therefore don't have a "congressman" or really understand how it'll change things over here in "Yurup" it all seems a bit "over there".

I know we're all one world now but to quote a previous UK politician should we be "digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing".

In any case it seems to me that if the whole system is so flakey that one person's personal agenda can upset the whole edifice, propping it up now is probably only postponing the inevitable.

Perhaps someone could explain in simple terms how I've missed the point and how it could well lead to the end of my life as I know it. :confused2:

Walkabout 8 Dec 2017 20:39

Coming to a street near you

Originally Posted by backofbeyond (Post 575110)

Perhaps someone could explain in simple terms how I've missed the point and how it could well lead to the end of my life as I know it. :confused2:

We are all sliding down the same helter skelter - while we are all in different positions on the apparatus, we are destined to end up at the very same end point; a slide to the bottom of the pit.

You're right though, people are not listening to what they are supposed to think via the other, more main stream, media so the internet has to be next in line for censorship.

"First they came for the Jews, and I did nothing,
then they came for the ...................... (fill in your own ending, but what happens in the USA today arrives in the UK tomorrow).
There used to be about 130 media owners in the UK, now there are about 6.

Walkabout 10 Jan 2018 21:20

Here's the story - but the argument has been lost in the USA
| Economix Comix

And, while I am hanging out here in the pub for a few moments, here's the same author telling how "free trade" works out for the benefit of some -

| Economix Comix

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