Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Ride Reports with Pics Pics Pics (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/the-hubb-pub/ride-reports-pics-pics-pics-39886)

albert crutcher 5 Jan 2009 03:16

Ride Reports with Pics Pics Pics
I,d like to see Ride Reports with tons of Photos a la Adv here on the Hubb ASAP.
Lets hear what you have to say.I can only see the Pro,s
Al theturtleshead

Linzi 5 Jan 2009 09:36

I Agree
I saw one blog on advrider which used the photos to tell the story, with text only to notate the photos really. It was, as you say, a very good result to view. In their situation it must have been easy to take lots of photos. I find, alone, it is a real issue to keep stopping the flow of travel. It seems to be a choice between living the journey or recording it. But I still agree with you. Linzi.

Bronze 30 Jan 2009 13:38

I've put a couple up, but it's easier said than done. Stopping to take photos is surprisingly hard. You have to set out with the intention to document the trip in the first place.

STG06 30 Jan 2009 15:26

At the risk of inciting the Turtle, but with the hope of generating traffic for Grant, here's my take....

I wonder why there seems to be a desire to 'rush to sameness'.

I mean, part of the beauty of travelling is that you get to see something other than the local fast food, big box, Hotel 6, sameness.

Suggesting that the HUBB be more like ADV, would be like suggesting Ace Cafe give away plastic dinosaurs to be more like McDonalds? How can that be good?

If you want RR's with pics - and I know some people only look at the pictures, go to ADV, or post on the HUBB with a link to the ADV RR. Is that hard?

And on another track, while I have looked at ADV RR's, there seems to be an increasing 'show offness' about going higher, further, longer, on one wheel, left handed only, through deeper mud, 'tone' about ride reports generally.

I appreciate that people have long done the weirdest things possible in an attempt at glory - I read recently that some cricket mad Brits (why always Brits) are planning to climb Everest to have a spot of Cricket.

That is OK, but at some point, folks doing RR's will have every road, bush, tree, house, vista, beach, and 'secret' spot on on planet photographed and posted on ADV. I can't help but wonder how is it better to be a voyeur of someone else's life that it is to live your own?

I mean.....have you had a look at street view on Google....there's even a picture of the house on Hollway's Beach that I lived in 30 years ago.

While having that view available is better environmentally than travelling to Australia to see it, I can't help but believe something important has been lost by making it easy to 'see' the world.

The same applies to books. Hasn't there long been a sense that it was better to be out in the world experiencing it than being 'bookish' and reading about it.

I believe there's probably some balance that makes sense, but I still think I'd rather be drinking a beer (even at my own local Legion) than seeing a Drinking Report of someone else's beer in South America - even with pics and GPS coordinates.

I do however, like HUBB's info on shipping bikes, which I read religiously as I'm trying to plan trips to both Scotland and Oz.

Over to you Albert!


albert crutcher 4 Feb 2009 05:07

Try to think of this site as a business for just one minute.Now think about if you had to do all the hard work for very little return.
Ok so far.
Now business is about numbers,so for the slaves who run this site need to make a living or at least feel like they are getting a reasonable return for their effort.
To get bigger numbers to visit the site is the tricky part.As in you don,t want to loose your hardcore users,but you need new blood to bring up the numbers so that you can get more cd,book or advertizing sales.
This is the big dilemma and I,m still working on the answer.
Al theturtleshead
I,ll try to be more rude and,or abrupt the next time

Alexlebrit 4 Feb 2009 11:13

I've finally worked it out, all this plugging away to get more traffic to the HUBB. You're not really a bar owner in S.American are you, you're Grant's alter-ego.

But I do have to agree, I'd like to see more too, and yes while it's better to ride than to ride vicariously, I'd rather ride vicariously on a cold winter's day than not at all.

My theory on this is of course that if you can post a Ride Report on ADVRider then you can post it on the HUBB too, and in fact you can do both incredibly quickly. Simply write it once on either forum, then click on EDIT for your post and then push Ctrl+A followed by Ctrl+C. You've now copied your ride report complete with BB formatting into your clipboard. You then go to the other forum start a new post and push Ctrl+V, so you'll have pasted the whole lot in. Now click on SUBMIT, and voila you've done a ride report for both sites in about a minute extra than doing it for one.

What's the point? Well there'll be some people who nly use one or the other and that way they both get to see your ace piccies.

welovebikes 4 Feb 2009 12:54

Why always Brits?
Hi :mchappy:


"I read recently that some cricket mad Brits (why always Brits) are planning to climb Everest to have a spot of Cricket."

I think it's because we Brits have gone a bit stir crazy living on this little island and had to play cricket and explore the world to control the madness.

Good job too, otherwise no one else would have found Canada, USA, Australia, NZ, South Africa, plus India, the rest of Africa plus many more places. If this hadn't happened, then the world would have been a smaller and quieter place, as there would be no Canucks, Yankies, Aussies, Kiwis or Yarpies.

So if we want to play cricket on Mount Everest, that's OK, as we found it first! :innocent:

Some of the above comments may not be as historically acurate as they should be, however, they are mostly intended for wind up purposes!

By the way did anyone see the Google Earth pic of the chap's house in Lincolnshire? He was amazed to see a Lancaster bomber directly over his house that was there when the picture was taken via the satelite! No it wasn't from an aeriel recon pic in the 40's, but the Lanc was returning to the Battle of Britain Flight at RAF Conningsby, Lincs. Here it is:

The results of our Google Earth black helicopter competition last year proved just how eagled-eyed you lot were when it came to virtual planespotting, but here's one you missed, and a real blast from the past it is too:

Zooming in, we have...
...yup, an Avro Lancaster flying over Stukeley Meadows, Huntingdon, England, as originally spotted it appears by a chap on Google Earth Community who lives just about right under the aircraft's position when Google Earth's satellite captured this snap.
The Lancaster in question is the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's "City of Lincoln." The image is at 52 20 10.87N 0 11 43.34W, or right here (Google Earth KMZ link). ®



albert crutcher 4 Feb 2009 14:13

My penny drops

Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 226811)
I've finally worked it out, all this plugging away to get more traffic to the HUBB. You're not really a bar owner in S.American are you, you're Grant's alter-ego.

But I do have to agree, I'd like to see more too, and yes while it's better to ride than to ride vicariously, I'd rather ride vicariously on a cold winter's day than not at all.

My theory on this is of course that if you can post a Ride Report on ADVRider then you can post it on the HUBB too, and in fact you can do both incredibly quickly. Simply write it once on either forum, then click on EDIT for your post and then push Ctrl+A followed by Ctrl+C. You've now copied your ride report complete with BB formatting into your clipboard. You then go to the other forum start a new post and push Ctrl+V, so you'll have pasted the whole lot in. Now click on SUBMIT, and voila you've done a ride report for both sites in about a minute extra than doing it for one.

What's the point? Well there'll be some people who nly use one or the other and that way they both get to see your ace piccies.

That,s it!! You,ve Cracked it!!
I,m not taking the piss either.Whats missing here on the HUBB is a section on how to do the Ride Reports,where you can ask how post the pics,size them and all that computer stuff I could never be bothered to learn.
Al theturtleshead

AliBaba 4 Feb 2009 14:26

I don’t care much about ride reports.
It’s a bit like reading erotic novels, it’s far better to do it yourself then to read about it.

albert crutcher 4 Feb 2009 14:44


Originally Posted by AliBaba (Post 226844)
I don’t care much about ride reports.
It’s a bit like reading erotic novels, it’s far better to do it yourself then to read about it.

Maybe if you read some Erotic novels it might stimulate your imagination into trying something new.
But I,m guessing you,ve already seen and done it all.
Al theturtleshead

steved1969 4 Feb 2009 15:07


Originally Posted by albert crutcher (Post 226843)
That,s it!! You,ve Cracked it!!
I,m not taking the piss either.Whats missing here on the HUBB is a section on how to do the Ride Reports,where you can ask how post the pics,size them and all that computer stuff I could never be bothered to learn.
Al theturtleshead

What kind of how to? Surely to add pictures it's just a matter of using an online picture warehouse such as photobucket (resizes images as you upload them if you wish) and then typing away, clicking the image button and pasting the image URL as you go?

AliBaba 4 Feb 2009 15:27


Originally Posted by albert crutcher (Post 226847)
Maybe if you read some Erotic novels it might stimulate your imagination into trying something new.

I don’t need to stimulate my imagination. There are loads of places I would like to go and things I would like to do.
Some dreams get realized other doesn’t.


Originally Posted by albert crutcher (Post 226847)
But I,m guessing you,ve already seen and done it all.

No, I never will…

steved1969 4 Feb 2009 15:39

A step by step guide to using photobucket to add images to posts.

First off this guide uses photobucket purely because I have used it for ages (and it's free), there are other image hosting sites available that will work just as well.

1. Visit Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket and create an account with them.

2. Photobucket works better if you take the time to organise your images into albums on the site, so assuming you have a collection of images you want to include in a post the first thing to do is create an album. Log onto photobucket and on the right hand side you should see a section on the left entitled albums. In there is the section to create a new album:

3. Once you have created your album it's time to upload your images into it, at this point you can also choose to resize your images, for posting onto a forum such as this I would suggest you resize them to 640*480. In the upload images and video section select 640*480 from the drop down box, then click on Choose Files.

4. Select the files you wish to upload (hold Ctrl and click each one if you wish to upload more than one), once you have selected your files the upload takes place automatically.

5. Once the files are uploaded you can add titles and descriptions for each image if you wish (you don't have to), once you have done click on save and continue at the bottom of all the images.

6. You should now be back at the main screen looking at all of the images you have just uploaded. To use an image within the forums is simplicity itself, move your mouse over each of the images you have uploaded and you should see options appear directly below them, the one of most use on these forums is the option for IMG code, click in the text to the right of where it says IMG code and copy it (depending on what browser you are using it may copy automatically), then simply paste this into a forum reply and anyone looking at your post will see that image.

That's all there is to it really, if anyone does have any questions I am more than happy to answer them (in here or via PM). If one of the mods wants a better how to writing then let me know and I will do a more detailed one from home rather than work.

albert crutcher 4 Feb 2009 20:49

Bang on
This is exactly what I,m talking about! If you,ve never done this before and are computer illiterate it would be great to have a place to try it out and correct your mistakes by posting the photo in the said Q+A part of the site and if you,re really getting frustrated having someone to tell you what you,re doing wrong and give details on how to get it right!!!
Al theturtleshead

mollydog 4 Feb 2009 22:15


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 226811)
But I do have to agree, I'd like to see more too, and yes while it's better to ride than to ride vicariously, I'd rather ride vicariously on a cold winter's day than not at all.

Since Grant put up the Ride Tales forum a month or so ago, I've been chiming in on many new posts where new travelers/HUBB members are beginning a RTW world ride. I've urged them all to post their ride report HERE ... not on their Blog or on ADV but HERE on the HUBB. I hope everyone who enjoys the HUBB will do the same.

Like others, I am not a Blog fan. I like one stop shopping. By the way, nothing has changed here on the HUBB. You've always been able to post pics in the exact same way as ADV .... both sites use V-Bulletin software. What has changed is that NOW you have a specific forum for these reports.

Before the Ride Tales forum, I just ignored the guide lines and posted my little ride reports where ever. Like my Baja one in the Mex/Cent/S. America
forum: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...survival-34887


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 226811)
My theory on this is of course that if you can post a Ride Report on ADVRider then you can post it on the HUBB too, and in fact you can do both incredibly quickly. Simply write it once on either forum, then click on EDIT for your post and then push Ctrl+A followed by Ctrl+C.

YES!! :thumbup1: And it's even easier on my iMac!

A "How To" forum would be nice, or a place with a few tutorials would help many I'm sure. It took me a year to figure out how to post on ADV. After I joined Smug Mug, it all became quick and easy.

Patrick :scooter:

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