Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   The HUBB PUB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/the-hubb-pub/)
-   -   Welcome to the bar, "down the pub", what have you... (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/the-hubb-pub/welcome-bar-down-pub-what-32751)

Grant Johnson 31 Jan 2008 16:17

Welcome to the bar, "down the pub", what have you...
This forum is designed to give people a place to chat without cluttering the information forums.

Many travellers on the road are on limited bandwidths and expensive rates, so don't want to have to wade through endless chatter about stuff that's not important to them.

Although the point of the HUBB has always been to provide solid information, we do understand that part of a community is about friends/acquaintances having casual chats about whatever, so here it is!

Suggestions on what to CALL the forum appreciated - snappy names is not my forte! Lets have a few suggestions and we'll put it to a vote asap.

phoenix 31 Jan 2008 16:22

I like it. Great idea!

stevesawol 31 Jan 2008 16:41

I reakon "the bar" about does it!

I don't think you giving your creative side enough credit Grant!, after all you came up with HU:thumbup1:

Another option (or 2) - "shootin' the breeze" or "Roadside yarn"

Walkabout 31 Jan 2008 16:46

A rose is but a rose
Your current title works "as is" for me, Grant, but it has a good chance of being mixed up with "travellers questions that don't fit somewhere else", or words to that effect - I can't think of a fancy solution, so it will just have to settle down, when we all get used to whatever is posted here.

Anyway, you have met the request that was made a few weeks ago; suggested as an armchair (:rolleyes2:) forum me thinks?

Dakota 31 Jan 2008 16:48

Brilliant idea. How about 'The Yak Shack'

kevinhancock750 31 Jan 2008 19:40

great idea grant
excellent idea MR JOHNSON.:thumbup1:
as your the landlord can we smoke in your bar?:clap:

TT-Kira 31 Jan 2008 20:10

The Bar seems fine, but also think that smoking should be allowed as it still 'is' in France (although not officially, of course!)


Hustler 31 Jan 2008 20:56


Originally Posted by TT-Kira (Post 172009)
The Bar seems fine, but also think that smoking should be allowed as it still 'is' in France (although not officially, of course!)


Can't smoke in the bars in this part of France.
But I'll vote for The Bar as the title, short and sweet and pretty self explanatory.
So while I'm here might as well have a quick pint.
Can I get anyone else anything ?

jkrijt 31 Jan 2008 22:04

A nice cold Palm (Belgian beer) would be fine ;-)

I like the idea of a "bar" to chat.

Flyingdoctor 31 Jan 2008 22:17

I think HUBBAR would just sum it up. Unless that's a Tuareg swear word or something.

XT GIRL 31 Jan 2008 23:38


Originally Posted by Grant Johnson (Post 171953)
Many travellers on the road are on limited bandwidths and expensive rates, so don't want to have to wade through endless chatter about stuff that's not important to them.

Hey Grant...

Just wanted to add, as a relative newcomer that came on the HUBB (initially) to SHAMELESSLY use everyone's brains, experience and information for my own selfish needs - I can assure you that the HUBB is laid out VERY well for that purpose....

The 'less relevant' forums, like "travellers questions that don't fit somewhere else" is tucked well out of the way -- I didn't start reading that until WAY after I've made my lists and sucked everyone dry for information!

INCIDENTALLY - I ALSO interpreted the topic: "travellers questions that don't fit somewhere else", to mean "any old stuff thats not necessarily relevant to biking and general chat!"


mustaphapint 1 Feb 2008 00:32

There has been a bit of debate/controversy recently over certain members baiting and taunting each other. Whilst I realise and endorse the main purpose of the site is for genuine travellers to exchange and gain proper travel information and experiences, the posts which fall into the controversial category do provide a degree of harmless amusement to some of us, especially when the weather outside is crap and we've nothing better to do.
Perhaps the "bar" could allow this kind of free reign banter without threats of moderation and banning.
Without mentioning names (even the one I had a bit of a run in with a couple of years ago) all the members involved do make a positive contribution to the site overall and the other side is entertainment to those who choose to follow these threads.
The site would be poorer without those individuals!
So I welcome the pub/bar if it means those kind of posts will be tolerated and kept away from the mainstream threads.

Walkabout 1 Feb 2008 00:53


Originally Posted by harleyrider (Post 172060)
Perhaps the "bar" could allow this kind of free reign banter without threats of moderation and banning.
So I welcome the pub/bar if it means those kind of posts will be tolerated and kept away from the mainstream threads.

I have some regard for the sentiment but it is idealistic and, in any case, it is dealt with here IMO:-


My opinion on this is formed by the evidence to date; there is no way that folk can stay on thread with postings for any length of time, and there is no great reason/incentive to go over to the "free for all" thread and get on with it there.
If the moderators want to take on the extra workload of actually transferring posts into the Bar, that would be a different matter, but that would be mimicking one aspect of some other websites - as Grant states clearly, he does not want a site of that nature.

Walkabout 1 Feb 2008 01:10

Bar talk
Here's a candidate for a thread to be transferred into the new bar:-


Which begs the question; will there be a "men only bar" in this virtual world?

Lone Rider 1 Feb 2008 02:16


Originally Posted by harleyrider (Post 172060)
There has been a bit of debate/controversy recently over certain members baiting and taunting each other. Whilst I realise and endorse the main purpose of the site is for genuine travellers to exchange and gain proper travel information and experiences, the posts which fall into the controversial category do provide a degree of harmless amusement to some of us, especially when the weather outside is crap and we've nothing better to do.
Perhaps the "bar" could allow this kind of free reign banter without threats of moderation and banning.
Without mentioning names (even the one I had a bit of a run in with a couple of years ago) all the members involved do make a positive contribution to the site overall and the other side is entertainment to those who choose to follow these threads.
The site would be poorer without those individuals!
So I welcome the pub/bar if it means those kind of posts will be tolerated and kept away from the mainstream threads.

As I see it, Grant has a limited tolerance for bullshit that harms the real travel-oriented discussions. Just a few rogues and/or scarce moderation can ruin a BB like this one, and in short order. Be on-topic or with accepted relative diversions.

We're all a bunch of animals, right....:)

I'll say now: 'The Bar' will become a special forum unto itself, eventually needing to allow the members to start individual threads. The activity will grow f a s t.

This site will grow - everyone having fun - but always remember where the gold lies.

The person(s) who run the bar, and their demeanor, will be key. There will be some roadkill and accidents along the way. :)

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