Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   The HUBB PUB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/the-hubb-pub/)
-   -   Welcome to the bar, "down the pub", what have you... (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/the-hubb-pub/welcome-bar-down-pub-what-32751)

Grant Johnson 31 Jan 2008 16:17

Welcome to the bar, "down the pub", what have you...
This forum is designed to give people a place to chat without cluttering the information forums.

Many travellers on the road are on limited bandwidths and expensive rates, so don't want to have to wade through endless chatter about stuff that's not important to them.

Although the point of the HUBB has always been to provide solid information, we do understand that part of a community is about friends/acquaintances having casual chats about whatever, so here it is!

Suggestions on what to CALL the forum appreciated - snappy names is not my forte! Lets have a few suggestions and we'll put it to a vote asap.

phoenix 31 Jan 2008 16:22

I like it. Great idea!

stevesawol 31 Jan 2008 16:41

I reakon "the bar" about does it!

I don't think you giving your creative side enough credit Grant!, after all you came up with HU:thumbup1:

Another option (or 2) - "shootin' the breeze" or "Roadside yarn"

Walkabout 31 Jan 2008 16:46

A rose is but a rose
Your current title works "as is" for me, Grant, but it has a good chance of being mixed up with "travellers questions that don't fit somewhere else", or words to that effect - I can't think of a fancy solution, so it will just have to settle down, when we all get used to whatever is posted here.

Anyway, you have met the request that was made a few weeks ago; suggested as an armchair (:rolleyes2:) forum me thinks?

Dakota 31 Jan 2008 16:48

Brilliant idea. How about 'The Yak Shack'

kevinhancock750 31 Jan 2008 19:40

great idea grant
excellent idea MR JOHNSON.:thumbup1:
as your the landlord can we smoke in your bar?:clap:

TT-Kira 31 Jan 2008 20:10

The Bar seems fine, but also think that smoking should be allowed as it still 'is' in France (although not officially, of course!)


Hustler 31 Jan 2008 20:56


Originally Posted by TT-Kira (Post 172009)
The Bar seems fine, but also think that smoking should be allowed as it still 'is' in France (although not officially, of course!)


Can't smoke in the bars in this part of France.
But I'll vote for The Bar as the title, short and sweet and pretty self explanatory.
So while I'm here might as well have a quick pint.
Can I get anyone else anything ?

jkrijt 31 Jan 2008 22:04

A nice cold Palm (Belgian beer) would be fine ;-)

I like the idea of a "bar" to chat.

Flyingdoctor 31 Jan 2008 22:17

I think HUBBAR would just sum it up. Unless that's a Tuareg swear word or something.

XT GIRL 31 Jan 2008 23:38


Originally Posted by Grant Johnson (Post 171953)
Many travellers on the road are on limited bandwidths and expensive rates, so don't want to have to wade through endless chatter about stuff that's not important to them.

Hey Grant...

Just wanted to add, as a relative newcomer that came on the HUBB (initially) to SHAMELESSLY use everyone's brains, experience and information for my own selfish needs - I can assure you that the HUBB is laid out VERY well for that purpose....

The 'less relevant' forums, like "travellers questions that don't fit somewhere else" is tucked well out of the way -- I didn't start reading that until WAY after I've made my lists and sucked everyone dry for information!

INCIDENTALLY - I ALSO interpreted the topic: "travellers questions that don't fit somewhere else", to mean "any old stuff thats not necessarily relevant to biking and general chat!"


mustaphapint 1 Feb 2008 00:32

There has been a bit of debate/controversy recently over certain members baiting and taunting each other. Whilst I realise and endorse the main purpose of the site is for genuine travellers to exchange and gain proper travel information and experiences, the posts which fall into the controversial category do provide a degree of harmless amusement to some of us, especially when the weather outside is crap and we've nothing better to do.
Perhaps the "bar" could allow this kind of free reign banter without threats of moderation and banning.
Without mentioning names (even the one I had a bit of a run in with a couple of years ago) all the members involved do make a positive contribution to the site overall and the other side is entertainment to those who choose to follow these threads.
The site would be poorer without those individuals!
So I welcome the pub/bar if it means those kind of posts will be tolerated and kept away from the mainstream threads.

Walkabout 1 Feb 2008 00:53


Originally Posted by harleyrider (Post 172060)
Perhaps the "bar" could allow this kind of free reign banter without threats of moderation and banning.
So I welcome the pub/bar if it means those kind of posts will be tolerated and kept away from the mainstream threads.

I have some regard for the sentiment but it is idealistic and, in any case, it is dealt with here IMO:-


My opinion on this is formed by the evidence to date; there is no way that folk can stay on thread with postings for any length of time, and there is no great reason/incentive to go over to the "free for all" thread and get on with it there.
If the moderators want to take on the extra workload of actually transferring posts into the Bar, that would be a different matter, but that would be mimicking one aspect of some other websites - as Grant states clearly, he does not want a site of that nature.

Walkabout 1 Feb 2008 01:10

Bar talk
Here's a candidate for a thread to be transferred into the new bar:-


Which begs the question; will there be a "men only bar" in this virtual world?

Lone Rider 1 Feb 2008 02:16


Originally Posted by harleyrider (Post 172060)
There has been a bit of debate/controversy recently over certain members baiting and taunting each other. Whilst I realise and endorse the main purpose of the site is for genuine travellers to exchange and gain proper travel information and experiences, the posts which fall into the controversial category do provide a degree of harmless amusement to some of us, especially when the weather outside is crap and we've nothing better to do.
Perhaps the "bar" could allow this kind of free reign banter without threats of moderation and banning.
Without mentioning names (even the one I had a bit of a run in with a couple of years ago) all the members involved do make a positive contribution to the site overall and the other side is entertainment to those who choose to follow these threads.
The site would be poorer without those individuals!
So I welcome the pub/bar if it means those kind of posts will be tolerated and kept away from the mainstream threads.

As I see it, Grant has a limited tolerance for bullshit that harms the real travel-oriented discussions. Just a few rogues and/or scarce moderation can ruin a BB like this one, and in short order. Be on-topic or with accepted relative diversions.

We're all a bunch of animals, right....:)

I'll say now: 'The Bar' will become a special forum unto itself, eventually needing to allow the members to start individual threads. The activity will grow f a s t.

This site will grow - everyone having fun - but always remember where the gold lies.

The person(s) who run the bar, and their demeanor, will be key. There will be some roadkill and accidents along the way. :)

Frank Warner 1 Feb 2008 02:54


Originally Posted by Lone Rider (Post 172077)
I'll say now: 'The Bar' will become a special forum unto itself, eventually needing to allow the members to start individual threads.

You aready can start new threads.

As I see it this is to resolve the 'banter' that has been starting to become big on some threads. Even some threads themselves have no real relevance to the forum where they started. If you have the time you come here to look at the inmates, on the other forums you are after info or providing help (however limited that may be). It should reduce that 'off topic' stuff there .. and still provide what some want -here.

As for

"travellers questions that don't fit somewhere else", to mean "any old stuff thats not necessarily relevant to biking and general chat!"
Well yes ... excpet some questions don't easily fit under the other titles but are not chat. So this is the 'end bin' so to speek. now we have the 'pub' for chat ..

Mr. Ron 1 Feb 2008 04:00

Great idea Grant! Why not call it "The Basement"?
Okay, i'll play. Imagine there's a plane on a runway, but the runway is a conveyer belt for it's entire length, capable of matching the speed of the plane. Now, as the plane accelerates and the wheels move forward, the conveyer moves the opposite direction kind of like a giant treadmill. Will the plane take off, or will the plane stand still on the runway?

Dessertstrom 1 Feb 2008 05:26

Good Idea
I think one of the problems is the interpretation of the written word. As this is an international site some of the humour is lost on some people and since there will be less moderation it should alleviate some of the tension.
My suggested name for the bar is the Travellers Rest.

Martynbiker 1 Feb 2008 10:44

Cheers Harleyrider

Originally Posted by harleyrider (Post 172060)
There has been a bit of debate/controversy recently over certain members baiting and taunting each other. Whilst I realise and endorse the main purpose of the site is for genuine Travellers to exchange and gain proper travel information and experiences, the posts which fall into the controversial category do provide a degree of harmless amusement to some of us, especially when the weather outside is crap and we've nothing better to do.
Perhaps the "bar" could allow this kind of free reign banter without threats of moderation and banning.
Without mentioning names (even the one I had a bit of a run in with a couple of years ago) all the members involved do make a positive contribution to the site overall and the other side is entertainment to those who choose to follow these threads.
The site would be poorer without those individuals!
So I welcome the pub/bar if it means those kind of posts will be tolerated and kept away from the mainstream threads.

Well let's see if Grant lets this through the "Moderated Postings"!

It appears that without Myself and a few others the BAR would not have come into existence, or at least not so soon.....
Yes OK it causes work for Grant and I do feel for the guy, but it was his decision to run a Forum in the first place, and when you run ANYTHING dealing with the general public you have squabbles, disagreements and differences of opinion.
Generally the consensus is thus: The BAR is a good idea. :thumbup1:

I agree with Grants sentiment that Travellers on the road with slow connections having to trawl through post after post to get to the "Meat" of a thread is correct. that would cause frustration and cost money......and I Apologise now to any of the Travellers who were inconvenienced by MY actions.

Now to add another Idea or Iron to the Fire.... instead of lots of "Moderators" why not have a few "fixers" as well, who have no 'Moderator status' to Ban, Scold or whatever but CAN move posts (not remove, thats obviously a Mods job )from areas they are not supposed to be..... to the BAR or a suitable area.?


MetusUK 1 Feb 2008 11:57

I wonder how long it will be before a 'bar fight' oh that would be fun! :funmeteryes:

Walkabout 1 Feb 2008 12:24

Moderators routine

Originally Posted by Martynbiker (Post 172136)
Now to add another Idea or Iron to the Fire.... instead of lots of "Moderators" why not have a few "fixers" as well, who have no 'Moderator status' to Ban, Scold or whatever but CAN move posts (not remove, thats obviously a Mods job )from areas they are not supposed to be..... to the BAR or a suitable area.?


That's just part of a moderators' job description.
I expect Grant has loads of applications for the post(s) :rolleyes2:.

MarkE 1 Feb 2008 14:02

Happy with the name
I'm happy with the bar, although I also liked Hubbar, as long as it is not offensive in someone's language (slightly rude is OK, but offensive goes further).

As for those who want to smoke. I'm not sure what jurisdiction we're in here re smoking bans, but I don't mind even though I don't indulge myself. You should probably ask if there are strangers around though.

stevesawol 1 Feb 2008 15:12

I've gotta say I like the decor Grant, and best of all the Bar plays the same music I play at home!:thumbup1:

"moderators"......in a bar........I reakon a bar has a "Bouncer"..... a new title perhaps

palace15 1 Feb 2008 15:33


Originally Posted by MetusUK (Post 172146)
I wonder how long it will be before a 'bar fight' oh that would be fun! :funmeteryes:

Will everyone be expected to drink from plastic glasses incase it all 'kicks off' ! :cool4:

silver G 1 Feb 2008 15:50


Originally Posted by dave ede (Post 172185)
Will everyone be expected to drink from plastic glasses incase it all 'kicks off' ! :cool4:

What do you mean 'incase' - ofcourse it will but at least we now know where to look for all the scratching and hair pulling:rofl: and with an occasional bad joke thrown in it's somewhere to go when the bricks and mortar pub is shut. I think this forum is an invaluable resource which has to be preserved.
Now, does everyone know the one about the 2 fleas on the beach in St tropez......

stevesawol 1 Feb 2008 16:36

Travel by bike or combi???
Best of both worlds???.....
Sure beats some TT alu boxes....400 ltrs of packing space....? http://www.boreme.com/media/yr2007/vw-sidecar.jpg

stevesawol 1 Feb 2008 16:39

Just thought I'd get the ball rolling with a bit of nonsense.....

Redboots 1 Feb 2008 19:02

The Bar sounds good... or how about "The Lay-By".


SgtMarty 2 Feb 2008 00:20

Cantina sounds less confusing than Bar.

Mr. Ron 2 Feb 2008 00:36


Originally Posted by Mr. Ron (Post 172083)
Great idea Grant! Why not call it "The Basement"?
Okay, i'll play. Imagine there's a plane on a runway, but the runway is a conveyer belt for it's entire length, capable of matching the speed of the plane. Now, as the plane accelerates and the wheels move forward, the conveyer moves the opposite direction kind of like a giant treadmill. Will the plane take off, or will the plane stand still on the runway?

...comon guys, i gotta know! Does the plane take off or not??

Dodger 2 Feb 2008 04:17

Not unless there's a bloody big fan at the end of the conveyor belt .

Mr. Ron 2 Feb 2008 05:23


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 172274)
Not unless there's a bloody big fan at the end of the conveyor belt .

Are you sure Dodger??

Dodger 2 Feb 2008 06:21


Originally Posted by Mr. Ron (Post 172278)
Are you sure Dodger??

Erhm ?
Yes - [probably]

In order to develop lift an aerofoil section must be moved through air [ by engine thrust ] .
If the thrust from the engines and therefore the planes forward speed is always matched by the speed of the conveyor belt then the plane will not move in air , although the wheels will be spinning at an incredible speed .

Well that's my theory anyway , aeronautical engineers please chime in .

Dodger 2 Feb 2008 06:27

OK Ron ,
Imagine you have a large van travelling up the motorway containing a large Radio controlled helicopter .
The van and contents weigh 2 tons at rest ,with the helicopter standing on the van floor ..
If the helicopter were to hover inside the van as it travels , would the van weigh more than 2 tons , less than 2 tons or remain the same weight ?

Walkabout 2 Feb 2008 13:03

More names

Originally Posted by SgtMarty (Post 172250)
Cantina sounds less confusing than Bar.

Yes, that's more "international".

How about the "sin bin" or the "last chance saloon" (as in drinking in the last chance saloon)?

I feel a poll coming along.

Walkabout 2 Feb 2008 13:14


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 172280)
Erhm ?
Yes - [probably]

In order to develop lift an aerofoil section must be moved through air [ by engine thrust ] .
If the thrust from the engines and therefore the planes forward speed is always matched by the speed of the conveyor belt then the plane will not move in air , although the wheels will be spinning at an incredible speed .

Well that's my theory anyway , aeronautical engineers please chime in .

No way am I posting as an aero engineer, but your logic is impeccable Dodger: I have never managed to get airborne while on a treadmill either! :rolleyes2:

Your van question is a variation on the decending lift ("elevator" for some people) version.
So, for my two pence, the van still weighs 2 ton - the weight of the helicopter is transferred to the van floor, all in accordance with Newton's laws, by means of the air pressure generated by its' blades.

Mr. Ron 2 Feb 2008 17:31

The plane fly's! Think about it, the plane is driven by a propellar or jet, not the wheels.

Mr. Ron 2 Feb 2008 17:32


Originally Posted by Walkabout (Post 172306)

Your van question is a variation on the decending lift ("elevator" for some people) version.
So, for my two pence, the van still weighs 2 ton - the weight of the helicopter is transferred to the van floor, all in accordance with Newton's laws, by means of the air pressure generated by its' blades.

Agreed. The van weighs the same.

Dodger 2 Feb 2008 18:38


Originally Posted by Mr. Ron (Post 172345)
The plane fly's! Think about it, the plane is driven by a propellar or jet, not the wheels.

I can't agree , props and jets provide forward thrust to allow sufficient airflow over the wing to provide lift .
Aircraft carriers have steam catapults that launch aircraft , if your logic were true then they would be fitted with conveyor belts .
If an aircraft loses forward speed whilst in the air it is said to stall , lift is lost and the aircraft will fall out of the sky ,lift is regained by diving and increasing speed [ airflow over the wings ] .
Some aircraft can vector thrust to provide lift but the main element of lift is via the wings , otherwise they wouldn't have wings [ they'd be helicopters or Harrier jump jets ] .

Dodger 2 Feb 2008 18:41

In order to remain airborne the helicopter has to generate a downward force as great as it's own weight .

Mr. Ron 2 Feb 2008 20:13


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 172366)
I can't agree , props and jets provide forward thrust to allow sufficient airflow over the wing to provide lift .
Aircraft carriers have steam catapults that launch aircraft , if your logic were true then they would be fitted with conveyor belts .
If an aircraft loses forward speed whilst in the air it is said to stall , lift is lost and the aircraft will fall out of the sky ,lift is regained by diving and increasing speed [ airflow over the wings ] .
Some aircraft can vector thrust to provide lift but the main element of lift is via the wings , otherwise they wouldn't have wings [ they'd be helicopters or Harrier jump jets ] .

Aircraft carriers use catapults to provide near instant exceleration due to the length of the run-way. Aircraft carriers would have to be much longer than they are now if jet fighters only relied on their engines. This is all irrelavent, the plane still takes off. It moves because it is being thrusted foreward by the engines, not the wheels. The wheels only provide a platform for the plane to rest on until sufficient airflow has been produced. The speed of the wheels or the conveyer belt are irrelivant. Imagine if the wheels were powered and the jets are idle. When the wheels accelerate to 50 kph, the conveyer will go 50 kph also, therefor the plane stands still. Turn on the engines and the plane will thrust foreward regardless of the speed of the wheels. Imagine your jogging on the same conveyor belt. As you increase your effort, the belt speeds up and you stand still. Now, imagine you had a rope attached to a tree at the end of the conveyer belt. Although your running your guts out and going nowhere, you can pull yourself foreward with the rope. It is independant of the conveyor belt. Whewh.... thinking is hard :)
Okay, you got me on the helicopter thing.

Walkabout 2 Feb 2008 21:03

Good call

Originally Posted by Mr. Ron (Post 172345)
The plane fly's! Think about it, the plane is driven by a propellar or jet, not the wheels.

Quite right - we are too "wheel-centric"!

Dodger 2 Feb 2008 21:08

MMn !

Ok, I had assumed that the conveyor was powered and would always travel in a reverse direction so as to counteract the forward speed of the aircraft .
If the belt was freewheeling then the only forces that you would have to overcome would be the weight of the aircraft and friction between the belt and the aircraft wheels.
I notice in your first posting you mentioned "capable of matching the speed." [ Bugger!]I should have read your post more closely .

Redboots 2 Feb 2008 22:55


Originally Posted by Mr. Ron (Post 172345)
The plane fly's! Think about it, the plane is driven by a propellar or jet, not the wheels.

I'd say it would not fly...

At take-off, the brakes are applied until the thrust developed by the engine(s) reaches the required power level.
The thrust then pushes the craft forward. The weight of the aircraft causes friction between tyre's and runway. This would set the "conveyor" in motion and the aircraft would remain static while the engine rev'ed and the conveyor conveyed:blink:


silver G 2 Feb 2008 23:03

So where is this aeroplane going to - better be somewhere good:scooter:

Dodger 2 Feb 2008 23:14

Every pub should have a name :


Mr. Ron 3 Feb 2008 01:17


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 172394)
MMn !

Ok, I had assumed that the conveyor was powered and would always travel in a reverse direction so as to counteract the forward speed of the aircraft .
If the belt was freewheeling then the only forces that you would have to overcome would be the weight of the aircraft and friction between the belt and the aircraft wheels.
I notice in your first posting you mentioned "capable of matching the speed." [ Bugger!]I should have read your post more closely .

Dodger, you assumed right, the conveyer is powered. As the plane moves foreward, the conveyer does in fact counteract the foreward speed of the wheels, but because they are wheels, it only effects the wheels themselves, not the aircraft. If the aircraft is moving down the runway, the wheels would me moving at aproximately twice the speed of the aircraft, but to no effect. The aircraft is being thrusted foreward by it's engines. The wheels only purpose is to support the plane, not drive the plane.

Mr. Ron 3 Feb 2008 01:24


Originally Posted by Redboots (Post 172416)
I'd say it would not fly...

At take-off, the brakes are applied until the thrust developed by the engine(s) reaches the required power level.
The thrust then pushes the craft forward. The weight of the aircraft causes friction between tyre's and runway. This would set the "conveyor" in motion and the aircraft would remain static while the engine rev'ed and the conveyor conveyed:blink:


You are right. When the brakes are applied, the plane isn't moving, therefor the conveyor isn't moving either, bit when the brakes are released, the wheels move foreward. The conveyer counteracts this and spins the wheels at twice the speed, but this is irrelavent because the plane is moved foreward by thrust, not by friction with the ground. The plane takes off.
For every reaction there is an opposite and equal reaction. If the planes engines are creating 14,000 pounds of thrust and the plane is standing still, where is all the energy going?

Mr. Ron 3 Feb 2008 01:26


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 172421)

LOL!! Thats great! Thats almost as good as the doctor telling you: "Your wife's got acute angina..."

Redboots 3 Feb 2008 08:15


Originally Posted by Mr. Ron (Post 172435)
If the planes engines are creating 14,000 pounds of thrust and the plane is standing still, where is all the energy going?



Caminando 4 Feb 2008 14:07


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 172367)
In order to remain airborne the helicopter has to generate a downward force greater than it's own weight .

Equal to its own weight. Tut, tut.

Dodger 5 Feb 2008 02:26


Originally Posted by Mr. Ron (Post 172435)
You are right. When the brakes are applied, the plane isn't moving, therefor the conveyor isn't moving either, bit when the brakes are released, the wheels move foreward. The conveyer counteracts this and spins the wheels at twice the speed, but this is irrelavent because the plane is moved foreward by thrust, not by friction with the ground. The plane takes off.
For every reaction there is an opposite and equal reaction. If the planes engines are creating 14,000 pounds of thrust and the plane is standing still, where is all the energy going?

YouTube - Mythbusters - Plane on conveyor belt the practice!

Mr. Ron 5 Feb 2008 03:59


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 172754)

Nice job Dodger! I hope this didn't keep you up at night.
Sweet dreams my friend...

Sime66 8 Feb 2008 15:57


Originally Posted by Hustler (Post 172020)
Can I get anyone else anything ?

Um, can I have a Nile Special and 20 Sportsman please? I'll give you some cash for the fags...

stuxtttr 14 Feb 2008 20:54

I love the bar and the best bit is theres no chucking out time just drink and be merry all day everyday also means i never have to suffer a hangover ever again.

Walkabout 15 Feb 2008 19:01

Black nectar

Originally Posted by stuxtttr (Post 174601)
I love the bar and the best bit is theres no chucking out time just drink and be merry all day everyday also means i never have to suffer a hangover ever again.

Yep, it's great in here, ice cold Guinness and no time called for how long you have to drink it! :rolleyes2:
Anyone else on Guinness?

cyclelover101 28 May 2008 15:07

Good Idea to Meet Friends
Hi Everyone--

I am kinda new to this forum and want to meet new friends out here. Hopefully can gain alot to those motorcycle lovers like me. A fun forum to gain more friends, this is what it's all about.

The Mighty Gusset 4 Jul 2008 12:48

Beer, Beer, Beer !
Hurrah !
Another bikers Bar on t'interweb !
I'll have a pint of Fullers Discovery please.
And a PIE !
Perhaps you'd all like to join me in a singalong:
Beer, Beer, Beer

john_aero 17 Sep 2008 09:55


Originally Posted by Walkabout (Post 174788)
Yep, it's great in here, ice cold Guinness and no time called for how long you have to drink it! :rolleyes2:
Anyone else on Guinness?

sounds like the right order, make that 2

khatrineluz 12 Dec 2008 07:49

thank you very much... nice idea... love it cause i like making friends too...:thumbup1:

Thefastone 4 Mar 2011 21:23

Ummm beer{stelloa} as they say in manchester


Mehmet Zeki Avar 29 Jul 2011 23:23

Is this opinion the same in your country too ?
Before getting any free drinks in HU Bar (hope free), I've a question worldwide.

Depending on too many years of adventure travelling and bikers club activity experiences;

I've reached an opinion which is:
1-Enduro riders are the most and best friendly bikers among all met in Turkey.
2-Racers are much less friendly and choppers are worst. In some touristic places chopper riders are not accepted to stay.

Is this opinion and outlook the same in your country too?

Cheers now for many many more years for HU.

Wish you all the best

wildrover 19 Jan 2012 08:46

Thanks Grant
Glad to be back to such a brilliant site, Thanks Grant for re-setting my password and email mess up, :-) Also thanks to those who've been a great help in the past.

750volts! 26 Mar 2012 06:43


Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet (Post 344066)
Before getting any free drinks in HU Bar (hope free), I've a question worldwide.
I've reached an opinion which is:
1-Enduro riders are the most and best friendly bikers among all met in Turkey.
2-Racers are much less friendly and choppers are worst. In some touristic places chopper riders are not accepted to stay.

I don't think you are too far off but I think that there are some pretty understandable causes for the effect that you point out. IMHO
Here is my take on it:
Most 12 year old kids don't dream of riding the kind of bikes that most of us ride or the rides we choose to go on. If you are 12 you dream of riding a dirt bike at full speed across the Baja winning the cup and the large chested blonde showering you with champagne at the podium.

Some of them dream of being a bad biker dude and riding a hog across country with the same blonde on the back of the bike. Stopping nightly for a drink and knocking the hell out of anyone that looks at her.

Most of us fulfill some part of this dream and move on in life. Others just never get over it. I liken it to the 50 year old that still is more than a little competitive in a "friendly" game of football.

The idea of leaving society behind (Even if for the weekend) and riding one of "our" kind of bikes to the ends of the earth and rough camping doesn't appeal to as many of those guys as the other style of riding does. Let's face it when you and one or two other guys are riding across the plains of say Kazakhstan there aren't a great deal of people to show off to. I just don't think those guys would be interested in eating goat meat on a dirt floor in a village of 16 people. Personally I would jump at the opportunity but I am as daft as all the rest of you.:thumbup1:
Hope to make it to Turkey soon. -Paul

750volts! 26 Mar 2012 07:16

What do you think?
I have thought for many years that there may be other guys like me around the globe. I like to ride enduro and like to travel around the globe. The problem is that I really don't have the time or the money to just stop working for a year and ride. There are other guys that I ride with that are in the same boat. The thing is that it wouldn't be impossible for us to have a second bike (I have more than a few extras) that we could maintain and let visitors ride. By the same token, we have enough vacation and money that taking a few weeks per year and flying to places wouldn't be out of reach either. There must be guys just like us all over the globe...right? It would seem to me that should be able to work out some sort of exchange system. Here is an example of what I am thinking: We schedule an event here locally on a given period that spans 10 days from Friday through Monday. The event is hosted by 2 teams of 2 guys. The hosts will pick up the guests or arrange for pick up of the guests at the airport and transport them to a decent but inexpensive hotel near the hosts. The hosts would provide a decent mechanically sound enduro for the guests to ride during their 10 day stay. (Each of the 4 hosts would provide their spare bike to one guest) The guests would pay for their own plane flight, food, gas, and 1/4 of the hotel cost. The first team would spend Saturday, Sunday, and Monday riding with the guests, showing them the best of the enduro world that they know in their area. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the guests would be free to see the sites of the area without the hosts escorting them around the area. (They would also not use the hosts bikes during this time) Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the second team would show the guests their favorite rides in the area and take their turn at entertaining. On Monday the hosts would provide transport back to the airport for the guests.
This is just an example of idea. There would be many details to be worked out. The guests would, of course, return the favor and do the same for the hosts in their area at a later time. The hardest part would be getting it started. What do you all think? (I shared this idea with a few of my friends and they pretty much think I am crazy)bier

Well, 2 weeks and no replies of any kind. I guess I should be happy I wasn't called names and insulted like on ADV.
Well then the answer must be no one is intersted. At least I know. Cheers!

anonymous1 21 Apr 2012 10:17

Who's shout is it ?
Crikey I'm as dry as a Pomie's towel, who's shout is it ?

The Bar is just ......... perfect! Keep up the excellent work Grant.

Ten660 13 May 2012 12:52

i'l have one of these

Skol Advert - YouTube

anyone else?

Grant Johnson 15 May 2012 01:47


Originally Posted by 750volts! (Post 372867)
I have thought for many years that there may be other guys like me around the globe. I like to ride enduro and like to travel around the globe. The problem is that I really don't have the time or the money to just stop working for a year and ride. There are other guys that I ride with that are in the same boat. The thing is that it wouldn't be impossible for us to have a second bike (I have more than a few extras) that we could maintain and let visitors ride. By the same token, we have enough vacation and money that taking a few weeks per year and flying to places wouldn't be out of reach either. There must be guys just like us all over the globe...right? It would seem to me that should be able to work out some sort of exchange system. Here is an example of what I am thinking: We schedule an event here locally on a given period that spans 10 days from Friday through Monday. The event is hosted by 2 teams of 2 guys. The hosts will pick up the guests or arrange for pick up of the guests at the airport and transport them to a decent but inexpensive hotel near the hosts. The hosts would provide a decent mechanically sound enduro for the guests to ride during their 10 day stay. (Each of the 4 hosts would provide their spare bike to one guest) The guests would pay for their own plane flight, food, gas, and 1/4 of the hotel cost. The first team would spend Saturday, Sunday, and Monday riding with the guests, showing them the best of the enduro world that they know in their area. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the guests would be free to see the sites of the area without the hosts escorting them around the area. (They would also not use the hosts bikes during this time) Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the second team would show the guests their favorite rides in the area and take their turn at entertaining. On Monday the hosts would provide transport back to the airport for the guests.
This is just an example of idea. There would be many details to be worked out. The guests would, of course, return the favor and do the same for the hosts in their area at a later time. The hardest part would be getting it started. What do you all think? (I shared this idea with a few of my friends and they pretty much think I am crazy)bier

Well, 2 weeks and no replies of any kind. I guess I should be happy I wasn't called names and insulted like on ADV.
Well then the answer must be no one is intersted. At least I know. Cheers!

TOO HARD! Great idea, no way it can happen - too many things to make work right. The difficulty of something like this is exponentially harder for every person you add! What does work is just trading bikes with one person.

That's why we created the Bike Swap or Rent forum! :) You COULD use it for a group if you were a glutton for punishment....

750volts! 22 May 2012 04:48

TY Grant
Thanks Grant, that is truly brilliant! I will be perusing through that section directly after posting this. Awesome!bier

anonymous1 9 Nov 2016 13:33

Probably shouldn't talk politics at the bar but............

Bill was trying to comfort Hilary after her defeat. Don't worry about it honey, Nelson Mandela had to do 27 years hard labor before he got voted in :thumbup1:

Pongo 3 Oct 2018 08:03

Seeing as Dave Drwinite is still in the bar ( how u doin ?) he must be pretty thirsty if no ones bought him a schooner! My shout.beer

I couldn't think of a suitable place to put this and there are many friends who I ought to contact personally, but time is not my best friend at the moment. So I thought a quick announcement in the bar would get to everyone ( eventually).

Just to let you know that I will be moving from the Limousin region of France after 12 years, at the end of next week. I am a community, but have now removed my current details from the site temporarily. They will re-appear around Xmas time. I'm moving 600kms up country to the north west corner of Brittany in the Cotes D'Armor. I will be less than 1.5hrs from the Channel ports of Roscoff & St Malo; and about 2 hrs from Caen ( Ouistreham) and Cherbourg. Any travellers doing a channel hop either way and who may need a contact, then don't hesitate to get in touch through the Communities (contact) section.

Hope you are all having a good time wherever you are and what ever you are doing.bier

mustaphapint 3 Oct 2018 11:48

Welcome to Cotes d'Armor Pongo when you arrive. There's quite an active biking community in the area. I'm near Rostrenen when I'm here.

Pongo 8 Oct 2018 08:12

Won't be far from you Mustapha.....! about 20kms NE near Lanrivain.

mustaphapint 8 Oct 2018 08:47


Originally Posted by Pongo (Post 590496)
Won't be far from you Mustapha.....! about 20kms NE near Lanrivain.

We visit Lanrivain regularly. Some friends of ours there run a motorcycle based gite business.

Rural Brittany Holiday Home Page
The local bar/restaurant run by Jerome and Virginie is also a popular destination for us.

Pongo 8 Oct 2018 11:53

2O Mins walk! Small world.

Pongo 10 Nov 2018 10:51


Originally Posted by mustaphapint (Post 590501)
We visit Lanrivain regularly. Some friends of ours there run a motorcycle based gite business.

Rural Brittany Holiday Home Page
The local bar/restaurant run by Jerome and Virginie is also a popular destination for us.

Good to meet you both and the Nicholls clan on Tues. Great place for a summer meeting ( perhaps). The weather wasn't so nice this last week. Will probably meet again quite soon, in the meantime seasonal greetings.

mustaphapint 10 Nov 2018 19:02


Originally Posted by Pongo (Post 591687)
Good to meet you both and the Nicholls clan on Tues. Great place for a summer meeting ( perhaps). The weather wasn't so nice this last week. Will probably meet again quite soon, in the meantime seasonal greetings.

Good to meet you too John. I hope your completion on the new house goes well and hope to meet up again probably in the new year now.

AnTyx 5 May 2020 13:57

The longest straight path on land in the world runs from Sagres in Portugal to Jinjiang in Fujian province, China. It is 11 241.1 kilometers long.

This should be the next great overland route, next to Ushuaia-to-Prudhoe-Bay and Nordkapp-to-Capetown. :) Who wants to be first to do it?

Erik_G 6 May 2021 06:19

From Sagres
1 Attachment(s)
Well, at least I am close to the starting point....
1 h to the Lighthouse west of Sagres.
Impressing place. To park there and think that on the other side of that ocean is the American Continent. ANother "end of the woorld" feeling.

I like travelling by motorcycle.
To ride the bike, sleep in tent, adapt to cultures.... no problem.

But I do not think that I woule be able to handle the paperwork that is needed for such a trip. I am more worried about Visas, carnets, .... than the travelling itself.

(Sagres - Nordkapp is 5 600 km)

There is a Iron Butt from Spain to Nordkapp

anonymous3 6 May 2021 15:51

train fans

Originally Posted by AnTyx (Post 611252)
The longest straight path on land in the world runs from Sagres in Portugal to Jinjiang in Fujian province, China. It is 11 241.1 kilometers long.

This should be the next great overland route, next to Ushuaia-to-Prudhoe-Bay and Nordkapp-to-Capetown. :) Who wants to be first to do it?

Train fans already do it, from Villa Real De Santo Antonio in Portugal to Ho Chi Minh city is one of the worlds longest train rides, I have worked it out 17 Stages.

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