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Will Climate Change Spell The End of RTW Motorcycle Travel?
As the obvious affects of world wide climate change continue to worsen, how will travelers cope?
With possible massive forced migration, food and water shortages and general unstable govts., how will a motorcycle traveler deal with such things? :innocent: Many think "Climate Changes" will only mean higher temps. But science (and reality) now tell us it's Everything that is affected: Record high temps world wide, but Colder temps as well. Higher winds, longer, more severe droughts followed by record setting floods. More Hurricanes/Tornadoes than ever before and in places that never have had them. The daily news tells the story best. We see it everywhere round the world from Antarctica to India. Can motorcycle folk survive and tread there way through? How much more dangerous will MC travel become? Where can we go that might be "safe"? How much time have we got? Do we care? Are we just going to ride the Bomb down to oblivion like Slim Picken's did in Dr. Strangelove? (Cowboy Slim "rides" an A-bomb down from his B-52 ... and starts the end of the world) Recent topics here attempt to describe "Adventure travel". Seems to me as Climate Change truly takes hold travel may become an impossible adventure. ?c? |
I think you're being rather dramatic, and looking at it as if the climate is suddenly going to 'change'. It's a continuous process.
Maybe think of the number of motorcycle travellers who are affected by unusually strong hurricanes or typhoons, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods etc etc and multiply it by some factor. I don't think it's going to make much difference. The machinations of world politics are far more likely to affect the plans of travellers, just as they have done for years. My parents generation could safely drive all over the Sahara, but had no real chance to visit much of the Soviet Union for example. |
I have been thinking that climate change will influence the world in general and so will have an influence on adventurers as well.
But new ways will be found and new ideas will be forthcoming because the human race is an adapting one. :stormy::palm::rain::Beach::mchappy::clap: |
there is no climate change, what we observe is climate shift. Normal thing,
happened many times in history of Earth. Nothing to worry about. |
Would you buy a second hand/owner vehicle from the likes of Al Gore? Thought not. |
Agree with the climate shifting (i thought a shift was a change as well?)
Also agree with it happening before but nothing to worry about ? Only if you happen to live anything over 25 meters above sea level and you hope to last a good number of years. If the sea levels are rising this will have a serious impact on global weather patterns. The timescale in which that happens remains to be seen. |
Yes, Man Made Emissions are such a threat the Western Countries have taken regulated manufacturing and sent it to Unregulated China.
If you ever read the Bible you have all the answers you need as to what is going on, no its nothing mythical, nothing godlike, merely the higher powers (Government, or whomever pulls the strings) using the same biblical stratagy. There will BE FLOODS< THERE WILL BE FIRES, THERE WILL BE FAMINE, EARTHQUAKES! And all the other crap that happens all the time. Now they rolled into "Science' you know, the same science that cannot seem to tell you what tomorrows weather is actually gonna do. Anyhow, just a joke. Nothing to worry about, we are leaving a little ice age and lots of strange things are happening we do not understand. It is important to understand that Modern Science, is actually extremely young. So when they say "The worst storm in history" rack that up to the worst storm in 80 years or some such nonsense. Which is not always the case. Much of the US worst events have already happened Decades ago. Travel, enjoy and worry not about that of which you have no control, other than turning off the TV fear mongers trying to control you. |
For you it will Mouldydog! You should stay at home, stay off the net, turn all your power off, if you must go out ride a pushbike!
:nono: |
Big time. Once a country declares a "State of Siege" it will become quite difficult to cross borders or continents. I'm surprised to see actual climate deniers on this site. I guess HUBB members don't read science journals and believe this is all just a Bible story. :rofl: |
if you were from Minnesota I could understand your thread,but how do you get cabin fever in California???? |
enjoy your ARk |
:rofl: What? Me Worry? :rofl: We knew this was coming back in 1977 when I landed in a Twin Otter on a Tabular ice berg the size of New Hampshire. (1/3 size of UK?) Also the year they discovered a hole in the Ozone among other things we did that year. I supported Glaciologists (and many other scientists from many disciplines) in Antarctic from '76 to '79. They knew little back then ... but have learned a whole lot more since. The rapid changes that are now well documented are unprecedented ... and show things that normally would take thousands (or ten's of thousands) of years to occur are happening all the time. And that's a fact. I remember interviewing a 89 year old Fisherman in Peru' in 1975. This back when the first "El Nino" was happening. This old guy said he'd never seen anything like it ... and nothing similar had happened during his or his Fathers' lifetime (Father lived into his 80's). More recently in Peru', they've had massive Fish die offs no one can explain. Tens of millions of dead Fish. Explain please. :innocent: So nearly 200 years (a spec in geologic time) of personal experience from some modest fisherfolk of Peru'. What does it mean? These guys spend their life at sea in small boats. The changes the old man saw he could not believe nor explain. He could only cry. At the time I had no idea what climate change or global warming was, but we sure as Hell could see something was up and knew this old guy was not making any of this up. Since then much has been uncovered, studied and proven. 90% of serious, credentialed scientists believe Climate Change is real ... and have PROOF. What's your proof? The Bible? :rofl: Are ALL these scientists being "paid off"? Are they Commie Rats? And why are the oil companies trying so hard (and spending millions) to shut them up! doh (but can't!) ?c? It's real folks. Get used to it. This is not some Hippy conspiracy. But back to the question ... how will you get on your bike and ride once the world begins to fall into chaos? Govts. collapse, infrastructure fails and there is no one around to "Fix things"? :oops2: |
Scientists need money my dear, the money is in being an Alarmist, actually it usually is.
Not sure why you have to belittle other members, cant you just sit down and open your mind? |
In the 1930's the Germans realised their standard of living could not be sustained given that their agricultural output was maxed out and they were running out of people to sell basic manufactured goods to. A nasty little man and a few dodgy scientists offered a solution that involved the biggest war ever. The rebuild made the cake bigger but sliced it a bit more evenly, hence our grand parents could travel more freely.
Today we have massive populations who aren't going to live at a tenth of US standards, yet the planet is no bigger. Efficiency solutions may come, but you can expect a few fast and easy solutions involving simply grabbing a bomb and moving to where they have air conditioning in the mean time. How we live and travel now is as unsustainable as century old dreams of treking across Africa with teams of natives to carry your gramophone, dinner service and wine cellar. If we are lucky there will be space for us all on the bus tours, if not we may be going fully funded but all dressed in khaki. Wishful thinking by air conditioning owners will not change the simple sum of world GDP divided by world population. Andy |
Back to the original question..........if you bikes are getting a little damp, buy a 4x4 and stay dry and cosy :D Personally I see the current global conflicts, IS etc as more of a threat to adventure travel than Global Warming |
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