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Samke 17 Dec 2013 13:21

Working in America
Hello all,

Hope you're all well. Just thought I would put this question out there.

Me and my man are hoping to ride along the River Road in the States (Terlingua to Big Bend, Texas) next Summer. It will be both our first times to the country and so we want to make the most of it.

Seeing as it falls in quite well with both our job situations right now, we were thinking of trying to spend something like a few months out there, and possible get some casual work to keep us going. Farm work, fruit picking, odd jobs etc ...

Does anyone know if this would be at all possible (we're both Brits) or are we just day dreaming here??

I mean is there a website that caters for this kind of thing (something like WOOFing but with a bit of cash) or will we have to go through the whole serious immigration process??


AndyT 17 Dec 2013 23:08

Not to be too much of a wet blanket, but be aware that what you want to do is illegal, and will likely get you deported if you are caught. You will be competing with Mexicans and Central Americans for those jobs, here in the southwest. I don't know what ethnicity you are, but you will probably stand out against that crowd, which may be a good thing or not. That said, people do it, just be aware of the risks.

The Big Bend area is beautiful, in its desolate sort of way, I have spent a fair amount of time out there myself. I live in San Antonio, and if you want specific recommendations on the Big Bend area, get in touch.

Danny Diego 18 Dec 2013 02:47

That was an accurate response. Visitors absolutely cannot work and the consequences are fairly disastrous. First-hand experience.

My advice: don't plan on working in any way, shape or form while in the US.

Warin 18 Dec 2013 03:53

You can always apply for a working visa .. depending on your age you might get a student working visa. I expect they are hard to get due to unemployment there?

Far easier to get a tourist visa .. and not work there. You will find you get more money by working in your home country especially as you already know how to live cheaply (no eating out, home prepared lunch for work, cheap places to buy things etc etc). Boring but more money for touring. jeiger

Jamie Z 18 Dec 2013 05:52

Even though I have practically no experience in this topic, I had to respond.

People work in the US illegally all the time. It's one of the big current political debates. There are perhaps millions of people here working illegally. Most of them are Mexican, and most work menial labor jobs in construction and agriculture. You don't want those jobs, and I don't think you'd easily get hired. The owners who hire illegal workers know who they're looking for and some fancypants Brits walking in wanting to pick apples for 16 hours a day isn't going to go very far.

Yes. It's illegal, and getting caught could put you in a spot of trouble, however, I wouldn't see any problem with working informally, such as babysitting, yard work, or other sorts of temporary labor. Even filling it at a locally owned restaurant as a server for a couple of days shouldn't be trouble, even if it is technically against the law. Another common place for illegal workers is cleaning rooms in locally owned motels, many of which are run by immigrants.

Check out craigslist.org. There are job postings there (as well as many other things), and you can also post for yourself for free. If you peruse the local craigslist, I'm sure you'd find someone who's willing to pay someone to paint or mow a lawn or do any number of random tasks.

I doubt you can line up anything in advance and it'd be tough to find any sort of regular work, but once you have your boots on the ground, and maybe after you meet a few people, it wouldn't be hard to mention that you're looking for a couple days honest work and something might pop up.

My only actual experience in this was about ten years ago, I was traveling with a buddy and we got to talking to a local guy who needed some work done. We ended up helping him for about a day and a half and he paid us each $100 cash. We didn't sign any papers or agree to any employment terms. He needed some labor, we helped him out, and he gave us some money. Was it illegal? Probably... but is anyone going to come after us for it? Probably not. Then again, it was a completely random encounter, so it's not something one could count on.


farqhuar 22 Dec 2013 10:22

As pointed out by other posters, the USA (NOT America, which is two continents) is a third world nation and you cannot expect to earn a liveable income as an itinerant (or even, for a huge percentage of the population, as as a permanent resident).

Far better to earn, and save, your funds in a first world european nation where you will earn a much higher hourly rate, and enjoy a far more comfortable existence than attempting to live on the breadline in the USA.

wheatwhacker 25 Dec 2013 14:02

What kind of job skills do you have?
Wages in some sectors in the US are way over European, more way under.
Being a good waitress can make you a ton of money in tips.
There are over 10 million illegals working in the USA, I don't think a few more will make a difference.
Most unskilled workers in the USA are barely making it from one week to the next due to the monopoly of box stores, corporate farms, etc, forcing small business out of business thus taking advantage of the masses of unskilled labor available to them.
Middle class skilled union labor have a comfortable lifestyle thanks to the above.
You as a tourist, will unfortunately be at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the labor pool unless, you have very good contacts who can help elevate you up a little.
As an example, a skilled construction equipment union operator can make $35/hr on a construction site and a farm equipment operator driving a tractor on an non union farm will only get $8/hr, both requiring the same skill.
In Europe, these guys would both make the same money, approx 14 euro/hour.

Danny Diego 25 Dec 2013 17:29

Even working as an illegal in the US, you'll be treated much better than aussies treat the Aboriginies.:eek3:

That's just sad but true...

wheatwhacker 25 Dec 2013 19:23

I do have a friend in SF in the moving business, also from the UK, London to be exact who can give you some work if you need it.
"Bring him on mate" was his response.
PM me if you want his details.

Chrispy 25 Dec 2013 20:38


Even working as an illegal in the US, you'll be treated much better than aussies treat the Aboriginies.

That's just sad but true...
Wow! That sounds like a well informed and experienced statement.

I know we haven't had the cleanest record with our indigenous population in the past, but before you throw stones maybe you'd better take a good look around in your own back yard at the native Americans (Yes they were there before the Mayflower) or the rich historical period of slavery that occurred in the USA.

Please tell us of the ill treatment you have witnessed of Aboriginals (who are also Aussies) by us "Aussies" or was it another one eyed national geographic channel documentry?

johnnail 26 Dec 2013 02:12

Fellas, California is not REALLY in the United States..........:rofl:

Danny Diego 26 Dec 2013 05:39


Originally Posted by Mezo (Post 448041)
Your very ill informed my friend, ignorant even but certainly not any truth in your poor choice of words.


To make a comment like that, I take it you're one of that continent's indigenous folks.

That, or ignorance or wishful thinking.

C'mon, you know and I know I'm right, "mate." bier

Danny Diego 26 Dec 2013 17:42


Originally Posted by Mezo (Post 448060)
Im neither Aussie (indigenous or otherwise) or ignorant, im a traveler who has lived here for many years so i have an unbiased & educated opinion.

I have even been to your town, but ill keep that opinion to myself.


If you have time while you're living there, why don't you chat with the locals. You know, the ones with skin darker than yours?

I think you'll find their opinions enlightening.

And quite contrary to yours...:nono:

Maggie5373 26 Dec 2013 20:03

Hi ya I will be out in texas next summer too I have a job set up but wanna do loads o biking I will be out there may till mid sept give me a shout as it would be great to have others to go out on bike with

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