Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Malarone Tablets (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travel-equipment-for-sale-wanted/malarone-tablets-70691)

Dazzerrtw 9 Jun 2013 12:15

Malarone Tablets
We have 9 x 12 packs of Malarone 108 tablets left over from our trip.

These were bought on prescription from our Doctor here in the UK and provided by Newark pharmacist. ( please note..These were Not bought on the internet or outside of the UK as we worry about fake tablets )

All are still in there original sealed foil packaging and Boxes with our Name on the Boxes from the prescription .

PLEASE check with your own Doctor that your OK to take Malarone before buying.

Asking £300 for 9 x 12 packs This price includes post and packing with in the UK. Small fee for posting outside of the UK.

Thanks Dazzer and Leigh

Mods. If you wish to remove this for sale Add it's OK with me. Thanks

Toyark 20 Jun 2013 11:48

If you would like to donate them foc, I know of orphanages that really need this.
Do contact me for info.
I know it is cheeky of me to ask but it's the only way I know!

palace15 20 Jun 2013 16:13

dazzer donated so much on his RTW trip that he ran over budget in South America, and despite a nomination to the Ted Simon foundation, it appears he has been ignored for inclusion.

Dazzerrtw 30 Jun 2013 18:58

open to a offer.

markharf 30 Jun 2013 20:59

I buy leftover Malarone regularly from people posting here and on the LP forums. I've got plenty at the moment, but thought I'd offer my perspective:

The sweet spot for pricing is half of retail, shipping included. If you want to sell, offer at that price point or lower.

Personally, I've always favored buying from people who plan to donate the proceeds to charity. There have been enough of these to keep me well-supplied for many years.

Hope that's helpful. If not, you know what to do.


Dazzerrtw 18 Jul 2013 00:28

Still for sale will take £200

*Touring Ted* 20 Jul 2013 08:17


Originally Posted by docsherlock (Post 429936)
Probably not very funny for the buyer...... but you wouldn't give a toss about that as long as you get your money, right?


Come on now.... No need for that !! The hubb is a smiley happy place.

FYI, a good friend of mine is a pharmasist..

I have Malerone tablets that has been in my draw for about 5 years. In a plastic screw top bottle. I asked him about it for when I took them to Africa.

He looked it up on his official computer database thingy that they have... He said they will be just fine. If they are stored in a dry place without contamination.. (obviously no 100% guarantees).

Lowever buget hospitals all over the world are stocked full of medication that has passed it's expiry date or left out in the sun for months on end.

Pharmasutical companies are just like supermarkets... They make up a lot of crap about expiry dates to make more money.

docsherlock 20 Jul 2013 08:44

"Malarone Oral Storage Store at room temperature at 77 degrees F (25 degrees C) away from light and moisture. Brief storage between 59-86 degrees F (15-30 degrees C) is permitted. Do not store in the bathroom"

I hear ya Ted; but I think it is unlikely that the drugs on offer will have been properly stored and that could cost someone their life.

Expired drugs can be very dangerous - google expired tetracycline for example. Most drug expiry dates, however, indicate the date after which the active compound is no longer guaranteed to be as active as it should be even if it has been stored in optimal conditions. That's a hell of a gamble for you when you are talking about a life threatening illness.

As I keep sayin' about his and other issues, though, you pays your money and you takes your choice. I don't buy drugs in the third world either - at least not expensive ones..... (less profit and therefore incentive to fake the cheaper ones).

Buying second hand drugs is not like buying a second hand bike - you really don't know what you are getting; it may, for example, be fake shit that was bought in Africa - you just don't know. Or it could be bona fide shit that was carted around the world in a pannier or rucksack. And both scenarios could cost you dear.

Now ask yourself - what incentive do I have, other than informing you lot, to say what I say? I don't own a pharmacy. I make no profit on drugs you buy. Maybe, just maybe, I'm trying to help some one out [other than the purveyor of substandard drugs, that is].

Just sayin', that's all.



Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 429940)
Come on now.... No need for that !! The hubb is a smiley happy place.

FYI, a good friend of mine is a pharmasist..

I have Malerone tablets that has been in my draw for about 5 years. In a plastic screw top bottle. I asked him about it for when I took them to Africa.

He looked it up on his official computer database thingy that they have... He said they will be just fine. If they are stored in a dry place without contamination.. (obviously no 100% guarantees).

Lowever buget hospitals all over the world are stocked full of medication that has passed it's expiry date or left out in the sun for months on end.

Pharmasutical companies are just like supermarkets... They make up a lot of crap about expiry dates to make more money.

docsherlock 20 Jul 2013 08:56

Blimey, the mods are up early in the UK today.....

markharf 20 Jul 2013 09:14


Calling someone you don't know a "tosser" doesn't help your case. Nor does railing about stuff you don't know about, e.g., what was stored where or under what conditions.

There are legitimate concerns with buying or selling meds without Western prescriptions, whether from pharmacies or people advertising on internet forums. On many occasions these concerns can be addressed to my satisfaction--although apparently not to yours. The twice I've had acute malaria it was US-manufactured, pharmacy-fresh medicine which let me down. Haven't had a problem yet with the Malarone I've purchased off the HUBB or LP forums. That might not mean much to you, but in my country we call that the first hint of empirical evidence.


docsherlock 20 Jul 2013 14:21

n=1, possibly n=2.

Irrelevant with regard to any kind of evidence, even in your country. n=6000 or so and I might be interested in it.

Your choice, Mark. You have obviously found out the hard way that chemoprophylaxis is only a part of the solution (the main one being bite avoidance which gets much less attention as it takes a lot of effort).

I merely offer the opinion that buying second hand medicine of any kind is likely to be a false economy and in the case of some diseases a fatal one.

If someone is happy to sell on "used" medicine knowing that to an unsuspecting traveler that says a lot about them.

If someone is happy to buy "used" medicines to save some money, the risk is their choice as long as they are informed.

As I previously wrote, I don't have any kind of vested interest in this topic except to offer professional advice in travelers' best interests.

What is the OP's vested interest in opposing my opinion? What is yours?


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 429947)

Calling someone you don't know a "tosser" doesn't help your case. Nor does railing about stuff you don't know about, e.g., what was stored where or under what conditions.

There are legitimate concerns with buying or selling meds without Western prescriptions, whether from pharmacies or people advertising on internet forums. On many occasions these concerns can be addressed to my satisfaction--although apparently not to yours. The twice I've had acute malaria it was US-manufactured, pharmacy-fresh medicine which let me down. Haven't had a problem yet with the Malarone I've purchased off the HUBB or LP forums. That might not mean much to you, but in my country we call that the first hint of empirical evidence.


Dazzerrtw 20 Jul 2013 22:36

Thankfully while the nutter's are sat in door's on their computers .It leaves the roads a bit safer of us riders to enjoy .




Originally Posted by docsherlock (Post 429945)
"Malarone Oral Storage Store at room temperature at 77 degrees F (25 degrees C) away from light and moisture. Brief storage between 59-86 degrees F (15-30 degrees C) is permitted. Do not store in the bathroom"

I hear ya Ted; but I think it is unlikely that the drugs on offer will have been properly stored and that could cost someone their life.

Expired drugs can be very dangerous - google expired tetracycline for example. Most drug expiry dates, however, indicate the date after which the active compound is no longer guaranteed to be as active as it should be even if it has been stored in optimal conditions. That's a hell of a gamble for you when you are talking about a life threatening illness.

As I keep sayin' about his and other issues, though, you pays your money and you takes your choice. I don't buy drugs in the third world either - at least not expensive ones..... (less profit and therefore incentive to fake the cheaper ones).

Buying second hand drugs is not like buying a second hand bike - you really don't know what you are getting; it may, for example, be fake shit that was bought in Africa - you just don't know. Or it could be bona fide shit that was carted around the world in a pannier or rucksack. And both scenarios could cost you dear.

Now ask yourself - what incentive do I have, other than informing you lot, to say what I say? I don't own a pharmacy. I make no profit on drugs you buy. Maybe, just maybe, I'm trying to help some one out [other than the purveyor of substandard drugs, that is].

Just sayin', that's all.


Did you ask where and how the Malarone had been kept ? ...No.

Did you ask what the Expiry date was ? No.

These were not to be needed until well into our trip and were left in the UK and were to be brought out to us over Christmas when our Kids came over to spend some time with us.

I should think enough people on This site have meet and ridden with me at one of my many Trail riding / camping weekends to know that what I was trying to do was help out another traveler save some money .

After selling our house and all it's contents to fund our trip ,and giving all our cloths to The British Heart foundation and Salvation Army , Now back in the UK with no Job's as yet, were no longer in a financial position to give any thing else away until were both back working.

You do not know me or anything about the help we have given to the needy on our trips, but you seem to think it far to call me a T@sser !

If I may pass on some advise to you that my mother taught me... If you have nothing nice to say about someone , then don't say anything :nono:


Nigel Marx 21 Jul 2013 03:39

And with that, I think everyone has covered what they need to say and I will lock this thread.


Nigel in NZ

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