Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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W-D-L 26 Nov 2004 11:17

First time...Help......
Im 18 from the states, I have taken a year off from school and have about 15000 $ saved for a trip. I would like to do europe via motorcycle for about 2 or 3 months probally from march to mid june or somthing along those lines. This is my first time planning somthing like this and any tips and help would be greatfull. Thanks for your time.


Mick O'Malley 26 Nov 2004 14:57


My suggestions, FWTW, assuming that you are most comfortable speaking English.

1) Make your trip May-July; then you can camp, much much cheaper!

2) Contact communities near to where your 'plane will land (London?) and arrange accommodation.

3) Pack minimal personal effects and come.

4) Buy everything, inc. bike here (practically any bike will do as Europe is almost all tarmac) and go.

5) Sell it all again here before returning.

Good Luck.


W-D-L 26 Nov 2004 19:31

Thanks squidbrian for the tips. You have any Idea on how I would go about getting insurance on the bike? Or would the greencard insurance cover it.....really all I want is the minimum I need to cross the majority of borders.

[This message has been edited by W-D-L (edited 26 November 2004).]

beddhist 26 Nov 2004 23:13

Since you are thinking of buying a bike in Europe, insuring it is not an issue: it's compulsory. In just about all EU countries there is a plethora of companies to choose from.

First, you need to decide in which country you are going to buy it.

The problem may be one of getting an official address. This has been discussed before around here.

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


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