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Roel van Ulft 25 May 2007 09:01

Iran (??)
Hello all,
At the mo ravelling in Oz and enjoying it (except that is an ver-regulated country..)
Have heard rumours tha Iran (where we were last July) has banned all foreign vehicles entering!! What's true abot this rumour??????????

We have read in the newspaper yesterday here n OZ that fuelprices have gone up with 25% in Iran (so now it is $0.03 instead of $0.02....bummer) and that the fuel is rationed o 3 litres a day.
Wonder really if you can't enter Iran anymore as ths would be sh*t for general overland travel.


ozhanu 25 May 2007 11:54


I've just got fresh information for you from my Iranian friend. According to new legistlation done by Ahmetinejat government, they give you a card or something like voucher. This voucher allows you to get 50 L. petrol for $0.20 per liter. After that you have to pay $0.80 per liter. World is changing so does the Iran. No more cheap petrol.

However, he (my friend) told that things are changing very fast in Iran, so no one knows what gonna happen after 10 days.

But this is the situation for now. Hope this helps.

Good Luck

beddhist 25 May 2007 16:39

Will tourists get this card, too, or not?

ozhanu 25 May 2007 21:06


Originally Posted by beddhist (Post 137574)
Will tourists get this card, too, or not?

he said that that apply for eveyone, for tourists as well. i guess you get the voucher/card on the border. i am not sure.

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