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elefantman 28 Oct 2003 16:44

Shaving on the road
Minimalists (aren't we all?) take note:

Living in Ireland for a while and I've discovered this stuff called Total Shaving Solution http://www.totalshave.com/ It's a shaving oil that comes in a tiny bottle smaller than my thumb. You use it instead of shaving cream or soap. Three drops of this stuff is enough for a nice smooth shave. You splash your face with water, then rub the stuff in, then shave away. Nice fresh feel and smell too 'cos it's made from natural oils n stuff.

Supposed to be enough in the bottle for about 90 shaves, although I use four drops rather than three when I want to spoil myself ;-) . I go with a Mach 3 razor and don't replace the blade often enough but it still shaves well. When we're back on the road I'll be taking this stuff.

If you google Total Shaving Solution there seem to be other versions of it available in different countries but the one I've got is at the website I've listed, and you can buy it online.

Waz the Elefantman

Simon Kennedy 10 Dec 2003 04:09

I really never got on with this stuff so I started using a little shaving stick and a brush. This packs small, lasts forever, and is a very pleasant ritual in the morning.

PanEuropean 19 Dec 2003 11:28

I have found that Four Seasons Hotels and the better quality Hiltons usually include a small tube or can of shaving cream in the amenity kit in the bathroom, this saves having to carry an aerosol can around in the moto... http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Jerome 22 Dec 2003 08:25

Travel light - Fwiw I only use a razor and the hottest water I can find.

If you get professionally shaved they always use very hot water. It softens bristles more than any foam/gunge will do.

Plus soap etc will dry your skin http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif



POB/London 22 Dec 2003 22:23

King of Shaves also comes in a small bottle.
Hair conditioner works really well (if you have some handy (are travelling with a woman)).


CraigT 20 May 2004 09:52


Originally posted by POB/London:
King of Shaves also comes in a small bottle.
Thanks for the suggestion. King of Shaves shaving oil is available in the US. It works great.

[This message has been edited by CraigT (edited 20 May 2004).]

mcdarbyfeast 20 May 2004 10:35

Why not take the opportunity to join us beardy's! Saves time and money. You just wash 'n' go!!!

[This message has been edited by mcdarbyfeast (edited 20 May 2004).]

simmo 20 May 2004 15:27

Ever wondered why they have barber shops?

maja 20 May 2004 16:28

Albert Einstien + the inventor of Bic disposable razors both proved that any form of soaping prior to shaving is wasted. The late much lamented author of the BBC's "Letter from America", a more clean shaven chap you couldn't have wished to meet, also took this view. For myself I have found over many years of touring on a bike where the engine sits on the saddle and the weight of kit really is important that using only a disposable razor directly after a shower cold or hot does the trick. Ocham himself could do no better. Ride safe, Maja

mcdarbyfeast 20 May 2004 23:58

Best shave I ever had was in a barber shop in Cyprus for less than 30p.

Go on, grow the beard and save the 30p!

Andrew Baker 19 Jun 2004 19:47

I use a Philips elctric travel shaver (under £10 at Currys in UK) 2 AA Batteries last for weeks - why ponce about wasting water. They're also guaranteed for 2 years. Model is HD40 or similar.


colesyboy 19 Jun 2004 20:17

King a shaves and other teeny tiny oils are the best, wish I had stocked up on at least 3 tiny bottles when I left the US, southbound as getting hold of a bottle in Mexico - CA and the top half of SA proved to be bloody impossible.

Yes, shaving is vanity, but when my girl puts her hand on my face and purrs....its a nice feeling.


Cugel 28 Jun 2004 05:31

In the interests of science I carried out a small test today. I had a shave in cold water. Test conditions were as follows:

razor: new gillette mach 3 turbo blade
cream: Clinique shave cream (high wus factor I know)
timing: post shower (about 3 mins)

process factors:
frequent rinsing of blade (after every couple of strokes)
mostly shaving with the grain, though a couple of strokes were against

the result:
great shave, no bumps, so sore bits

What gives? Since year dot I've been told that a good shave needs hot water. In the the Dirty Dozen there is a prisoner's revolt of the lack of such.

There is potential here. Its one less kettle full of water to heat when out in the sticks. Try it guys.

MoroCycler 22 Sep 2004 17:17

Any kind of oil (but motor oil) does a great job in shaving, try and you´ll see

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