Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Spare keys. We all take them but where do you hide them? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travel-hints-and-tips/spare-keys-we-all-take-20706)

Nikola_M 20 Nov 2005 13:34


Originally posted by ArschaufGrundeis:
If I were a thief, now i would know where to look.
This is the best answer.

madmarco 21 Nov 2005 00:11

In my front indicator lights, right next to the lamp, but so that you can't see it through the plastic. Lasted more than a year on my bike.

indu 21 Nov 2005 03:44


Originally posted by madmarco:
In my front indicator lights, right next to the lamp, but so that you can't see it through the plastic. Lasted more than a year on my bike.
So what happened after a year? Stolen?

Wheelie 21 Nov 2005 12:57

Parts like indicator lights can themselves get stolen... In the pursuit of easy to steal parts, your key might get discovered, and your whole ride lost... If you are the paranoid type, I'd concider some other hiding place.

JamesCo 21 Nov 2005 16:37

My two cents: on my KLR I wrapped the spare keys & emergency money in plastic, then duct-tape and zip-tied them to the frame, under the fuel-tank. Therefore the seat, side-panels and tank had to come off to get to them, which seemed an unlikely thing for a thief to do unless he had the whole bike in his garage, anyway ...

For any bike-nappers reading this: nope, I don't have a KLR any more http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/wink.gif

Vaufi 21 Nov 2005 18:30

The ideas with rear light box or indicators doesn't appeal to me at all. Happens at times that they get bashed - not only by you. Neither do I consider it a good idea to stuff it under the rubber of the footrest. Too moch danger of loosing it. Driving on dirt roads will probably give it a good battering when fastened under the fender.
I think a pretty good solution is under the tank. Not too much hassle for you, but enough for a thief.

BobnLesley 28 Nov 2005 17:42

For various items, I've used: -
Rear light housing - usually space behind the reflector (indicator housings can break open in even minor spills)
Inside the handlebars - attach to a strong fishing line and secure that under the left end bar rubber.
Inside the petrol tank - well sealed fuel-proof container, connected with a light chain to the fuel cap.
If you're daft enough to hide things you really shouldn't in any of these, be warned that the Indian Police (Goa)checked tank and rear light hidey-holes during what I think was a drugs search.


Thermal 18 Jan 2006 05:03

Grind down the wide part of the key, then stick it inside a length of rubber vacuum hose or fuel line, zip-tie it to some of those hoses running around your bike.

Shells 18 Jan 2006 13:47

Under the seat worked for me.

I also gave a set to my travel buddy (although that is only an option as long as you are travelling together!). And left the unique honda key number with a mate back home in case I needed another one cut and sent to me.

I didn't opt for having a spare on a neclace in case I was ever in a situation when someone demanded it from me (hey, I grew up in Jo'burg, I can't help it!) - instinctively I would want to tell them to get stuffed... so, not the smartest option for a 5'7 girl http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Shells (edited 18 January 2006).]

ct_miller13 24 Feb 2006 06:25

Depending on the bike you have here are my suggestions:
-Taped to the bottom inside of the headlight casing, or turn signals.
-May fit into the handle bar with a string tied to the key and taped to the inside of the bar end.
-riderwarehouse.com has a backing plate for the license plate, which is a small comparment to stash, well, stashable things.

[This message has been edited by ct_miller13 (edited 24 February 2006).]

jedi knight 24 Feb 2006 20:21

Have any of you seen Pulp Fiction?

newfie 20 Mar 2006 21:56

where to hide spare key ??
on the bike. cover your spare key with black electrical tape, remove one license plate bolt and attach key behind the plate.

Enigma!? 8 Apr 2006 17:06

Here's an idea almost no one will twig to. Go get some silicon sealant. Find a nice place to hide your key. Put the silicon sealant on it and wait till it dries. Spray paint it black or an appropriate colour.

The key remains safe, and looks like a bodgied up repair. Or if you hide it under / behind something it may just look like it is supposed to be glued there anyway. Or with a little talent the silicone can be moulded like it is part of the bike - food pad, grip area etc. Silicone comes in clear and non clear so if you get the non clear that's usually a better start.

In the event of lost keys it is so much easier to peel off the silicone and use the key than most other methods.

I can see this will also be of use with other methods like hiding it under pedal rubber. The silicone can be used to seal he foot pedal on. Oh, don't put it in your cas tank.

It can sit there for years until you need it.

Gecko 26 Apr 2006 14:13

Now that is a good idea.....if only I can find a way to keep the batteries in the remote control for the alarm and immobiliser fresh for years too I'll be set :)

loxsmith 27 Apr 2006 05:36

From a Locksmiths point of view it pays to keep or write down the code number from the metal tag supplied with the keys for a new bike. Some brands may have the key code number stamped on the blade of the key. Others have the code stamped on the face of the lock around where you insert the key. Either way this code will enable a Locksmith to cut a key when all others are lost.
As for some later models, they have a transponder chip embedded in the head of the key which must be programmed to match the bikes ECU, can get very expensive and time consuming.


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