Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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motolight 13 Mar 2015 15:35

Hey folks!

A little help with Russian untranslated terms:

constant velocity jnt. >> ШРУС [SHRUs], which is abbreviation of Шарнир Равных Угловых Скоростей (sharNIR RAVnykh ugloVYKH skoroSTEY)

piston slap >> стук в поршневой [STUk v porshneVOI], which is literally can be translated back as "rattling in piston-cilinder group". I hope I got it right.

easy out (removes broken screws by drilling a hole into screw and inserting this) >> экстрактор [extRAKtor] \ вывёртыш [vyVYORtysh]

overhead valves >> клапана верхнего расположения [klapaNA VERKHnego raspoloZHENiya]

also, a little changes I suggest:

exhaust valve >> выпускной клапан [vypuskNOI KLApan]

filter (air filter) [oil filter] >> воздушный (air) фильтр [vozDUSHniy FIL'tr] \ масло (oil) фильтр [MASlo FIL'tr]

fuel lever (petcock lever) >> топливный кран [TOplivnyii KRAN] \ бензокран [benzoKRAN]

fuse (fuse box) >> предохранитель [predokhraNItel'] (блок предохранителей [BLOK predokhraNItelei)

to loosen >> ослабить [osLAbit']

Hope this helps :)

P.S. And for Common Phrases:

Can I camp here? >> Можно ли поставить здесь палатку? [MOzhno LI poSTAvit' ZDES' paLATku?], which is literally can be translated back as "can I place a tent here?"

UPD: triple clamp >> траверса (TRAversa)

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